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The Tahr 6.x Live CD

Posted: Mon 31 Oct 2016, 06:49
by anotherpuppyfan
I noticed that in Tahr 6.0 that the start page/help page that pop up after the first boot or install process has outdated information. (References to Puppy 4.3 and the 5's which made me wonder who is updating the information to make it more relevant and applicable).

Puppy has been sliding out of favor on the website. This upsets me because of my long-term promotion of Puppy. Someone said it was because Puppy wasn't featuring a new distro at the time. But now, some months later, Puppy has slid further and it doesn't seem like that is the reason.

I know that part of the issue is all the old info you can find on various links on it. I request that someone research and update the outdated stuff so that Puppy can once again look like someone is actively managing it and cleaning up it's embarrassingly aged info.

I found the usefulness of Puppy in 2005 in rescuing a Pentium 1 Dell laptop. The crew at the Recycling/Refurbishing Center were so impressed they adopted Puppy as a test medium for determining the viability of donated computers for re-use.

I want to see Puppy returned to it's former glory. Puppy's a great distro. It deserves closer scrutiny in all aspects.

addition to my comments

Posted: Mon 31 Oct 2016, 20:19
by anotherpuppyfan
The page I am speaking of is what opens when you open the web browser Full Moon. This start page is found on most all Puppy distros current and in the distant past.