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How to get Ralink USB Wifi Adapter working in Wary5.5?

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 03:58
by Axfinger

I am a very new linux user, although I used a redhat version some years ago. I just installed Wary 5.5 on my really old Pentium 3 Dell Inspirion 5000 laptop the other day in the hopes of turning unused scrap into something usable again. I managed (with some difficulty) to get Wary 5.5 running on it now, however I have run into trouble getting my internet connection to work. This laptop does not have any internal wireless capability and seems not to have a standard RJ45 jack for its LAN connection. I was going to use my USB wireless adapter, but I can't seem to find out which driver to use for it or how to make the ndiswrapper work for it since it was a Win98 machine. I went through a similar thread and found this info about my usb stick:

Vendor=148f ProdID=5572 Rev=1.01
Product=802.11 n WLAN

If anyone knows how to get this to work in Wary 5.5 it would be much appreciated.

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 14:39
by Flash
A newer version of Puppy might detect and use the wireless adapter right out of the box. Rather than install different versions of Puppy just to find out if they'll use your wireless adapter, it might be quicker to burn them to CD or DVD, which you would then boot with the puppy pfix=ram boot option. Or I think you could put them on a USB flash drive and boot them from that, but I'm not very experienced at that.

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 15:21
by Semme
Welcome Mate!

Is that a full install you've got there?

Open a terminal and type: lsmod << Lowercase "L" starts this>

Use shift+up/down and look for rt2800usb.. Is it listed?

Other than the revision you've supplied, here's the page.

That thing got a CD drive where you could boot a more current pup build?


Yep! Provided the 2800's your driver, Wary's kernel is stale.

I've got an old box too and find Tahr 605 quite suitable..

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 16:34
by Axfinger
Thanks for your response!

Yes it is a full install, I checked around before installing and because of my systems 128mB of RAM it was recommended to me to do a Wary full install with a swap file.

I am a little confused about your directions for lsmod. I have tried lsmod, lspci, and lsusb and nowhere do I see ralink2800, although my original instructions were to find that driver and blacklist it. I have seen that driver on my driver list through the network connection wizard though so, and I know Wary 5.5 is built on an old kernal.

This system actually has both a USB and a CD ROM, although I had to use the later to get Puppy on this computer because it was running in Win98 so things like UNETBOOTIN did not work with it.

Its a little disappointing to have to start over with a new distro, but I suppose I can if that's what I need to do. Is Tahr 605 your top suggestion, or should I poke around some more??

Thanks for the help

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 16:38
by Semme
Hmm, Tahr where your card's concerned, but not the RAM.. It's super low.

Any way you could pack that thing with a bit more?

RAM's pretty cheap these days..

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 18:43
by Axfinger
Yeah the RAM is super low, which is why I went for Wary. I'm not really looking to buy or put anything else into this laptop. It was just meant as a little side project and I wanted to see what I could do with it without any hardware modification, since I already have a nice fairly nice modern desktop with 16GB of RAM.

Anyhow I looked around more and it seems that most people with these sorts of problems in Wary tend to get pointed to other distros rather than trying to make it work in Wary. The dev himself (Barry) seems to be considering retiring Wary anyhow in favor of Precise, Which is what I think I will try. I plugged in a USB to RJ45 Ethernet converter and it works great, I was just hoping to make wireless work was all.

All in all, its amazing to see youtube and the modern internet more or less working on this old computer that was never meant for 2016 anyway. Thanks again for your help, fingers crossed for Precise.

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 19:09
by Semme
Ethernet's one thing, wireless another.

As per 571's release announcement:
Retro kernel 3.2.48 with many 3rd party drivers and f2fs patch.

Modern kernel 3.9.11, PAE, i686.
According to WikiDevi, that stick wants 3.10+

And yes, Pup IS quite <using this word loosely> AMAZING!