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Posted: Wed 27 Jul 2016, 12:10
by labbe5

Mintpup or Xenialdog users have an easy way to install Photivo with PPA :
ppa:dhor/myway It is Open Source and free to use.

It has the following features:
◾16-bit internal processing with LCMS2 color management
◾works with RAW and bitmaps files
◾integration of Gimp workflow for import and export
◾adaptive saturation.
◾film grain simulation
◾cross processing
◾black and white conversion.


After installation you can use Photivo by just calling :

If it doesn't start, maybe your settings got screwed somehow. Clear them with:

Gimp Integration

Photivo to Gimp

Copy ptGimp to your local gimp plugins folder, which is usually located at ~/.gimp-2.*/plug-ins. Now the gimp export button of Photivo will send the image in the current pipe to Gimp, including EXIF data and output colour profile. Use the context menu on the Gimp button to get full size export.

Gimp to Photivo

Sending images from Gimp to Photivo is done by a Python script. Copy the script file mm extern to your local Gimp plugins folder, see above for the proper locations. Note: It has to be the plugins folder, not the scripts folder! You’ll find a new Gimp menu entry Filters › MM-Filters › Export to Photivo.

Beginners will not feel right at home with Photivo, there is a steep learning curve before you can master all features. And it needs a lot of processing power, so it's not for the usual Puppy on older hardware.

But we can say the same thing for most of Raw processors, such as Darktable, Raw Therapee, etc, but Lightzone is less intimidating, more user-friendly, from personal experience, and works with Puppy without too much processing powers, depending on the size of files you work with.

What is RAW ? Which Cameras, Why RAW ?

Posted: Fri 29 Jul 2016, 15:29
by Pelo
Raw is rare, very rare, Only some Canon and Nikon do it, for studios for magazines or Advertising.
Users will precise my infos.
Mtpaint : i am still learning functions. Transparency remains a mistery for me. Puppy Linux is easy, but sometimes still to complicated
Lazpaint has some funny functions. Tintii to.
Photivo, i will try with XenialDog, forgotten on its brand new 8GB pendrive.
I wait that technicians leave on a newer version to give my opinion about applications as Photivo or Lazpaint

Photivo is not available in standard repositories XenialDog.

Posted: Fri 29 Jun 2018, 00:45
by hamoudoudou
Photivo is not available in standard repositories XenialDog..
just a feedback I don't need photivo.