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My humbling experience (& review) of Puppy Linux

Posted: Tue 29 Sep 2015, 18:54
by ldvivier

I recently left my PC off for a week. Came back home. Booted it up. Heard a horrible noise that sounded like the HD head just clicking away. Nothing on the screen.

Eventually got my PC running.

In between these two events I stressed my ass of as I did not recently back up my projects (for studies) and did not want to re-do assignments. This would have taken 4 days. Easily. I have backups of everything else. But do not frequently backup this.

I thus decided to see if I could find some OS that I can run off a flash drive and has a Microsoft Office or counterpart and web-browser in it. I could simply back up my studies to this flash drive every time after working. If worse then comes to worse I can plug it in anywhere and just continue working.

My experiences with other OS systems apart from Windows and up until this point had been seeing Damn Small Linux (more than 10 years ago) and working a bit with Ubuntu 10 (many years ago)

So I start off on Google..."best free OS" and "portable OS" and "best linux distro" etc. My first encounter after a many year hiatus is Fatdog64. I download it, install and give it a go. I was flat out amazed and dumbfounded as to the awesomeness that I just discovered for absolutely free and under 200mb - 10 year old DSL experience remember.

My mind blown...I spend the next two weekends downloading various Linux OS's, tinkering away like a school kid...Precise Puppy, Linux Mint, Lubuntu, Precise OS, Ubuntu, Porteus, Legacy OS...out of boyish curiosity and attempting to find something that will suit my purpose.

I find Porteus. Lovely one as it is extremely easy to install and essentially exactly what I need: An office clone to open my files and a browser. I do however sometimes need a good picture editor/creator. I also have a password manager (Blackbox Password Manager) that stores all my online passwords - also the ones used for my studies. So porteus good...but search continues.

I know of Gimp so I look for a distro that has something like that. Linux Mint for example comes with it pre-installed. Works wonderful. BUT you need to use a program within Windows to install it to be portable on a USB. If you install Linux Mint or Ubuntu using their installer they consume the entire flash drive with their file system (unless I missed something). This prevents me from accessing my study files on the folder to update them when the flash is plugged into windows. I needed something that was self contained and did not need Windows to work or set up - just in case. I am subsequently surprised and amazed when I find Puppy Linux's awesome USB installer with so many options. Even one that can do a ComboFormat for added support - something I need. AND Puppy linux leaves the flashdrive as FAT so I can easily access my files. Fantastic!

I then find Office and Gimp versions for Puppy Linux. Surprised that it could actually run these programs despite being such a small OS. So I then start learning how to install programs on Linux and Puppy Linux...Get both running. Fantastic!

My last challenge was, although kind of optionally, getting my Black Box Password Manager to work in Puppy. As this would just make my life so much easier. So I start messing around with Wine. Downloading, installing, testing...I get Black Box to run but there are problems accessing the files due to limitations on Wine. So a fail there. is precisely here that my mind was completely blown...and I felt like an ass for incorrectly assuming that this 200mb of pure awesomeness could not impress me even more than it already has...Whilst downloading something (I can not recall what it was) I, for the first time, browse through the Puppy menus whilst waiting. It is then that I come across ...Personall->Figaro's Password Manager 2..."Mmm?"...I click on it...create a password..."Wait...what? This is exactly like Black Box Password Manager"...and exactly what I needed to begin with.

I have been extremely humbled by my experience with Puppy Linux. The OS, the community, its small size, the fact that it is free, its small file size...just amazing.

P.S. Forgot to add...posting this through Tahrpup 6.0.2, running of a flashdrive, Office and Gimp loaded, and my files backed up and safe ;)

Posted: Tue 29 Sep 2015, 19:12
by darry1966
Welcome ldvivier :)

Posted: Tue 29 Sep 2015, 19:33
by ally
very cool post

I remember fondly the day the penny dropped!


Posted: Tue 29 Sep 2015, 21:35
by rufwoof
I switched over to puppy around 18 months ago afer XP support was dropped. Used nothing else since. Slacko 5.3.3 worked well with my oldish hardware (single AMD64 core, 1.5GB ram) and I've tweaked/changed that to my own desires. 400MB file when Libre Office, Skype, Openshot Video Editor, Blender 3D animation, Audacity audio editor, xvidcap video capture and full blown inkscape graphics editor are all included. And that all runs in ram with no hard disks even mounted.

Little things can be a big surprise. Welcome aboard ldvivier

Posted: Tue 29 Sep 2015, 23:58
by bigpup
Welcome to Puppy Land :D

What makes Puppy so good is the fact that we the users help to develop it.
Offer improved code.
Suggest improvements.
Help other users with problems.
Give developers feedback and support.

So get involved and help where you can. :idea:

Posted: Wed 30 Sep 2015, 00:09
by cthisbear
" Eventually got my PC running. "

I take it that you recovered all your data and made a backup
of your hard drive.

Welcome to Puppy.


Posted: Wed 30 Sep 2015, 00:27
by starhawk
I hope he was able to -- his drive is definitely on its way out. It's the conventional way... impending mechanical failure. Not much to do about that, once it finally quits, unless you have a clean room in your basement where you can swap the platters over to an identical drive...

Posted: Wed 30 Sep 2015, 09:38
by backi
Puppy has the best community on planet Earth !


Posted: Thu 01 Oct 2015, 10:17
by Fossil
Welcome to Puppy land! :lol: I've been running Puppy - in one shape or form - for well over ten years! And... it's still going strong! Enjoy!

Posted: Sat 24 Oct 2015, 12:48
by ldvivier
Good day guys

Thank you for all the feedback.

Slow reply is due to being sick for just over a month. One thing hit me directly after another. Well, three things. Two at the same time.

Yes, got my PC up and running again. Not 100% sure how. But it is most likely indicative of an impending mechanical failure with the HD yes.
I am now more prepared with a puppy linux always on a flash drive.

I am sadly no programmer but I will definitely try and contribute as much as I can here. Perhaps testing things and suggesting improvements or trying to help with problems. Currently thinking of making a Bible Study distro with puppy linux purely for interest sake. But will have to see how my time unfolds.

Thank you all for the warm welcome!


Posted: Sat 24 Oct 2015, 14:22
by Fossil
Welcome back, ldvivier.
With regard your bible-study project. Sorry to tell you, but someone - or more - has already beaten you to it! "HOWTO set up your own custom Bible study operating system."
I'm sure there's even more recent ones; just do a Google search with the terms: Puppy Linux Bible Study.

With regards the computer's hard drive. I strongly suggest you do a complete backup of all personal files forthwith. Don't play around with it - back it up before it completely crashes once and for all!
Good luck!

Posted: Sun 25 Oct 2015, 08:23
by ldvivier
Good day Fossil

Thank you very much for the feedback. I already found some these links you suggested. It was exactly those got me thinking of doing my project.

But I think you might have misunderstood somewhat. I am not looking to get the bible software onto Linux or making a new package of the latest versions. I was thinking of making a complete theWord repack of PuppyLinux.

With theWord pre-installed, set up and working.
With a nice theWord background and perhaps desktop icons.
Setup the internet browser with a lot of links to free online biblical resources.
Maybe remove some unnecessary Puppy packages.
Maybe add some free Church Management software.

Then make a packed full 700mb CD repack with chosen theWord modules.
And a packed full 4gb DVD repack with more moduels.

For example.
