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Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2020, 00:21
by tallboy
I would suggest that you click on the PM tarball, which give you some menu choices, choose select all, and extract. You may choose to extract the PM directly to /opt/, or extract it to the same dir as the tarball. If you extract it to the same dir, move the resulting PM to /opt/, by the mv command, or just open an /opt / window and drag the PM over, and use the move pop-up menu choice.

1) Click on the /opt/palemoon/ dir to open it, right-click the /opt/palemoon/palemoon file, and choose Link in the pop-up menu, and make a link of it to /usr/bin/. That will make the PM's binaries visible to the system.
You can check that you've done it right: Open a terminal window and enter: which palemoon, it should answer: /usr/bin/palemoon.

2) Right-click on the Browser icon on your desktop, and choose Edit Item. The first line in the pop-up window should read: Clicking the icon opens: /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser. If not, click on the text and edit it to read that line, and save it.

3) Go to /usr/local/bin/ dir, right-click on the /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser file and open it AS TEXT, and make sure the text reads:

Code: Select all

exec palemoon "$@"
If not, edit it, it behaves as an ordinary text file, and save it.

4) If you are using the JWM window manager, open a terminal window and enter: jwm -restart. That will make PM visible to the window manager, and let the Browser entry in various menus open PM. Many Puppys also have Restart Window Manager as a menu choice in the Exit menu.

Now you can click on the desktop Browser icon, and Palemoon should open. :D

If you have a frugal Puppy, use the Save icon to save the new PM to the system, but wait until you have run your new PM, and is satisfied with it. If not, don't Save, just reboot to continue to use your old browser, and the new PM is gone. :)

Posted: Fri 10 Apr 2020, 19:46
by watchdog
The following thread could be useful to someone here:

Latest palemoon had issues with the default user agent. Changing the user agent to firefox was the solution.

EDIT (some days later): changing the user agent does not completely solve the problem of not working videos streaming (facebook, youtube, etc...).

Posted: Wed 15 Apr 2020, 15:41
by Moose On The Loose
Using the "check for updates" to get the new version, I made a new version SFS for Palemoon. There is a slight problem however:

It appears that when the SFS is loaded on Precise-lite, the script doesn't get run. The script is there and does set the defaultbrowser if the existing one is the one that whines that there is no browser loaded. It, just doesn't get run. Did I miss something obvious?

The method I used to make the SFS:
Run system with no save file.
Load the Palemoon SFS
"Check for updates"
Reboot and save to directory structure
Don't load that same save directory
Copy contents of the SFS into a new directory
Overwrite with the needed stuff from the save that was done
add the and
Load and use that new SFS
This method seems to work quite nicely.
If I can fix the default browser thing, I will share my result

Changes are afoot.....!

Posted: Sat 02 May 2020, 10:36
by Mike Walsh
Morning, all. Thought I'd better mention this.

I know some of you are still stuck on 32-bit, for whatever reasons. The fact that 64-bit computing has been with us for the best part of a generation, and even most second-hand equipment is now 64-bit capable (and has been for some years), is not the issue's not my place to judge what folks use, nor why, and I'll not do so.

The fact remains, however; I've just had a rather unsettling confirmation as to the eventual fate of Pale Moon, with regard to Puppians running 32-bit:-

It appears that, as from November this year, Moonchild Productions will no longer produce ANY 32-bit builds.....either of Pale Moon itself, or of its 'flagship' browser, Basilisk.

This is 'straight from the horse's mouth', i.e. from Moonchild himself, the project leader, and from New Tobin Paradigm, the chief compiler, and I've no reason to expect they'll change their position. Tobin himself explains their reasoning here:- ... 01#p185901

(He's a bit of an 'in-yer-face' character is Tobin; not afraid to express his opinions, and is frequently known to 'vent'..!)

The whole thread is worth a quick scan through.


It would seem, therefore, that the only way forward for 32-bit Puppians wishing to continue to use Pale Moon is for somebody in the community to volunteer to, and take on the onerous task of, compiling each new release from source. Walter Dnes is the only Puppy-user I know of who has the experience of doing this, yet I don't feel it's fair to expect him to do so.....notwithstanding the fact that his machine is, so I understand, a somewhat low-powered Atom-based netbook; this would really be a task for somebody with a fairly beefy machine, and who wouldn't mind doing this on a regular basis for the community.

That's the situation, just so's you're all "in the picture".

(EDIT:-) BTW, I also found out only recently why Pale Moon is such a good 'fit' for Puppy in general; quite simply, unlike all other modern browsers, Pale Moon is not 'multi-process'....

It's 'single-process'. Which explains it in a nutshell, TBH...

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 02 May 2020, 17:19
by xenial.
I have had a good run with palemoon here on puppy linux and sad to see it go.I shall stick with firefox for now.
That forum can be quite toxic at times and the attitude of tobin leaves a lot to be's a case of our way or no way at all which is hardly healthy for any new potential users.

I am not going to upgrade my 32bit laptop when it works just fine.

All the best.

Re: Changes are afoot.....!

Posted: Sat 02 May 2020, 17:36
by Moose On The Loose
Mike Walsh wrote:Morning, all. Thought I'd better mention this.

I know some of you are still stuck on 32-bit, for whatever reasons.
The very small thing I use for travel doesn't do 64 bits.
Even this machine that I am using right now has less than 4G of RAM and works jsut fine as a 32 bit machine.
Normally, my travel machine and my desk top differ only in speed and screen size. The icons are in the same places on the screen and do exactly the same things. I carry a small 1T USB hard drive to carry a copy of all of my stuff.

Right now I am in the process of migrating off Puppy-528. Sadly this has not been as easy as I thought it was going to be, I have some but not all of the stuff working on Precise-32 Bit. Some of the things that don't work appear to be seriously nasty issues. The thought of a 2nd migration being forced before I am done getting the first one all working is making me re-consider. I may just have to make the leap and buy a lot of new stuff. Even then I question whether the new stuff will work for more than perhaps a year. Things like web browsers appear to be trending towards more bugs and not fewer. Thus the constant need to install new versions in hopes that the new one has the bugs fixed and that the various web sites will work with them.

Posted: Sun 03 May 2020, 08:23
by Sylvander
For years now, I've been using a 64-bit desktop, but it seemed to me back then that 32-bit Puppies worked [or suited me] better than 64-bit, so I made as my number-one=Slacko-5.7.0-pae.

Now I'm in the situation where my "Banksy 3" web browsers are no longer being accepted by my banking sites.
In Slacko: of Firefox, Palemoon and Slimjet, only Palemoon 28.8.4 is accepted by my banking websites.
Hence, methinks I'll be in trouble when Palemoon is no longer offering 32-bit updates.

Bear in mind, I'm 73 years of age.

Oops, sorry for the error specifying Slimjet instead of Palemoon [now corrected].

Posted: Sun 03 May 2020, 15:18
by Moose On The Loose
Sylvander wrote: Now I'm in the situation where my "Banksy 3" web browsers are no longer being accepted by my banking sites.
The "user agent" identifies its self to the web site by sending a string of text.
There are tools that let you make your web browser lie about which one it is.
This may be helpful.

For a long while I was doing this with an older version for firefox and having it say it was something like version 85. Most sites worked perfectly well with it.
The few sites that didn't work also didn't work correctly with the latest firefox either they were just differently wrong.

Posted: Sun 03 May 2020, 17:20
by Sylvander
I'd need details of how to do the above using "User Agent" [where is it?] and tools to make the web browser lie.

Best if I did this 1st within Slacko; in Banksy-3 it would be more difficult because it is necessary to remaster the changes into the ISO if I remember right, and then burn the bootable CD.

Posted: Sun 03 May 2020, 18:24
by Semme ... 710#800710

That user.js you create in your "/root/.moonchild productions/pale moon/*.default" profile folder.

Then restart PM and visit the page that follows >> whatsmyuseragent.

Posted: Sun 03 May 2020, 18:26
by Semme

Posted: Mon 04 May 2020, 10:07
by Sylvander
Semme wrote:That user.js you create in your "/root/.moonchild productions/pale moon/*.default" profile folder.
I have that folder, but there is no "user.js" file presently existing within the folder.
Am I to make that file?
If so, instructions on how?
I've made files before, but at 73 years I need to be reminded how.
I think I normally do it using Xfe, but would be able to use ROX.

Instructions for Firefox and Slimjet also?
After Palemoon is fixed?
They are the web-browsers that are presently NOT accepted by the banking sites, whereas Palemoon IS accepted presently.

Posted: Mon 04 May 2020, 15:31
by Moose On The Loose
Sylvander wrote:
Semme wrote:That user.js you create in your "/root/.moonchild productions/pale moon/*.default" profile folder.
I have that folder, but there is no "user.js" file presently existing within the folder.
Am I to make that file?
If so, instructions on how?
I've made files before, but at 73 years I need to be reminded how.
I think I normally do it using Xfe, but would be able to use ROX.

Instructions for Firefox and Slimjet also?
After Palemoon is fixed?
They are the web-browsers that are presently NOT accepted by the banking sites, whereas Palemoon IS accepted presently.
Your simple text editor is the place to start.
Geany would be an example of this.
This is not a word processor.
Make a new document
Copy and paste the code into it
Use the "save as" to save it to the place you want.
-- Generally a window comes up that lets you choose where

Posted: Mon 04 May 2020, 16:57
by Mike Walsh
@ Sylvander:-

AFAIK, SlimJet & Firefox are definitely 'accepted' by banking sites. I would hazard a guess that your problem is you're using older, out-of-date versions of these..?

To the best of my knowledge, Fred's Firefox-portable should run in 570, after a few 'tweaks' have been made. How much free space do you have available? I know you prefer to execute your saves manually, as & when you've satisfied yourself that something works to your liking...

Mike. :wink:

Re: Changes are afoot.....!

Posted: Mon 04 May 2020, 23:19
by Null_ID
Mike Walsh wrote:It appears that, as from November this year, Moonchild Productions will no longer produce ANY 32-bit builds.....either of Pale Moon itself, or of its 'flagship' browser, Basilisk.
There's a user called "stevepusser" on the Pale Moon Linux board, doing builds for Debian and possibly others. He seems like a reasonable fellow. Any chance we might approach him for help? He might know someone, who might be willing to continue the 32-bit generic builds, or even supply them himself, if he's targeting a 32-bit system.

It should deffo be doable. Tobin himself has stated that they'll retain the ability to compile 32-bit in the sources. They just won't supply official 32-bit binaries anymore past Nov. 30th. Something to do with their 32-bit build enviroment going End-Of-Life around that time.

We should definitely call out for help. This is no time to roll over and die. The 32-bit builds are definitely still valuable and should be preserved. It's just a matter of finding the right people.

BTW, there never were any official 32-bit builds of Linux Basilisk. Just one guy doing them unofficially, and he was discouraged into stopping.

Posted: Tue 05 May 2020, 08:03
by Sylvander
Mike Walsh wrote:@ Sylvander:-

AFAIK, SlimJet & Firefox are definitely 'accepted' by banking sites. I would hazard a guess that your problem is you're using older, out-of-date versions of these..?
a. Methinks you are correct in thinking this.
b.Here's the problem/reason I haven't updated any to their latest version:
b1. A year or two back...SEMME I think it was...who fixed my web-browsers...moving a couple of them [Firefox and Palemoon], out of the pupsave file and into folders in "/mnt/home".
This has the inconvenient consequence that I cannot simply/easily make a backup of the pupsave file and restore that to go back when some change [to a web-browser for example] has some nasty consequence.
b2. Instead...
I must backup and restore the whole of "/mnt/home", because I don't know detailed which precise folders/files to backup restore to have the desired effect.
b3. I did backup and then restore "/mnt/home" [back to Palemoon 28.8.4] after an update to the later Palemoon caused my Slacko-5.7.0-pae to freeze.
If I remember right, this far I haven't DARED update Firefox and Slimjet to their latest versions.
c. My Firefox is version 72.0.2.
d. My Slimjet is

Mike Walsh wrote:@ Sylvander:-

To the best of my knowledge, Fred's Firefox-portable should run in 570, after a few 'tweaks' have been made. How much free space do you have available? I know you prefer to execute your saves manually, as & when you've satisfied yourself that something works to your liking...
a. I don't know WHICH Firefox SEMME used, but it is that which he placed in a folder he placed->named "/mnt/home/firefox_61".
There also exists "/mnt/home/firefox_current-profile".

Posted: Mon 11 May 2020, 19:20
by Walter Dnes
Sindi pointed me to this thread. I've lost the 32-bit argument on the Pale Moon forum, and have no desire to continue that battle. According to New Tobin Paradigm...
System packagers are however free to produce 32 bit packages if their distro still has a 32bit target but that is their affair not ours. Users who wish to roll their own for their own personal and not distributed use may also do so.

Be it 32bit or gtk2 or glibc or gcc minimum version the situation is the same. We do not want to arbitrarily bust the capability but also want to move forward and taper off targeting old and insecure systems and dependences.
I interpret this to mean that anybody who releases a full-blown 32-bit Puppy distro would qualify for distribution, and presumably could update with new .PETs (equivalant to Debian .DEBs). Anybody who wishes to do so should check on the Pale Moon forum for confirmation.

I am not a programmer/developer/packager and am not capable of that. I've had mixed success on the 29.x unstable, which has a slightly different build procedure. One build attempt worked, and another failed. Also note that while they won't deliberately break 32-bit, any changes that break 32-bit as a side-effect probably won't get reverted.

portable browers

Posted: Tue 30 Jun 2020, 21:28
by lewoo
many thanks for portable browers to use on older puppies