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Re: Observations about beta4

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 03:08
by vtpup
mikeslr wrote: On the Desktop, booting from CD, using 1024x768 xorg, display is off-centered to the right and missing the top of available screen by about 1/8 inch. I manually adjusted using controls on my CRT. Rebooting into XP, the adjusted offset was not retained; that is XP's nVidia driver centered screen properly. I haven't yet tried an nVidia pet.
Use Menu>xorgwizard>xvidtune to make changes in screen position and write them to xorg.conf so they're permanent for that puppy.

There's a catch, you need to rename the modeline name (in 3 places) in the updated xorg,conf from something like "1024x768" to 1024x768blahblah" or "1024x768mikesir" or whatever you like. Otherwise the change is ignored.

gposil already plans to fix this little gotcha so it doesn't require manual renaming.

The NVIDIA driver pets are iffy. Lots of problems reported getting them to work

I'm going to write a How-To for installing the official NVIDIA drivers in puppy. It does require an automatic (simple) compile and typing a few things in the terminal, but basically it's straightforward. People just need instructions on how to go about it.

Enjoyed your comments about Thinkpads.

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 03:31
by gposil
mikeslr said:
Personal note to gposil. I know you were kidding when you suggested that owners of Thinkpads replace them with Toshibas
Yes Mike I was kidding, we have a Thinkpad R60 in the house, and it's been fairly bulletproof.

Thanks for the report Mike...beta5 will be up Thursday night 26th November(Australian Time)...and then we can all get into pulling it apart... :lol:


Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 04:27
by 01micko
Ok guys and gals some answers...

@ jim1911
:oops: my mistake (I'm good at those :lol: ). At the end of this post there is a patch which fixes the jwm shutdown/reboot issue.

@ dejan555
I think I said when I first posted icewm-1.3.5 that some themes will work, some won't. I'm not supporting it!( :twisted: ). I will support whatever scripts I have added. It all should be working now and the biggest issue will be timing on older kit. I use Jwm on my older kit anyways, lighter and faster. I only use bling when I have the horses to spare :wink: I don't know exactly what changes the authors of icewm made under the hood so theming will be a trial and error thing, ttuuxxx mini themes are working ok for me. There are hundreds (thousands? millions? :lol: ) of themes out there! And Dejan, I know you are a graphics tweaker and have probably made/hacked a few themes already!

Much of the themes stuff I mentioned to Dejan applies. :) Trial and error!

You seem very keen on Icewm. Lots of comments and such. Some of your ideas I like, some I don't, that is all a matter of personal taste. You are most welcome to post your tweaks or even a whole Icewm package with your own ideas. There's no contest here and no party to be pooped! :lol: I did things my way mainly for me and shared my work. That's basically how things work in Linux IMHO. We have fun and share it. I like it like that. Like I said, feel free to mod anything I've done, or discard it and add your own code. :)


Here's the patch (it's already been applied to "" if you download it from now on.. :wink: )


Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 05:13
by James C
Great job on the jwm shutdown fixed the problem before I could even post about it. :)

I generally use jwm but its nice to have a bit of "bling" available too, nice pet.

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 05:18
by gposil
Could anyone who is developing for Dpup, please let me know if you haven't already, and i'll create accounts for you on the Dpup server...the idea being that pets developed and posted on the developer pages will form part of the Dpup repository on official release of Puppy 5.0..

BTW...before I forget...after beta5 upload is complete, I will be uploading the entire development root file system, so developers can grab enhancements as they are committed...


Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 05:31
by musher0
01micko wrote: @musher0
You seem very keen on Icewm. Lots of comments and such. Some of your ideas I like, some I don't, that is all a matter of personal taste. You are most welcome to post your tweaks or even a whole Icewm package with your own ideas. There's no contest here and no party to be pooped! :lol: I did things my way mainly for me and shared my work. That's basically how things work in Linux IMHO. We have fun and share it. I like it like that. Like I said, feel free to mod anything I've done, or discard it and add your own code. :)
You got me at "keen"... Not being a native English-speaker, I had to look the word up at, for the record,

On one meaning, yep, I'm keen on icewm, if that means I'm passionate about alternative window managers generally.
On another (hanging on to something), nope, icewm is no 3 on my list of preferred window managers, no 2 being echinus and no 1 wmx.
The other meanings don't apply, I think.

Please accept my apologies if I ruffled some feathers. Take my posts as pointing out and asking, out of curiosity more than anything else. Or maybe at times, there would be an underlying comment like: "How strangely (for me) this is done", but rest assured no offense or implications were intended.

And incidentally, thanks for the learning experience, linguistically and Linux-wise. Some things I know, some things I think I know, some things I have learned and some things I don't know I'm learning... !!! Such is life!

As the poet Evtouchenko once said: "All our knowledge, past, present and future is nothing in view of what we will never know." [Evgueni Evtouchenko, Wild Berries of Siberia]



Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 05:40
by 01micko
And incidentally, thanks for the learning experience, linguistically and Linux-wise. Some things I know, some things I think I know, some things I have learned and some things I don't know I'm learning... !!! Such is life!
hehe! I'm always learning, I'm sure gposil even BarryK are always learning! It is surely a wasted day if you learn nothing! (I like that statement :lol: Might add it to my sig :wink: )

Keep on learning and let's see some of the other wm's that you like.
..nope, icewm is no 3 on my list of preferred window managers, no 2 being echinus and no 1 wmx.
Er.. no feathers ruffled either! I have a pretty thick skin and can take almost anything 'with a grain of salt'. (A phrase you may need to look up).

Cheers, and as always, Have fun :)

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 05:43
by gposil
"All our knowledge, past, present and future is nothing in view of what we will never know."
isn't that the truth......

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 05:49
by musher0
Thanks, guys.

@01micko: help yourself to the quote if you like! I'd be honored!

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 05:58
by 01micko
Actually, I meant my statement.

I like the comment gposil made on the quote though, and couldn't agree more.

I had a year 11 and 12 Maths teacher that came out with many oneliners, he was somewhat of a mathematic genius. One will always stick with me...
I've forgotten more about mathematics than you will ever know son!
(Mr Davis, Hurlstone Agricultural High School, Glenfield, NSW, circa 1982)
Scary part was that it was the truth! He was a machine!


Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 06:02
by musher0
@01micko : Shucks! :lol:

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 06:03
by 01micko
I changed my sig already to the quote, it seemed to make more sense to me after the maths teacher story! :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 06:07
by musher0
Yeah, I don't know how your math prof could have been a machine, but a true trekkie must accept all life forms as they are! :D

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 06:59
by dejan555
01micko wrote: @ dejan555
There are hundreds (thousands? millions? :lol: ) of themes out there! And Dejan, I know you are a graphics tweaker and have probably made/hacked a few themes already!
Ahem, actually I'm using kde atm, just tried icewm package shortly :roll:
It does seem to be very fast and yes icewm is very skinable, not sure why I don't use it much (most of the time usually using fluxbox)

Wine Apps in Wbar

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 08:06
by mikeslr
For anyone interested, Catdude explained how to include applications running under Wine in Wbar. See:

about 3/4s down the page.

Bye the way, I'm keen on icewm. While jwm may be slightly faster (I haven't noticed the difference, especially on dPup) the ability to launch my favorite apps from a toolbar on the taskbar with 2 clicks at any time puts it on the top of my list. No need to hunt thru a large menu. No need to show the desktop to reach wbar or desktop icons.
Click the toolbar, up pops a short, organized menu, scroll and click.

Having recalled Catdude's instructions, I wonder if something similar will work from a toolbar?


Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 10:50
by ttuuxxx
Hi Micko I updated your icewm package and my themes, this is what I did
added 2 more small themes,
removed default icewm themes
added ttuuxxxview because its a right click option to use it on freememory applet :wink:
fixed some xdg icons
added refresh menus from 4.2 (kind of slow but works :) )
fixed the clock sizes
fixed missing icons in the menu
made Bluemat default theme
The only thing it needs now is a better menu, and well that gets done after dpup goes RC. Because it changes with each addition/removal of software


Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 11:33
by 01micko
hehe... I was wondering when it would get the better of you ttuuxxx! :lol:

Welcome back to IceWM!


Sidenote: you know what got me started? Recently a couple of newbies were asking some questions and also 'battleshooter' posted pics on the eyecandy forum. It was only a matter of time. 8)

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 11:41
by ttuuxxx
01micko wrote:hehe... I was wondering when it would get the better of you ttuuxxx! :lol:

Welcome back to IceWM!


Sidenote: you know what got me started? Recently a couple of newbies were asking some questions and also 'battleshooter' posted pics on the eyecandy forum. It was only a matter of time. 8)
Ya you gave me the back the Icewm bug, lol
I have limited time these days to (working 6 days this week) Didn't want to work the weekend but my boss has way over extend himself, well I'm looking forward to the 3 weeks of at Christmas :)
So on and off I'll revisit IceWm, oh by the way your compiled package also works fine on 2.14X :)

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 12:00
by gposil
Geez i'm tempted to put IceWM in beta5......what to do.....

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 12:04
by 01micko
Why not? ... < 700k...

We will trim a lot more than that..