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Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 00:14
by bigpup
Is it enough if I click on "quickpet" -> "xenialpup updates" ? How often should I do this?
For anything that is really needed to fix a bug or provide an improvement.
Maybe do it once a month.

That is about as close as it gets to feeding you updates and bug fixes in Puppy. That is something 666philb offers in his Puppy versions.

Internet browsers are about the only other thing you need to keep updated.
Those have their own builtin way to update.
You will have to set them to auto update or run their update whenever you want to.

Re: swapfilemanager 4.6

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 04:07
by d_vineet
d_vineet wrote:Now I can see 2 related files in /mnt/home/
1) pupswap.swp (4GiB),
2) swapfile (w/o any file extension) (2GiB).
(screenshot of file-manager showing these files is attached.)
I can see the file pupswap.swp getting loaded while booting up puppy
Maybe Lubuntu+Xenialpup7.5 64bit dual-boot combination is causing some kinda interference in swapfile management? Logically it should not. Istn't it?

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 04:40
by bigpup
while doing frugal install initially, I was asked reg swap file by the installer;
Exactly what installer did you use?

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 05:59
by d_vineet
bigpup wrote:
while doing frugal install initially, I was asked reg swap file by the installer;
Exactly what installer did you use?
I did like this--
Initially booted from flash drive -- first time shut down -- system asked me whether to save -- I chose 'yes' and did the frugal install -- then followed instructions (which also included the choice reg swapfile - which I chose "yes").

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 06:21
by bigpup
The shutdown should only ask if you want to make a save.
Are you saying it also offered to do a frugal install?

Running from the USB flash drive. The shutdown: making a save should be offered for that install. That is all.

How did you get Xenialpup64 7.5 on the USB flash drive?

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 06:48
by d_vineet
bigpup wrote:The shutdown should only ask if you want to make a save.
Are you saying it also offered to do a frugal install?
Yes. It asked me reg type of install. I preferred frugal over .sfs savefile. That's how I have folder structure for puppy.
How did you get Xenialpup64 7.5 on the USB flash drive?
By using dd command like this--
dd bs=4M if=puppy.iso of=/dev/sdb
(sdb is flash drive)

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 07:40
by bigpup
Are you translating to do these posts?
Your using names that do not seem correct.

You are describing stuff at shutdown I have never seen.
I preferred frugal over .sfs savefile.
At shutdown. The save options are make a save folder or save file.
So, I assume you made a save folder.

I am trying to understand how you are being asked to make a pupswap.swp file.
Shutdown never gives that option to me.

For computers with really low ram (256mb). There was code to auto make a pupswap.swp file. But I thought that code was removed.
Your computer has 4GB of RAM.
So, that would not activate that code if it was still there.
Unless something is wrong with your RAM.

In a console.
What does

Code: Select all

show for RAM?

??? :?

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 07:56
by d_vineet
Are you translating to do these posts?
Your using names that do not seem correct.
Sorry for my 'not-so-good' English.
I did not understand what is meant by --- "Your using names that do not seem correct"
You are describing stuff at shutdown I have never seen.
I preferred frugal over .sfs savefile.
At shutdown. The save options are make a save folder or save file.
So, I assume you made a save folder.
You are right. I chose option save folder. I thought this means 'frugal install'.
In a console.
What does

Code: Select all

show for RAM?

??? :?
It shows--

Code: Select all

sh-4.3# free
             total         used         free       shared      buffers
Mem:       3927972      3451748       476224       691236        78292
-/+ buffers:            3373456       554516
Swap:      6291448            0      6291448

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 08:20
by bigpup
This is the console command to remove pupswap.swp

Code: Select all

rm /mnt/home/pupswap.swp
Try using that to delete it.

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 08:33
by d_vineet
Try deleting pupswap.swp again.
Doing it the way you did before.
Last time also, I had deleted swapfile and NOT pupswap.swp.
Trying to delete pupswap.swp from ROX resulted in Message "ERROR: Operation not permitted".

After repeating the same procedure (deleting swapfile), now there was NO haulting of OS.

So here we are with 2 doubts.
1) How come the swap is 6 GB (addition of pupswap.swp and swapfile)?
2) How come 2 files for swap purpose?

Maybe I have messed up something inadvertently while install?
Maybe due to Lubuntu+puppy combination?

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 08:35
by bigpup
bigpup wrote:This is the console command to remove pupswap.swp

Code: Select all

rm /mnt/home/pupswap.swp
Try using that to delete it.

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 08:41
by d_vineet
Same permission issue.

Code: Select all

sh-4.3# rm /mnt/home/pupswap.swp
rm: cannot remove '/mnt/home/pupswap.swp': Operation not permitted

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 08:48
by bigpup
Have swap off when doing this.


Code: Select all

rm -r  /mnt/home/pupswap.swp

Code: Select all

rm -f  /mnt/home/pupswap.swp

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 08:51
by d_vineet
Tried those commands after swap off.
But same permission issue.
Should I try deleting it by booting into Lubuntu?

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 08:53
by bigpup
Sure, that may work.

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 08:59
by d_vineet
I am surprised.
Booted into Lubuntu and tried to delete that file.
Same msg !

Code: Select all

vineet@vinpc:/$ rm pupswap.swp
rm: remove write-protected regular file 'pupswap.swp'? y
rm: cannot remove 'pupswap.swp': Permission denied
But it says here "write-protected regular file 'pupswap.swp'"
Also tried to change permissions by rgt-clk the file in PCManFM -- properties -- permissions -- change it to 'Anyone'. But permission denied for that.
Just occurred to me that I may need to use sudo.
Tried the command with sudo and the file got deleted. So far so good. Let me boot back into puppy.

Another observation.
In Lubuntu, I had 2 GB swap.
Now it is showing 0.
That means the swapfile I had deleted was belonging to Lubuntu.

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 09:19
by bigpup

I was typing using sudo in Lubuntu when I saw you posted.

Puppy is always run as root so sudo is not needed.

If Lubuntu was using pupswap.swp why would it be named pupswap :shock: :?:
Maybe the .swp Lubuntu was seeing, so it used it.

With 4GB of ram you really do not need swap.

I have 2GB ram and swap never gets used in Puppy.

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 09:24
by d_vineet
I tried that and posted result while you were typing your post :)

Here's the result of mem commnad.

Code: Select all

sh-4.3# free
             total         used         free       shared      buffers
Mem:       3927972      1026020      2901952       351232        63604
-/+ buffers:             962416      2965556
Swap:            0            0            0

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 09:25
by bigpup
We are posting too quick.
See my above post.

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2019, 09:29
by bigpup
That was fun :!: :roll: :lol: