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Posted: Fri 22 Apr 2016, 17:13
by torm
Maybe something similar to "Navig8tor" that I did see here somewhere on
the forum (unfortunately no longer for download.. )
Well I hope when get back home I could post some screenshot of
what I had in mind (already have working "fork", that I'm happy with
- aside from change in All/History as first option-section, that needs some
more work..)
There must be some "other" interactive feature I have not figured out at this
point... to give it the right look and feel.

Edit: "micro" may have been a little misleading, as I used MID_VIEW as a
starting point.
Screenshot shows a Kore theme (from GnoMenu theme set) in JWM,
..not finished, just to get some first impression. ( buttons are not placed properly @ now)
window proportions need some work too.. :roll:
Edit2: updated screenshot. Minor changes to layout.

Posted: Thu 28 Apr 2016, 20:29
by torm
The other thing... how do I translate menuitems?
*.desktop files actually are translated at this point -JWM reads 'em fine.
And.. somehow I get the impression it only looks for the filenames of the
files not what is in them.. ?

Posted: Sun 01 May 2016, 01:14
by radky
Hi torm,

Nice screenshot of your desktop with the Gnome Kore theme. :)

I think the next release of PupMenu (4.4) will address some of your questions including:

1 - Simplified user interface for easier navigation
2 - Scalable GUI with option to set the opening width to your preference
3 - History category (radiobutton on main GUI) which lists recently-launched apps in chronological order
4 - Enhanced search mode will parse all characters in the desktop filenames as well as the Menu Name & Categories listed inside each desktop file
5 - PupMenu is not currently gettexted for translation, but this is a possibility for future releases.

Posted: Sun 01 May 2016, 02:35
by nilsonmorales
radky: sorry for post this here.
torm wrote
Maybe something similar to "Navig8tor" that I did see here somewhere on
the forum (unfortunately no longer for download.. ) ...

Posted: Sat 07 May 2016, 13:26
by torm
Sounds good

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 16:37
by radky
New version - see first and second posts.

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2016, 18:52
by radky
New version - see first and second posts.

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2016, 19:35
by TeX Dog
And it runs in Quirky Xerus 8.1.4 for Raspberry Pi2 and 3 as is...

Too cool, wondered if it was all script based, fast way to check :wink:

Did take a long time to find it under QX [Utility] since I started hunting from the bottom.

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2016, 22:19
by radky
TeX Dog wrote:And it runs in Quirky Xerus 8.1.4 for Raspberry Pi2 and 3 as is....
Thanks for your comments Tex Dog! :)

Posted: Wed 21 Dec 2016, 01:47
by radky
New version - see first and second posts.

Posted: Wed 28 Dec 2016, 21:40
by don570
I'm using pupmenu 5.1.1 on my raspberry pi2 ( latest quirky by Barryk)
Very useful but two bugs were noticed.

1) The favorites submenu on the start menu ---> no icon next to libreoffice

2) More serious was the window when I launched libre office from favorites list. (see image)

The desktop file file for libre office is strange and appears to confuse pupmenu.

I noticed that fatdog 64bit creates a bunch of desktop files for libreoffice
and stores them in a separate folder. Then there are links back to /usr/share/applications/.

A simple launch method may be to use the solution that the desktop icon uses
(see included image)
i.e. launch /usr/local/bin/defaultwordprocessor or


Posted: Thu 29 Dec 2016, 02:44
by radky

I have no raspberry Pi, so can't directly test Barry's Quirky Xerus for Raspberry Pi2 and 3.

However, in Puppy I have tested LibreOffice as generated by forum member vicmz, and PupMenu displays all LibreOffice icons and correctly launches the corresponding executables.

In Vic's compilation of LibreOffice the original desktop files in /opt/libreoffice5.2/share/xdg are symlinked to /usr/share/applications.

I assume this is similar to the layout in Fatdog where the original desktop files in /usr/lib64/libreoffice/share/xdg are symlinked to /usr/share/applications.

As time permits, maybe you could create similar symlinks in Quirky Xerus and test again. If this works, maybe Barry could include the symlinks in his next Quirky release.


Posted: Thu 29 Dec 2016, 20:28
by don570
Barry k announced an Intel version of quirky
It has libreoffice inside, possibly it has the same type of installation.

So I will download it and try pupmenu 511 on it


Also I noticed that Barry included an app called 'swriter'
It works correctly with libreoffice and will open an office document
from pupmenu favorite menu


Posted: Fri 30 Dec 2016, 07:29
by radky
don570 wrote:Barry k announced an Intel version of quirky
It has libreoffice inside, possibly it has the same type of installation.

So I will download it and try pupmenu 511 on it


Also I noticed that Barry included an app called 'swriter'
It works correctly with libreoffice and will open an office document
from pupmenu favorite menu


Thanks for the link to Barry's Quirky 8.1.5 x86_64.

I installed xerus64-8.1.5-8gb.img.xz to a 16GB flash drive and booted to a working desktop.

Concerning Libreoffice in Quirky, I see the following:

1 - The sbase, scalc, sdraw, simpress and swriter desktop files are in /usr/share/applications and the corresponding icons are in the Puppy icon path (i.e., /usr/share/pixmaps). Consequently, these individual libreoffice applications will function correctly when added to the Favorites menu category.

2 - In Quirky, the libreoffice-startcenter.desktop file in /usr/share/applications is not particularly friendly to the XDG menu.

The designated category is X-Document-Sub, but the application does not show in the document submenu of Puppy. You can manually add it to the Favorites submenu via PupMenuEdit.

The libreoffice-startcenter.png icon does not show in the Quirky menu because the icon is not in the standard icon path.

To fix, you can add the full icon path to the desktop file (/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/libreoffice-starstcenter.png) or you can symlink the icon file to /usr/share/pixmaps.

As you noted, the designated executable (libreoffice %U) does not launch the libreoffice-startcenter from a terminal or the Puppy menu.

To fix, remove the %U suffix and the libreoffice command will launch the startcenter successfully in Quirky.


Posted: Fri 30 Dec 2016, 20:45
by don570
If you remove the %U suffix, running the libreoffice command will launch the startcenter successfully in Quirky.
Good tip!

I also noticed an app called 'swriter'
When it is put in favorites submenu it will launch librewriter
because its exec line is suitable.
It shows an icon in menu as well.


I tried installing xerus64-8.1.5-8gb.img.xz to a USB flash drive as well
but I didn't succeed to bootup my old IBM. I use PLOP as my bootmanager and I suspect that
PLOP isn't compatible with a USB drive that is formated as two partitions. :cry:

I'll try the install script instead. That has worked before.


Posted: Fri 30 Dec 2016, 21:50
by radky
don570 wrote:
If you remove the %U suffix, running the libreoffice command will launch the startcenter successfully in Quirky.
Good tip!

I also noticed an app called 'swriter'
When it is put in favorites submenu it will launch librewriter
because its exec line is suitable.
It shows an icon in menu as well.
In Quirky, all primary Libreoffice applications will launch correctly from the Favorites sub-menu and will show the appropriate icon, including sbase, scalc, sdraw, simpress and swriter.

The libreoffice-startcenter application will also launch correctly and will show the corresponding icon in the Favorites sub-menu after you make two changes to the desktop file as described above.

To install xerus64-8.1.5-8gb.img.xz to a flash drive, I followed Barry's alternate 'Option 2' and the installation is working very nicely. :)

Posted: Fri 30 Dec 2016, 22:29
by don570
Here's the install you mentioned ... readme.htm

There are so many methods and install docs at ibiblio :roll:


Posted: Sat 26 Aug 2017, 02:34
by radky
- Major update of all PupMenu modules
- Adjust GUI to show menu categories as iconified items similar to the Whisker menu plugin of xfce (thanks mikeslr)
- Adjust drop-down menu of the main GUI to provide improved access to all interfaces including the menu editor and menu maker modules
- Add option to arrange menu categories alphabetically
- Add option to open the GUI in the Favorites category, else open in the All category
- Add options to open the GUI at screen center, upper-left corner of the screen, or under the mouse pointer
- Add 'hover select' option for menu categories
- Add optional Wine menu category
- Add support for launching applications as spot (requires run-as-spot in Exec line of application .desktop file)
- Add support for the new Woof-CE approach to resizing the menu of jwm
- Improved support for spaces in application names and executable names
- Bugfix: Auto-updating cache files failed in some scenarios when saving menu files through the Edit tab of PupMenuEdit

Slacko 2012, useful pupMenu

Posted: Sat 26 Aug 2017, 08:19
by Pelo
Slacko 2012, useful pupMenu version 4 withdraw apps from the menu.. But i would like more. I made tries with this Puppy and remove programs, but are are still in desktop. They don't work. how to erase this remaining stuff..

"- Add support for the new Woof-CE approach to resizing the menu of jwm " feed back soon

Posted: Sat 26 Aug 2017, 09:14
by BarryK
I have just added PupApps to Easy, see blog post: ... sy-04.html

However, is PupApps deprecated in favour of PupMenu?

That link is now: ... sy-04.html