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Posted: Sun 17 May 2015, 17:16
by starhawk
PAE stands for Physical Address Extension. In a nutshell it allows compatible CPUs to address more than 4gb of RAM with a 32bit operating system.

The trouble is that not all CPUs are compatible, and that the function has to be built into the OS kernel. Non-PAE kernels are compatible with all CPUs, whereas PAE kernels are compatible only with CPUs that support that feature.

Re: PAE vs Non PAE???

Posted: Sun 17 May 2015, 17:53
by s243a
natgab wrote:
darkcity wrote:Hi Earthray,

Great idea, have you considered making a wiki page on this subjects

could be link from heres:-

General Info

Big List

The official list seems out of date since Precise 5.7.1 is from 2013. Surely at least one of either April or Tahrpup must be official. I will update the official list if I can get conformation that one or both of these are official.

Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 04:04
by B.K. Johnson
An important question missing from the list is: What is the desktop environment?
There is a piece of software that I would like to get but it runs only in KDE. To run it in a different desktop environment would involve a whole lot of checking of dependencies which I want to avoid.

So my question here is: which puppy ootb has the KDE desktop environment?

B.K. Johnson
tahrpup-6.0.2 PAE, slacko-5.7, frugal install, pupsave file, multi OS flashdrive, SYSLINUX boot, CPU-Dual E2140, 4GB RAM

Puppies from France

Posted: Mon 13 Jul 2015, 09:52
by Pelo
Puppies from France See and appreciate here by a click these french Puppies.
French technicians make the Puplette for french speaking people, but the english remains the original language.
There are not copies (only translation) but a large part is artist relook (ToOppy would be the Special one, with its 2PDE desktop).
Nota : if you studied le français at school, keep them in french, you will do such a progress by using them
As i do using spanish or english speaking ones, Spanish by choice, English because nothing else

Posted: Sat 05 Sep 2015, 20:16
by michel804
B.K. Johnson wrote:An important question missing from the list is: What is the desktop environment?
There is a piece of software that I would like to get but it runs only in KDE. To run it in a different desktop environment would involve a whole lot of checking of dependencies which I want to avoid.

So my question here is: which puppy ootb has the KDE desktop environment?
Hi B.K. Johnson, from my experience, Lighthouse Puppy has KDE. You will need the version with mariner. I have only tried LHP 6.02 extensively and my knowledge of the 64-bit edition is very limited.


Gnumeric file of 318 puppies (still alive)

Posted: Sat 19 Dec 2015, 11:46
by Pelo
Gnumeric file of 318 puppies (still alive). If it could be of some help for somebody
Animal protection : Don't release your Puppy in the forum, if you won't care them.

Posted: Sun 27 Dec 2015, 05:28
by Turpin
Could you post a ods version? Gnumeric does that format, doesn't it? If you're going to tar.gz it, a more compatible format would still make sense and still probably compress down just as much. I chose libreoffice because I needed the features in libreoffice writer, and the extra space needed for libreoffice calc after that is less then gnumeric requires after dependencies it needs. Not only that, but libreoffice is a bit fuller featured. That said, I liked gnumeric when I used it, I just don't want to clutter up my debian install with redundant apps. If you just save it in ods, then I believe most modern spreadsheet software can then open it.

Update: I did it myself. Installed gnumeric and dependencies, opened the spreadsheet, compressed it in the tar gz, then uninstalled gnumeric and dependencies.

Kennel is not a full list

Posted: Mon 28 Dec 2015, 06:34
by Pelo
Kennel is not a full list, 320 items only. but should be enough (pour y trouver son bonheur)
Merci Turpin for .ods version.

Posted: Sat 12 Aug 2017, 13:22
by HiDeHo
Hi it seems the latest puppy linux os to download from and are out of date. trying to find the latest ubuntu puppy built on ubuntu 16 would be nice

puppy and many other sites are ... frozen.

Posted: Sun 10 Sep 2017, 09:58
by Pelo, and many other sites are ... frozen. Create is easier than to maintain active. I don't know if 'zapping' means the same in France as in overseas countries.
However Puppies listed in these places are not just born, but perhaps they are pretty, with nice ideas, and with firmware to be wireless connected.
Give them a try and compare with newest.

Don't care how they were build, look at what they do. Often just an update of browser will give them a boost..
Ubuntu 16 perhaps no, but last packages for Xenial are available using Xenialpup... or XenialDog as long as Xenialpup will be pregnant (freezing).

About the full list, my database records 1600 puppies, but has not been updated since last year. Puppies never die, even if their puppy-builder has gone away... Some leave just the day of suscribing the forum, having released their puplet. Perhaps frightened. I don't know.

:) for instance , Puppy tahrbang is really nice. But the artist is gone. A cat as background, between so many dogs, he thought he was entering in the wrong place.
I suppose.