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Posted: Fri 13 Mar 2020, 18:21
by greengeek
musher0 wrote:Got a real book reference to that sci-fi novel?
A synopsis? A meaningful quote?
Synopsis: ... us-origin/

(The use of the name Wuhan400 came from chapter 39 of the 2nd edition of "The Eyes of Darkness". Koontz penned the first edition in 1981 under the pseudonym of Leigh Nichols and in that edition the virus was called Gorki400, but the name of the virus was changed to Wuhan400 on the re-release of the book in 1989, toward the end of the Cold War. In that 2nd edition Koontz published the novel under his real name)

Posted: Fri 13 Mar 2020, 20:38
by musher0
linuxcbon wrote:Be aware that Covid-19 is not an "usual flue".

It kills 10x or 20x more people than usual flues.
Death rate ~ 3% (usual flues are at ~0.5%).

Especially dangerous for :
  • 60+ old people,
    people with high blood pressure,
    cancerous people,
    diabetic people,
    people with heart disease.
It spreads 2x faster than usual flues.

Don't go in crowdy places.
Wash hands often.
Stay safe.
Don't panic.
Good summary / reminder, linuxcbon. Thanks.
Stay safe too.

Posted: Sat 14 Mar 2020, 03:28
by wiak
linuxcbon wrote:Especially dangerous for :
  • 60+ old people,
    people with high blood pressure,
    cancerous people,
    diabetic people,
    people with heart disease.
Don't panic.
I think there has been a Poll on members ages at least once on this forum. I don't know the result but believe it was 50-60 or more, so plenty here are 60+ like alone having high blood pressure or whatever.

I'm not sure about 'stay at home' being the best advice. Seems to me that 'Run for the hills!' might be more appropriate.

Better get these Projects finished or tidied up guys...

But no panic... if China shows what will happen, this virus will fade away and leave Puppy life to return to normal. Certainly a bit worrying though; I need my daily cafe visit - I can't imagine trying to survive without my expresso long black (I have no expresso-making machine at home!!!) so self-isolation or cafes and restaurants being closed would certainly be a disaster. They can cancel all sports events including the Olympics, no big deal, but not my coffee.


Posted: Sat 14 Mar 2020, 08:31
by backi
Hi you Guys!
I am living in relatively densely populated Area.
Here where i live the Hell is breaking loose.
Corona seems to have a similar Impact as an EMP (Electro-Magnetic-Pulse) Strike.
Looks like this is just the Beginning.
For me one of the most important Questions is how dangerous (or not) this Virus really is.
If the Virus is not so "dangerous" why such a global Alarm?
Whatever is really going on -visible or unvisible.... this "Event" will change World`s History.
Most probably our Lives will never be the same as it was before.Sounds dramatic.......i hope i am wrong.

May the Lord protect us all .

Posted: Sat 14 Mar 2020, 13:09
by Burn_IT
I think the press and media have had a field day and generated more of a panic than there needs to be.
I'm at high risk being over 60 and with ongoing heart problems.
I would like to be able to carry on as normal, but the public panic is doing it's best to prevent that.
I went for a scheduled 6 monthly blood test yesterday at my local surgery.
It is normally packed out on a Friday lunchtime, but there was only two other people there; both older, wiser people.

Posted: Sat 14 Mar 2020, 16:43
by Mike Walsh
Jeezus Christ al-fucking mighty. What IS it with you people?

You see dark shadows in every brightly-lit corner. You're convinced the world (and his dog) is out to "get you". You're utterly certain that every single thing that happens on a day-to-day basis is, in fact, part of a massive global conspiracy against the common man.


And as for the backi types, trumpeting "The End Is Nigh" in a stentorian, fog-horn voice to all who will listen, auggh; I give up, I really do. Y'all must lead a pretty sorry, lonely existence, that's all I can say; I honestly can't think of any other reason why you come out with all this crap. But then I fully expect to be "laughed out of court" for even entertaining the idea of saying so! :D

Always remember this; every single time over the course of the earth's history, (and the rise and fall of the many & varied civilizations that have infested this mudball during man's existence) that population explosion has threatened to "upset the applecart", Mother Nature has always found a way to redress the balance. She's never failed yet.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 14 Mar 2020, 17:26
by backi
Hi Mike !
I like your sunny Disposition.
Didn't want to spoil your Day .
Mother Nature has always found a way to redress the balance. She's never failed yet.
Sure that's right.
Who needs Mankind?
I am not much worried about Mother Nature.........

Reminds me on 9/11.
Controlled Demolition of the current financial System?
Global Currency Reset?
Keywords --Digital Money--Mandatory (RFID)Microchip Implants.
The collapse of "Money" and everything that will follow from that: Warfare, Unemployment, Collapse of Markets, Failure of major Industries, massive social and political Unrest, Rriots, Starvation, Uprisings and more.
I am 65 Years old now.What will happen to my small Savings ?Would be not so easy for me left with nothing and have to start all over.

Posted: Sat 14 Mar 2020, 17:43
by linuxcbon
Latest news from France : the health ministry says that ibuprofen, cortisone (and all the medecine based on them and anti inflamatory medicine) could make the disease worse, so don't take them if you have the disease. ... 5398923264

Posted: Sat 14 Mar 2020, 20:13
by musher0
Hi all.

Premier Legault has just declared a State of Health Emergency in this province this
afternoon. I thought only the (federal) Prime Minister could do that, but it seems any
(provincial) Premier can. It gives him powers like a dictator for anything related to

Not to mention any age, he wants people from the beatnik and hippie generations to
stay home.

Being older, I'm not sure if I can legally go out to do my groceries anymore. But I have
to, I'm running low on everything. I'll put a scarf on my nose and wear gloves, and go

I'll have an inspiring view of ice thawing on the Ottawa River from my balcony, for the
next 2-3 weeks. I think I'll go back to practicing meditation. Maybe I'll have enough time
to try levitation. :lol:


Backi, greengeek, Mike_Walsh is right. I'll add that you're wasting your beautiful
intelligence and putting your mental health at risk constructing those void conspiracy
theories. "Void", because they are a metaphysical and logical vacuum sucking in
actual facts and sensible ideas until you believe there are none left.


Thanks for the add'l info, linuxcbon. "Prends soin de toi."

Take care of yourselves, everyone.

Posted: Sat 14 Mar 2020, 20:53
by Terry H
Mike Walsh wrote: .
And as for the backi types, trumpeting "The End Is Nigh" in a stentorian, fog-horn voice to all who will listen, auggh; I give up, I really do. Y'all must lead a pretty sorry, lonely existence, that's all I can say; I honestly can't think of any other reason why you come out with all this crap. But then I fully expect to be "laughed out of court" for even entertaining the idea of saying so! :D
Mike, I think most would be in agreement with you on this. Many times I have been going to respond as you have but then just shake my head and move on. Any challenges just prompt the posting of more crap in reply, as in the post after yours.

Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2020, 02:21
by perdido
For those interested in some data.
TomTom live traffic info has been available for Wuhan. Taking into consideration the information China has been putting out all week that things are back to normal, it looks to be contrary to actual live data.

This compares actual live traffic to a year ago and also will show the last week if you click for it. ... an-traffic

it looks much busier than the redline it showed a month ago.
There is data for many cities, Wuhan has a reported population of 11-million so any shifts in percentages represent a significant quantity of vehicles.

My thought on the virus is that it is more than a coincidence that ground zero is 19-miles from China's only lab that is qualified to play with this type of doom. This is not a joke and is currently spreading world-wide ... -maps.html

I made one post earlier in this thread that showed live shipping traffic, I thought it could be used as reference. Ship traffic is down and the ports at Saudi Arabia look to have a lot more tankers parked when compared to earlier screenshots. Saudi has decided to dump oil on the market, does it have anything to do with reduced output in China?

Anyone paying attention as to what is going on in Italy? They have had a nation-wide quarantine since March 9th. ... s_lockdown

This all reminds me of Ebola. By the way, the virus is now loose and spreading in Africa.

Now go wash your hands and quit touching your face :)


Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2020, 05:13
by musher0
perdido wrote:
(...)I made one post earlier in this thread that showed live shipping traffic, I thought it could be
used as reference. Ship traffic is down and the ports at Saudi Arabia look to have a lot
more tankers parked when compared to earlier screenshots. Saudi has decided to dump
oil on the market, does it have anything to do with reduced output in China?
Hi perdido.

Could be. But IIRC the news from a couple of weeks ago, the Saudis initially wanted
to limit oil production within OPEP countries to keep the prices up, not dump it. The
Russians did not agree, and that discord brought the prices down.

Anyway, with the current health clamp-downs on travel in many G-20 countries, who
are the Saudis going to dump their oil on? Family cars and commercial planes around
the world now have a limited need to be refueled because of the restricted mobility
regulations adopted by your own and many other countries.

That said, I suspect the oil market will rebound with a vengeance once the COVID-19
crisis is over.

As to the proximity of a high tech and high security bio lab next to Wuhan, it doesn't
mean anything, IMO. Many countries including Canada have similar labs next to
large cities.

Logically, I don't see it. If China had had evil intentions, why would it inflict physical
suffering on its own people and economic regression on itself, starting in the capital
city of the province that seems to be its industrial powerhouse?


Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2020, 06:03
by perdido
musher0 wrote:perdido wrote:
(...)I made one post earlier in this thread that showed live shipping traffic, I thought it could be
used as reference. Ship traffic is down and the ports at Saudi Arabia look to have a lot
more tankers parked when compared to earlier screenshots. Saudi has decided to dump
oil on the market, does it have anything to do with reduced output in China?
Hi perdido.

Could be. But IIRC the news from a couple of weeks ago, the Saudis initially wanted
to limit oil production within OPEP countries to keep the prices up, not dump it. The
Russians did not agree, and that discord brought the prices down.

Anyway, with the current health clamp-downs on travel in many G-20 countries, who
are the Saudis going to dump their oil on? Family cars and commercial planes around
the world now have a limited need to be refueled because of the restricted mobility
regulations adopted by your own and many other countries.

That said, I suspect the oil market will rebound with a vengeance once the COVID-19
crisis is over.

As to the proximity of a high tech and high security bio lab next to Wuhan, it doesn't
mean anything, IMO. Many countries including Canada have similar labs next to
large cities.

Logically, I don't see it. If China had had evil intentions, why would it inflict physical
suffering on its own people and economic regression on itself, starting in the capital
city of the province that seems to be its industrial powerhouse?

Saudi Arabia has to deal with ARAMCO going public and having comittments to shareholders. i think they are looking at market share when oil consumption increases. If you invest, oil is sure to go back up.
President Trump has bought i the saudi oil @ $30/barrel to refill the US strategic oil reserves that his predecessor depleted.

I did not say the virus release was deliberate, only the proximity to the only lab in China that is legally working with this deadly virii is more than a coincidence.

Since you mentioned the Canadian biolabs, there are artices on some china research fellows working at that lab being asked to leave due to having stolen this particular strain? Plus some harvard professor has been arrested for lying about participation in the Wuhan lab and having led aresearch group dealing with this virus(and being paid an anormous amount)

What all this comes down to is there are more unanswered questions than answers. What is known is that this virus is particularily nasty to certain age groups.


Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2020, 07:16
by greengeek
musher0 wrote: greengeek, Mike_Walsh is right. I'll add that you're wasting your beautiful intelligence and putting your mental health at risk constructing those void conspiracy theories.
Thanks for the negativity musher0. Not sure what I said to deserve that since everything i posted is fact.
musher0 wrote:As to the proximity of a high tech and high security bio lab next to Wuhan, it doesn't mean anything, IMO. Many countries including Canada have similar labs next to large cities.
Somewhat ironic that you should be referencing Canadian virus research labs since the carcass of this Wuhan virus appears to have originated in Winnipeg.

Just be aware that people are dying through lack of information and lack of preparation.
musher0 wrote: Finally, for a Canadian at least, the distinction between COVID-19 and the common flu is not obvious.
That attitude is what gets people killed.
musher0 wrote: I'm not sure if I can legally go out to do my groceries anymore. But I have to, I'm running low on everything.
It is unfortunate that you did not heed the information that has been available for weeks - and stocked up on the essentials. Leaving it this late means that you are putting pressure on the supply chain. My guess is that your truckies may decide to self-isolate for a few weeks and those who have ignored the steady exponential rise of the virus may be in for lean times.

Worse than that - the medical staff trying to save lives in hospitals with inadequate ventilation equipment may decide to stay home too - which means those who have not stocked up on medications in time will die unattended in hospital hallways.

Good luck fighting off Trudeau's wife if the hospital is down to one spare ventilator. I think I know who will be first in line...

So - to be clear - this is not a rare, natural "Mother Nature" kind of virus. It has HIV-style ACE2 binding attachments that could only have occurred naturally if Rock Hudson went on a date with a pretty sick Pangolin.

There is a long line of carefully crafted respiratory viruses that can be used to target specific demographics.

Keep an open mind, get prepared, and don't trust either "Mother Nature" or hand washing.

This is an airborne virus that lingers in the atmosphere up to 3 hours after an affected person sneezes in a toilet cubicle.

Stay where there is fresh air and sunlight (direct - not through glass), drink lots of water, consume lots of vitamin C (and especially green leaved foods that contain vitamin C) and be ready to get to hospital quickly if breathing becomes difficult.

Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2020, 09:44
by backi
Greengeek wrote :
It has HIV-style ACE2 binding attachments that could only have occurred naturally if Rock Hudson went on a date with a pretty sick Pangolin.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey really made my Day! :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2020, 11:26
by musher0

Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2020, 11:35
by wiak
UK Health minister saying UK about to dictate that over 70 year olds to self-isolate for extended period of 4 months or more.

Hope everyone there in that category have their Pups and Dogs and Internet all ready for their isolation period...


Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2020, 11:39
by musher0
wiak wrote:UK Health minister saying UK about to dictate that over 70 year olds to self-isolate for extended period of 4 months or more.

Hope everyone there in that category have their Pups and Dogs and Internet all ready for their isolation period...

Has the man fallen on his head?

If so, then here's my very own conspiracy theory:
The COVID-19 virus was devised by members of generation Y to get rid of
us baby-boomers!!!

Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2020, 18:17
by musher0

Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2020, 18:30
by Moose On The Loose
musher0 wrote: If so, then here's my very own conspiracy theory:
The COVID-19 virus was devised by members of generation Y to get rid of
us baby-boomers!!!
We can make a list:

-- was invented by China to reduce the world population
-- was invented by Russia/India to mess up China.
-- was invented by the GOP[1] to delay the election
-- was invented by the Dems[1] to undermine the GOP
-- was carried from the US to China by someone returning
-- doesn't exist and is just a fake
-- can be cured by my magic pills you can buy
-- Is a way to kill off older people.
-- Is a way to kill off dumb people who can't adapt
-- was invented by Microsoft.

[1] US specific party names change them for your nation