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Re: boot from sdcard

Posted: Sun 15 Dec 2019, 10:43
by foxpup
welcome to the kennels @giraldiego
giraldiego wrote: and from grub console I am able to load the vmlinux and the intrd, but I get an error saying it can't find the bionic_puppy8.0.sfs file. The files are located in the root of the partition, but they aren't found.

I end with a bash prompt and access to the console. Any clue how to solve this?
Working from grub console is not easy ;-)
Do you really end up in bash console? not in grub console?
Did you set root (grub parameter) properly? In grub console type "set" to get the grub parameters.

It may be easier to add a menuentry for your Puppy in the grub.cfg .
Something like this:

Code: Select all

menuentry 'Bionicpup' {
  insmod ext2
  insmod linux
  search --file --set root --no-floppy /initrd.gz
  linux /vmlinuz pfix=fsck 
  initrd /initrd.gz
I always put each frugal install in its own directory. Then the entry would be like this:

Code: Select all

menuentry 'Bionicpup' {
  insmod ext2
  insmod linux
  search --file --set root --no-floppy /upupBB/initrd.gz
  linux /upupBB/vmlinuz pfix=fsck psubdir=/upupBB/
  initrd /upupBB/initrd.gz
Maybe Puppy really needs the psubdir boot parameter?
For the first example:
linux /vmlinuz pfix=fsck psubdir=/

Of course, if you insist on working from grub console, you can type the lines from the menuentry in the grub console.

2 pups on another HD (not USB)

Posted: Tue 19 May 2020, 01:25
by gychang
This indeed works when I formatted the USB stick and followed the instructions as described on the first thread. Now I have 2 Pups dual booting (BionicPup64, Slacko64) on a HD (on same partition sdb2 but in different folders in /BP64 and /SL64). Normally when I want to play with a pup, I have to change to CSM, from UEFI on bios. I like to be able to boot pups in UEFI. My bios has no option of secure boot...

1. I plan to format sdb2 with fat32 and create 2 folders BP64, SL64. Put in key files (usually 4) in each folders.
2. how do I edit grub.cfg so it finds each proper folders for dual booting?
3. do I need or modify menu.lst? (grub4dos)


Posted: Tue 19 May 2020, 01:57
by bigpup
I am not trying to say this is no longer good way to do it.
This is more of a manual way to do something that now can be handled all by a new Puppy installer program.

Recently Frugalpup Installer was released by gyro.
It can install a UEFI boot loader that will work with UEFI secure boot enabled.
Has ability to provide a Puppy security key for UEFI.
It also can install the old style bios boot loader.
Or it can install both boot loaders.

Just make sure to use the latest version.
Gyro is still tweaking it.
It only does frugal installs, but can do them to any type drive.
I have done installs to internal emmc cards, hard drives, sd cards, and USB sticks.

The drive does need two partitions.
first one a small 500MB, fat32 formatted, flagged boot.
All the boot files go on it.
This is a UEFI requirement for a boot partition.
Rest of drive, a partition(s) formatted, how you want.
Puppy frugal installs go on the second partition.