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Posted: Wed 24 Sep 2014, 18:39
by Tote
final-final-final, are you sure-sure-sure? :D

Very nice csipesz, working very well for me, thank you for all of your hard work!

Posted: Thu 25 Sep 2014, 14:04
by csipesz
thanx, boyz, yes, i hope this is the final precise-.retro csipesz-mod.
I use this every day, and I am satisfied with him - finally.

Posted: Sun 28 Sep 2014, 15:15
by csipesz
uploading of bash- and openssl-updated versions of Csipeszpup v8 in progress.
previous links deleted.

Posted: Sun 28 Sep 2014, 19:48
by csipesz
precise-571RetroCsipeszPupV8EngHun2014Sept.iso 699.1 MB with important security updates(English version):!wINgTKDR!d_U83zeE7 ... MsK3K7esoo EDITED: Attention, Firedrive store is dead!

Azért ideteszem a magyar változatot is:
precise-571RetroCsipeszPupV8HunEng2014Szept.iso 699.4 MB!BBdWFDTT!MOOXB6N9k ... 64duqkrec4 FIGYELEM, A FIREDRIVE T

Posted: Mon 29 Sep 2014, 17:33
by partsman
Hello csipesz :D
I downloaded the most resent iso with the security fix but I haven't applied it yet my question is can I simply swap the sfs file or do I need to do a version upgrade also ?
Thank you again for a great puppy :wink:

Posted: Mon 29 Sep 2014, 18:37
by csipesz
thank you :)
Yes, if you use it on a pen-drive, then enough, if you replace the system-sfs.

Posted: Mon 29 Sep 2014, 19:18
by partsman
csipesz wrote:thank you :)
Yes, if you use it on a pen-drive, then enough, if you replace the system-sfs.
Thanks csipesz but I have it running on ext4 partition on my hard drive ?
should I simulate a version upgrade ? :?
Thanks again :wink:

Posted: Tue 30 Sep 2014, 02:16
by csipesz
of course! I use this every day, full installed to(or on?) my hard drive;
so the best,
so most fast!

Posted: Tue 30 Sep 2014, 09:46
by csipesz
with this it is over the CsipeszPup-task - may be beginning the CspieszTahrPupRetro-task!
No, no... i give it up... TahrPup Retro was a nightmare....
precise retro better, better, better!
This is the fact.

Posted: Tue 30 Sep 2014, 17:11
by partsman
csipesz wrote:with this it is over the CsipeszPup-task - may be beginning the CspieszTahrPupRetro-task!
Well I have to say again csipesz this would be hard to beat !! Very nice indeed :wink: I only added a handful of other pets to tailor to my liking :wink: Very nice job I have said it before with retro fatty but indeed this one takes the cake ! Perfect ready to go puppy with all the necessities out of the box :D Running flawlessly on my hard drive !
Very well done csipesz :wink: Thank you !
I haven't had a lot of time lately to spend with puppy :? Not near as much as I would like :D But I can appreciate the hard work it takes for you and others to turn out puppies like this ! And adding everything and getting everything working together I know can be a daunting task ! Thanks for all your efforts :wink: As they definitely have paid off on this spin ! :wink:

Posted: Tue 30 Sep 2014, 20:00
by csipesz
i don't understand this... nobody paid for me... it's my hobby - it's my love :)

Posted: Tue 30 Sep 2014, 23:38
by partsman
csipesz wrote:i don't understand this... nobody paid for me... it's my hobby - it's my love :)
I just meant that your hard work has produced a wonderful spin of puppy !
All your time and effort = wonderful puppy iso :wink:
Thanks for sharing :wink:

Posted: Wed 01 Oct 2014, 04:37
by csipesz
ya, all right, ok, ok! :D

Posted: Thu 02 Oct 2014, 22:51
by donkeymilk1
hello, can i use Precise 5.7.1 retro "CsipeszPup" version 8 final on a computer with a AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 2600+ (architecture: x86; 1603 MHz and it has a Radeon 9250 agp graphics card.

i have tryed LxPupTahr-14.09.00.iso, tpwnn_final.iso + magoo_pup_v6.iso ,but i get a black screen after kernel has finished loading.

i tried booting to command line and ran xorgwizard.
I even got has far as choosing safe graphics mode and ran the test which said it should work ok.

but it then went to a black screen ,even though it showed the graphics test was sucessful.
wan-co-571jp-20140815.iso works ok ,if i choose safe mode at the boot .

p.s love the name wan-co :)

Posted: Fri 03 Oct 2014, 06:13
by csipesz
hi, donkeymilk1!
then now i well understand you: csipeszpup WORKING on your config?
'cose your config not too easy config for many puppy OS-es...
if you can, probe it on an intel proc. machine, with nvidia 128mb ram or better card. You will have more joy! :)
(sure opengl support for wine games, compiz, etc.)

my self made nvidia drivers place for 5.7.1 precise retro: ... GxnWW1hd1k

Posted: Fri 03 Oct 2014, 15:05
by donkeymilk1
Thanks,csipesz .

it works perfectly on my old computer.

1gb memory
9250 agp graphics card
AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 2600+ (architecture: x86 athlon 64 family)
It boots up very quick and starts automatically.

zte t-mobile dongle works ok.

i installed Thunar pet.(file-manager) and
after firefox updated to 32.03

This is an excellent puppy.

Thankyou for your hard work 8)

p.s.... google translate is not good for Hungarian :)

Posted: Sun 05 Oct 2014, 15:56
by csipesz
bad news: That rotten Firedrive data store is unattainable!
3 are his days already!
and then it is able to be written: "We'll be back in a jiffy" :(

Posted: Tue 07 Oct 2014, 18:20
by donkeymilk1
Firedrive and sockshare.

i think the police have shut them down.

megaDOTcoDOTnz and archiveDOTorg] are ok for free downloads.
csipesz ,should i update bash ?

Posted: Tue 07 Oct 2014, 18:48
by csipesz
I refreshed these(openssl and bash) already, i hope so, is worth something...

Posted: Wed 08 Oct 2014, 00:24
by donkeymilk1
ok,thanks mate.
i like this puppy ,it works well.