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Posted: Sun 01 Jan 2012, 16:54
by jpeps
PenguinPupLin wrote:Could you confirm that creating a swapfile of the same name and in the same harddisk partition in Lighthouse and Wary511 is alright?
When you install it, it creates an entry in /root/.swapfile. It doesn't care if you've got a similar entry in another distro.

If you're seeing swap usage, that would explain the "busy" messages. The system can only use one swapfile or swap partition. The one in use must be turned off to create a new one. Swapfile was intended when there is no swap partition already in use.

Posted: Mon 02 Jan 2012, 07:20
by PenguinPupLin
That's reassuring,thank you. Any idea about the hald message "multi-user -sh: /.etc/.bashrcsysctl: No such file or directory" that I got when booting up Lighthouse puppy 5.0.3 mariner after I've created the swapfile, not that I think it must have anything to do with it. Anyway,it still boots up after a while.

Posted: Mon 02 Jan 2012, 10:31
by jpeps
Something ( "multi-user") is looking for a missing or misplaced file. It's definitely not swapfile manager.

Using winfonts to create swap space

Posted: Wed 04 Jan 2012, 08:37
by PenguinPupLin
As an experiment and to test it, I follow Shinobar's instruction to use to create a swap space that uses windows pagefile.sys as swap space.
First,I turn my existing swap off with your swapfilemanager. Then I installed and run to set swap space - my pagefile.sys has about 785MB of virtual memory. After rebooting X server, I uninstalled swapfile manger to avoid any conflict just in case. But I noticed,free in console still shows vm.swappiness=60. How is this so? Does it matter or is it useful to leave it? If necessary,how to remove it? On the other hand,if I still wish to set swappiness,how can I do so without swapfilemanager? Any advice appreciated.

Posted: Wed 04 Jan 2012, 18:25
by jpeps
edit "/proc/sys/vm/swappiness"; 60 is default

Winfonts failed to use winxp pagefile as swap space in 214X

Posted: Thu 05 Jan 2012, 16:53
by PenguinPupLin
OK,noted,I'll leave the swappiness=60 on.
I have a question for Shinobar,hoped he sees this. Running winfonts in Classic Pup 214X-TOP failed to use WinXP pagefile as swap space. Free in MRrxvt didn't show any swap available.

Posted: Sat 07 Jan 2012, 14:14
by PenguinPupLin
Hi jpeps, thanks so much for your swapfilemanager pet. I've used it successfully. I've also tried winfonts pet to set swap space which in my case makes use of the pagefile.sys in my WinXP partition. Your swapfilemanager has this swappiness feature which winfonts doesn't(though I believe it can be done manually by adding a script somewhere). However,I'm not sure if my comparison is valid,after creating a swapfile with your pet,the bootup time for Puppy is about 1.5 to 2 minutes,whereas for winfonts it's faster,under 1 minute. Just my observation.
For those who do not wish to create a new partition in Windoze,either of these methods is useful,esp for those with less than 512MB RAM;in fact,even with 512 MB RAM,if you run modern browsers and play youtube videos online,it's barely enough,so having a swap file ,preferably equal in size to your RAM capacity,will markedly improve performance.

Posted: Sat 07 Jan 2012, 16:03
by jpeps
PenguinPupLin wrote:However,I'm not sure if my comparison is valid,after creating a swapfile with your pet,the bootup time for Puppy is about 1.5 to 2 minutes,whereas for winfonts is faster,under 1 minute. Just my observation.
I tried with Slacko. I turned swap off and rebooted in 44 seconds. I turned it on and rebooted in 42 seconds.

Edit: Uninstalled swapfile manager and rebooted: 44 seconds. increase in boot time.

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 08:32
by PenguinPupLin
jpeps wrote:
PenguinPupLin wrote:However,I'm not sure if my comparison is valid,after creating a swapfile with your pet,the bootup time for Puppy is about 1.5 to 2 minutes,whereas for winfonts is faster,under 1 minute. Just my observation.
I tried with Slacko. I turned swap off and rebooted in 44 seconds. I turned it on and rebooted in 42 seconds.

Edit: Uninstalled swapfile manager and rebooted: 44 seconds. increase in boot time.
Sorry,it could be due to something else then.
Another interesting observation I've made is that after creating pupswap.swp for use in Pup214X-TOP9 but couldn't get it to work - error:swapon - invalid argument - I then rebooted into another puppy(wary511 as well as 431),and the pupswap.swp was automatically recognised on bootup without me having done any swapon setting other than the previous winfonts-set-pagefile procedure;it actually combined the two,i.e pupswap(512MB) + pagefile(768MB) = 1.3 GB as swap ! For now,I've deleted pupswap.swp to save harddisk space until Shinobar or someone else could point me to a solution for Pup214X-TOP9 to use swap file.

Posted: Wed 11 Jan 2012, 09:26
by PenguinPupLin
Hi jpeps,I tried swapfilemanager in Classic Pup 214X-TOP9 to create a swap file but it didn't work. First time I used the name pupswap.swp, swapon said invalid argument. Second time, used the default name swapfile,nothing happened. Free in console no swap available.
This very useful pet works well in my other Wary 511, Lighthouse ,puppy 431, but I haven't tried it in Legacy OS2, am quite sure it will run into the same problem as for Classic Pup as both are based on older kernels,k2.6.18.1 (puppy 2.14).
Hoped you'd look into it and come out with a solution as without swap space,Classic Pup 214X on my notebook runs slow and jerky. Thanks in advance.
Just curious: is your swap file in Linux (ext2/3/4?) partition or ntfs like in my case?

Posted: Wed 11 Jan 2012, 16:03
by jpeps
PenguinPupLin wrote:Hi jpeps,I tried swapfilemanager in Classic Pup 214X-TOP9 to create a swap file but it didn't work. First time I used the name pupswap.swp, swapon said invalid argument. Second time, used the default name swapfile,nothing happened. Free in console no swap available.
This very useful pet works well in my other Wary 511, Lighthouse ,puppy 431, but I haven't tried it in Legacy OS2, am quite sure it will run into the same problem as for Classic Pup as both are based on older kernels,k2.6.18.1 (puppy 2.14).
Hoped you'd look into it and come out with a solution as without swap space,Classic Pup 214X on my notebook runs slow and jerky. Thanks in advance.
Just curious: is your swap file in Linux (ext2/3/4?) partition or ntfs like in my case?
Looks like you're cross-posting the same issue in multiple threads. It was already addressed here: ... 8dee5a96dd

The problem appear to be your unique setup, since it works fine for others. I don't know about NTFS partitions for older distributions/kernels.

Posted: Sat 02 Jun 2012, 07:43
by killapup
Thanks, jpeps, for this utility, being a newbie to Linux, I've struggled with creating a swapfile/partition. This has saved my hair and fingernails, great work. I've yet to test it out fully but at least my system didn't crash or freeze.

It installed without a hitch in Slacko 5 and 5.3.3 on a system with only 112 Mb of available ram, hopefully it will help with the more resource-intense apps.

Keep up the good work.

Posted: Sun 03 Jun 2012, 08:07
by jpeps
killapup wrote:
It installed without a hitch in Slacko 5 and 5.3.3 on a system with only 112 Mb of available ram, hopefully it will help with the more resource-intense apps.
wow...I thought Slacko required more ram...did you try Wary? Even with a gig of ram, my swap file kicks in during intense tasks like converting particularly dense files. I'm guessing that without out it, my computer would have frozen.

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2013, 11:13
by jpeps
Update to Version 4.5: Saves settings to init.d/swapmanager instead of editing profile.local.

Posted: Tue 20 Aug 2013, 19:25
by SFR
Hey Jpeps

I just started to use this app (need more mem) and it's perfect solution for me, especially that I don't want to set up a separate partition for swap.

Just a minor glitch: I noticed every time I lauch the app, two files (named "0" & "4") are being created in /root.
Most likely lines 54 & 163:

Code: Select all

[ ${b} >4 ] && SIZE="$((${SIZE} + 1))"
if [ "$VAR" >0 ]; then
It doesn't seem to affect the app's functionality, but anyways it's better to report. :wink:

Thank you &

Posted: Tue 20 Aug 2013, 21:39
by jpeps
SFR wrote: It doesn't seem to affect the app's functionality, but anyways it's better to report. :wink:

Thank you &
You won't believe this, but:

Code: Select all

 [ "$b" \> "4" ]

edit: unfortunately, that solution creates errors in some versions of bash and not others, so I'll leave it alone for now.

edit2: This seems to work in several versions of bash that I've tried:

Code: Select all

[ "${b}>4" ]
Uploaded a fix. Thanks for checking. Also uploaded a gtimer version that works out of the box with lucid (needs a gtkdialog variable which checks for the correct version).

Posted: Wed 21 Aug 2013, 08:40
by SFR
Thanks for quick fix! :)


Posted: Tue 26 Jul 2016, 11:42
by live
Small display problem of under tahrpup64, see attached screenshot


Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2016, 08:25
by pp4mnklinux
I recently installed this soft.

REALLY USEFUL for newbies

THANKS A LOT for u all

xenialpup64 7.5 : pre-existing swap file config - how to

Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2019, 06:25
by d_vineet
In Xenialpup7.5 64bit, I have installed swapfilemanager 4.6.
Although I already have a swapfile of 4G which was created by installer initially, I wish to decrease it.
If I use "Utilities" -- "Swapfile Manager" -- "setup wizard"--"create swap file", maybe it would create another swap file?
I don't wish to do that.
Is it possible to adjust the pre-existing swap file?