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Geeqie 1.1 Slacko PPM

Posted: Fri 22 Nov 2013, 05:05
by Pelo
Slacko has geeqie-1.1 available in its PPM
Printing stuff is here. I have no printer. So I dont know if geeqie does it. But it should.

Posted: Fri 22 Nov 2013, 10:57
by nooby
I use one of the older one daily
but I am so noob that I don't dare to test
a new one but thanks very much fpr all the effort.

what one of the older lack is that when one go
from one picture to next and it is an animated Gif
then it only show a still while Viewnior automatically
realize that one want to see it animated.

Have I forgot to check some box about that or is the new one
maybe better at such?

I usually use Lupu so maybe Ican update slacko with this one
and keep the old one for Lupu? do they ahve files that get overrridden
if one have two?

Good as a full screen photo slideshow viewer with shuffle!

Posted: Tue 08 Sep 2015, 21:29
by Michaelx
Good as a full screen photo slideshow viewer with shuffle! Other features which I am currently not using.

slacko puppy 5.7 non-PAE
acer aspire cpu is intel atom N270 1.5Gb RAM

Using geeqie to display photos which reside in a directory, full-screen, randomly shuffled. Has preferences to shuffle or not, time between photos, disable device screensaver or not. Installed using puppy package manager, no problems.

So, I have my little Acer on the Out house counter, displaying random photos, just what I wanted!

I'm also liking puppy linux very much.

ps - (I tried Mirage and it looked like it installed, but it wasn't there!! ummmmmm - my daughter thought I was making a joke, but it was true.)

Geeqie is a very nice slideshow program.

Slideshow starting automatically on boot Slacko puppy linux.

Posted: Fri 11 Sep 2015, 20:13
by Michaelx
Using Geequi 1.1 and Slacko 5.7 puppy linux.

1. On boot, have the partiton containing the photos mounted on boot using Pmount puppy drive mounter - desktop right click on the drive icon to launch Pmount puppy drive manager, click on the selection box for the appropriate drive, click mount partition on boot.

2. Write a script to change to the image directory and then have the script start Geequi using command line options. Here is my script:

Code: Select all

# start geequi slideshow


cd /mnt/mmcblk0p1/photos/2/
geeqie -s -t -f
I named my script ''
(command line options above are --slideshow --without-tools --fullscreen)

Please correct the script if the syntax is not pretty - it's my first one.

2a. Note that in Geequi, you can drop a photo on the right screen, then select the tab 'Select' and click copy path to clipboard. Right click on the photo to toggle show-hide left-hand screen.

3. For good housekeeping, copy your script to the directory /root/my-applications/bin which is in the PATH in puppuy linux.
4. Right click on your script file to set permissions to executable.
5. Open /root/Startup and in a separate window open /root/my-applications/bin and then left-drag your executable script file to the startup folder, and click to create a symbolic link to your script. I made an absolute symbolic link.
6. You can also left-click drag the script to your desktop to have a desktop shortcut to start the slideshow at any time.
7. Save your script to cloud storage.

On boot, the slideshow should start automatically. ESC to exit full screen slideshow, right-click the photo for options.

i will try your how-to. Merci

Posted: Fri 22 Apr 2016, 02:18
by Pelo
michaelx, i will try your how-to. Merci

sort pictures by date

Posted: Sun 07 Jan 2018, 21:24
by hamoudoudou
sort pictures by date most pictures in a diaporama are same date

Triton 6.0

Posted: Wed 04 Apr 2018, 03:35
by hamoudoudou
root# geeqie
Création du dossier Geeqie : /root/.config/geeqie
Création du dossier Geeqie : /root/.local/share/geeqie/collections
Création du dossier Geeqie : /root/.cache/geeqie/thumbnails
Création du dossier Geeqie : /root/.local/share/geeqie/metadata
/usr/share/themes/MurrinaSpring/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:48: Invalid symbolic color 'bg_color'
/usr/share/themes/MurrinaSpring/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:48: error: invalid identifier 'bg_color', expected valid identifier
/usr/share/themes/MurrinaSpring/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:48: Invalid symbolic color 'bg_color'
/usr/share/themes/MurrinaSpring/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:48: error: invalid identifier 'bg_color', expected valid identifier
Impossible d'initialiser le support de LIRC

Some themes are refused as Murrina Spring