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Posted: Mon 24 Jun 2013, 15:23
by otropogo
amj wrote:....

It seems to me that the support Puppy Linux offers to people who need to type in non-latin languages is fragmented. Each language seems to be approached on an ad hoc basis. The issues of 'non-latin input' and 'localisation' appear to have been jumbled together.

I am an English speaker. I don't need anything localised. But I do, on occasions, want to type nihongo script into my PC.

When I look at the official repository I don't see a pet for SCIM. Nor do see pets for the major non-latin scripts (anthy, hangul, pinyin, tamil, hindi etc.).

SCIM isn't particulary large. I would happy to see SCIM included as a standard component of Puppy. Then it would be up to the user to simply add in whatever scripts they need. That way adding support for non-latin input would be divorced from the issue of localisation.

I work primarily in English too, but I also dabble in Russian and Chinese. For reading web materials in Cyrillic or Chinese Characters, using Seamonkey, Puppy lupuplus (5.28 ) works fairly well, but when I need to input characters, especially Chinese, the wheels come off...

Aside from that, there's a much more serious problem with file management in lupu when foreign characters occur in a filename. It's proven impossible to save a file to disk if it contains a Chinese Character. In fact, the same is true if it contains accents or umlauts frequently found in Spanish, French, and German words. In order to save, copy, or move the file, I have to rename it. This can become a major problem when trying to update software, such as that of a Chinese e-dictionary. Then the target device must allow you to reinstate the original filename.

I'm not sure of the meaning of localization, and so don't know if that would help. But I gather you have to be more adept at the localized language than I am in Chinese or Russian, to effectively work with a localized version of Puppy. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm sorry this thread has been so neglected in the past two years, and wonder why.

I've been altogether absent from the forum for a lengthy period, and that I can understand - if one doesn't post here at least once every three or four days, the new message notification mechanism stops sending notices, and it's easy to lose track.

Japanese support

Posted: Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:57
by shinobar
Precise-550JP, Japanese edition is released

We have a plan to update the lang_pack_ja based on this new release.
Please wait for a while.

The is for the test releases of the Precise Puppy. It is not useful for the Precise Puppy official releases.