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Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:02
by keniv
Hello All

Thanks for your responses. I was a bit worried about the change in permissions because when I had made manual backups in the past the permissions did not change. However I did not rename them. I stored them in a directory named with the date of the backup as in /mnt/home/linuxbackup/puppysave/backup520/june2011. This far down puppy does not see the backups when booting. From what has been said in the last couple of posts I am reassured that the files inside the save file on the ext3 linux file system are not affected.


I do have a swapfile the size of which is decided by puppy (though I think it can be set manually) and seems to be populated by puppy at bootup. I have attached the output from permissions for this file. I still have no idea what caused the dialog box to freeze but I think I will re-download and try again just in case the original was corrupted. I'll post what happens with this.

Thanks again,


Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2011, 18:32
by keniv
Hello All

I have tried again. This time I did not even run the wifi but still got the same outcome after the backup was complete with a greyed out "quit" button and a box which can only be removed using "kill". I have no idea what the problem is.



Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2011, 18:55
by 2byte
hi keniv

I’m out of ideas at the moment too. There will be one more version upgrade that I intend to upload tonight. It addresses a non-fatal warning and has a completely clean shutdown in bash 4.1. Maybe those changes will make a difference in your case. It might be worth a try.


Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2011, 20:11
by keniv
Hello 2byte

I will download and try your new version when you upload it and report back on what happens.

Thanks again,


Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 04:56
by 2byte
New version uploaded. See the first post.


Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 06:20
by 8-bit
I found something interesting in your Pupsave-backup file.
I know it works as is, but the line "<label>"<span color='blue'>Pupsave file to backup</span>"</label>" according to another script on span is wrong.
It should be "<label>"<span color= '"'blue'"'> for that part of the span code.
That is color= single quote, double quote,single quote,color,single quote, double quote, single quote.

At least, when I tried that line in a short script, it kicked out a gtk error.
Maybe I am missing something in looking at the code.

Also, I get the same file named 0 when I run the Pupsave-backup script.
Could it be a matter of a variable not being populated that is the path/filename of one of the temp files?

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 18:38
by keniv
Hello 2byte

I installed your new .pet but I am now having a different set of problems. It opens extremely slowly. When setting the path to where the backup is to be stored each page again is very slow to open. This was not the case with the original script. I decided at this point something must be wrong and did not try to make a backup. It also installed a file named "0" in/my-applications/bin (see attached).
I found a version of this file after deleting the previous script but at that time did not know where it had come from. I had trouble deleting this file. Should this file be created? I have come to the conclusion that this is not going to work with my set up although I still don't know why. I think I will have to go back to manual backups.

Thanks again for trying to get it to work with my setup.



Posted: Wed 28 Sep 2011, 01:28
by 2byte
Hi keniv

I want to thank you for spending your time on this. It has been extremely helpful to me for getting bash 4 compatibility.

I never noticed the 0 file until you mentioned it. It seems that bash 4 doesn't like 'if' comparisons that have a > as part of the equation. At least not the way I had constructed them in bash 3. That caused the latest problem with the 0 file. It was being recreated every 0.2 seconds. No wonder it was hard to delete while the gui was running. Ditto for the slow operation, which was not noticeable on my rig. This is fixed now but I think I'll wait before uploading it.

With this bash 4 business it seems to me like every time one bug is fixed, two more are created.

Once again, thanks Ken

Posted: Wed 28 Sep 2011, 13:17
by darkcity
added software to wiki under name PupsaveBackup

Posted: Wed 28 Sep 2011, 15:14
by keniv
Hello 2byte

Thanks for your reply and explanation of what was going on. I am glad that it may not be a peculiarity of my system that has been causing the problems I have been having. When you are ready to upload again I will have another go at getting it to work on my system. I still think its a great idea.



Posted: Sun 02 Oct 2011, 01:39
by 2byte
Version 1.3 uploaded. See the first post.

Posted: Sun 02 Oct 2011, 19:53
by keniv
Hello 2byte

Have just installed v1.3. I am pleased to say that it worked without any of the problems I had previously including shutting down the gui.



Posted: Sun 02 Oct 2011, 22:26
by 2byte
That's great Ken :)

Wouldn't have got there without your help!


Posted: Sun 02 Oct 2011, 22:30
by 8-bit
I second that! Revision 3 worked fine for me also.

Posted: Mon 03 Oct 2011, 08:54
by rhadon
Well done 2byte.

Today it's the first time that I've tested your program, and it works fine.

Till now I've just copied my save file in use, took care that no other prog was running, and it worked flawlessly since years. But with your script it works much more comfortably.

It works also on reiserfs formatted partitions. :D

For myself I like to be able to mount my save files without renaming them. So I will try to change your code, that the save file is named e.g.

Then maybe to get it working with my reiserfs formatted save files (.rfs).

Well, I'll see. :wink:

Thank you for this. :D


Posted: Mon 03 Oct 2011, 16:07
by 8-bit
A little further down the list in this section is a utility called "Script makes dated backup files".
It makes backups in the format that you showed with the date in the middle but does not include "BKP" in the filename.

Posted: Mon 03 Oct 2011, 17:45
by 2byte
8-bit, and rhadon, thanks for the feedback. I can breathe a little easier now.
For myself I like to be able to mount my save files without renaming them. So I will try to change your code, that the save file is named e.g.
You know, you are the fourth person in the last week to mention leaving the file extension intact. Way back when I first wrote this I think I did leave the extension on, but the backup ended up being listed as a mountable pupsave at boot or Puppy would mount the first one it happened to find. At least that’s what I seem to recall but my memory is kind of cloudy nowadays. Anyway now that I think about it, the newer Woof Puppies look for a specific beginning of the pupsave name. So inserting the backup tag before the extension should still work for newer pups.

I think that just might be in the next update. Maybe not. Backward compatibility is important to me so it will take some time to test. Backup utilities seem to be springing up right and left :)


Posted: Mon 03 Oct 2011, 18:27
by rhadon
Thank's 8-bit,

I've overseen this thread. :oops:

But anyway, it's too late, I got it working in Hot Backup. :lol:

Building such a script is far beyond my skill, but finding out how a given script works or changing a little bit, that's my way of learning.

In phb_core I replaced in function PHB_Bkpfilename() ~line #83

Code: Select all

a="`expr "${1}" | awk -F / '{print $NF}'`".BKP-`date +%y.%m.%d-%H.%M`

Code: Select all

file="`expr "${1}" | awk -F / '{print $NF}'`" 
a=$name".BKP`date +%y%m%d-%H.%M`"$ext
And something similar in function PHB_Backup().

Maybe it's not the best way but it seems to work.

Result for lupusave-compile.3fs:

Tested in Lupu-525 and 528.

@ 2byte
No matter what you are doing, some people will love it and some are moaning. :roll:
Different people, different needs and different expectations.

I don't know what's the best for most.

I'm just trying to learn a little bit. For now I'm lost in trying to understand how the validation of the save file works. It's e.g. completely different to the way, the init script validates. :evil: :lol:

But anyway, thank you :wink:


Posted: Mon 03 Oct 2011, 18:52
by 8-bit
If you change the pupsave backup file format I will have to do a rewrite of my as it expects to find the backup file name in the format you now have.
Also, getting it to work with both types of a backup file as to the name format would take further work.
I already have the code to remove the date-time from the filename of a backup with the format being "pupsave.BAK-11.10.03-10.30.sfs".
But it would take some additional checks to see which format the backup name was.

Anyway, I always figured "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

I already know that if you try to mount the pupsave file of the same name as the one you have in use, it will not work.
But a dated backup pupsave with the extension at the end allows the user to mount it, maybe for the purpose of retrieving a file from it.
So there are some advantages I guess.

Posted: Thu 10 Nov 2011, 14:21
by Sylvander
I LOVE this program. :D 8)

Having used it only once so far, first impressions are excellent.

Any chance of a "Puppy Hot Restore"?

Or a restore feature included in "Puppy Hot Backup"?

i.e.............."Puppy Hot Backup/Restore"?