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Posted: Sat 03 Oct 2015, 22:50
by Iguleder
01micko wrote:
Ted Dog wrote: how much space does a working environment need.
10 GB should be comfortable.
When I run woof-CE on my most powerful laptop, I run it inside a 4GB tmpfs and it's good enough. Running it from RAM makes 2createpackages much faster.

By the way: I haven't mentioned it - some configurations won't produce a Puppy that boots or works afterwards. The Ubuntu Trusty configuration works for sure, though - that's why I recommend newcomers to use it before they do wild things with woof-CE.

Posted: Sat 03 Oct 2015, 22:56
by starhawk
@ Ted Dog -- I was simply trying to help out, since I felt I could. Would you have preferred that I had not?

Posted: Sat 03 Oct 2015, 23:16
by musher0
Iguleder wrote:(...)

By the way: I haven't mentioned it - some configurations won't produce a Puppy that boots or works afterwards. (...)
Very funny. (Since I'm almost done with the Devuan Jessie Pup...)
Now he tells us... :roll:

Posted: Sat 03 Oct 2015, 23:23
by musher0
Ok. Woof-CE is now squishing me a "puduan-6" Puppy, not Debian, not
Devuan! Puduan. (Probably the name of an unknown planet... in ref. to
Ted's remark earlier.) Should I :cry: or :D ?

Posted: Sat 03 Oct 2015, 23:25
by Ted Dog
Nah, MusherO was giving me a hard time on a minor off topic and then you post such an opus, I thought you were being ironic with your post. So high five your understated humor. I it was not a ironic of topic post then no hugh 5 8)
Sadly looks like he is busy builting a possible non working or booting experience. Still holding out my attempt at WolfCE till more landmines are cleared. STILL need a working WolfCE build-ed distro recommendation for a build environment. Turns out my two presets are not WolfCE based. :roll: :cry:

Posted: Sat 03 Oct 2015, 23:28
by 01micko

Devuan, Debian, Ubuntu, Trisquel (from Iguleder's fork) and to a degree Slackware should all build fine.

We should probably put in a mechanism that detects if config files for a certain distro haven't been touched for an arbitrary amount of time (say 100 days?) and pop a warning that there may be certain failures.

Mageia, Arch and T2 haven't been touched for quite a while.

Posted: Sat 03 Oct 2015, 23:36
by Iguleder
musher0 wrote:Now he tells us... :roll:
You should have read the first post carefully. I don't like this hostile attitude.
01micko wrote:Devuan, Debian, Ubuntu, Trisquel (from Iguleder's fork) and to a degree Slackware should all build fine.
All Trisquel support is in woof-CE. My fork has only the files under woof-distro (the package list, etc').
01micko wrote:We should probably put in a mechanism that detects if config files for a certain distro haven't been touched for an arbitrary amount of time (say 100 days?) and pop a warning that there may be certain failures.
I want this solution to be git rm. Configuration files for unsupported or old distros should be deleted. And yes, if we don't actively support Magiea, T2 and other distros that code should be removed. Less code - less bugs.

Posted: Sat 03 Oct 2015, 23:38
by Ted Dog
Ok has T2 ever been built? that is where I was heading in my learning trip with WolfCE. :o could be my SECOND try after a Slacko64 try.

Posted: Sat 03 Oct 2015, 23:44
by musher0
Hello again.

At the build iso question, I answered "(space)ENTER", but it still went
ahead with burning. Although the script said: "type any character then
Enter if you don't want to burn."

I thought (space) was a valid ASCII character!

Luckily I'm a character too, and my dvd was unusable. :twisted:
(Don't look for any relevance, there isn't any!)

The script also warned me that Bacon dev was not in the devx, with some
instructions how to include it. A bit late now, I'd say! :roll: while it's
squishing the devx.

This is lots of fun! :(


Posted: Sat 03 Oct 2015, 23:45
by 01micko
Ted Dog wrote:Ok has T2 ever been built? that is where I was heading in my learning trip with WolfCE. :o could be my SECOND try after a Slacko64 try.
That was Barry's. If you wanted to leverage Barry's latest T2 packages you could point the repos to Barry's quirky repo (x86 or x86_64) but there would need to be changes in all the setup scripts to accommodate T2_64.

So, learn woof-ce, build a slacko64, then keep your fork updated, make changes for T2, build it, break it, rebuild it, repeat and then push (issue pull request) the result.

Posted: Sat 03 Oct 2015, 23:50
by Ted Dog
:shock: :shock:
I don't like this hostile attitude
That is like saying he is Un Canadan, they are to a fault the least hostile group of people known. Unlike those who share your borders :P I would swap for Mexico any day.

Posted: Sat 03 Oct 2015, 23:58
by slavvo67
Yikes and yikes!

I'm going for a Trusty so it shouldn't be a problem but Musher0 does have a point. The process is pretty long, so we should probably have a list of what not to make. I mean, imagine going through this long download process and get something that doesn't work. Now that's a pretty mean joke, though unintentional, I'm sure.

If I may, I'd like to take the time to thank the programmers for all their efforts. You're all pretty fantastic, so take a bow....



Posted: Sun 04 Oct 2015, 00:04
by musher0
Iguleder wrote:
musher0 wrote:Now he tells us... :roll:
You should have read the first post carefully. I don't like this hostile attitude.
My God! Such compunction. Cops react like that when someone has a
reaction that's ever so slightly non-standard. Jesus!

You're reading it with the wrong tone. It's not hostile. It's supposed to be
ironic, a "taking-the-whole-thing-with-a-grain-of-salt-when-things-
don't-go-your-way" attitude. Don't you ever laugh at yourself? Don't you
have a sister or friends that tease you?

As I said to mavrothal: practice Cartesian Doubt, my friend, with yourself
as well as in your computer science work. Take a step back, by golly.

Don't you see I'm trying to put your suggestion of using woof-CE in
practice? Ok, I'm the anxious type, and humour is my way of letting off
steam. This woof process is making me extremely anxious, as I'd really
like to succeed at it.

Sorry if my way of dealing with anxiety offends some people, but I can't
help it, my personality is like that. Love it or leave it. I'm the first victim
of my personality, remember that.

But there's a wide gap between teasing and hostility. Phew.

I actually like you, your generous attitude, your selflessness, and the
work you do for Puppy.



Posted: Sun 04 Oct 2015, 00:16
by slavvo67
Iguleder and others:

Are there particular builds that you would like to see made? For me, it almost doesn't matter which one I make. Slacko Version, Ubuntu, Debian, no matter.

As long as I can get MPlayer, LibreOffice, a Chromium based browser, Roxterm, Photorec/Testdisk and my handmade scripts to work, any version is fine with me. Oh, and let's not forget the never present Zaxxon. Small and works on every pup.

Posted: Sun 04 Oct 2015, 00:19
by Ted Dog
Zaxxon video game from the 80s? Please post link..

Posted: Sun 04 Oct 2015, 00:23
by slavvo67
Hi Ted Dog. Give me a few and I'll put it up in the games section.

Posted: Sun 04 Oct 2015, 00:24
by musher0
Hello again.

I decided not to make a tahrPup because there are already 2-3 of them.
What is the point of repeating what has already been done, eh? With the
chance of failing at it, too?

There is no Jessie Puppy yet. There's is a JessieDog by saintless & Co, but
as saintless himself has explained, it's not really a Puppy.



Posted: Sun 04 Oct 2015, 00:37
by slavvo67
I decided to go with the Tahr just as a first test run....

Ted Dog, it's gonna take me a while to get the Zaxxon up there. Dropbox not working on my QU so I'll have to wait while I'm in Woof-CE. By the AM for sure.

Zaxxon is on this page:

ctrl-f to find it....

It works on every puppy that I ever used since Precise, at least....

Back to business: I gather moving the whole project to RAM will save significant time. So that will be my next step.

Also, do the 4babybuild and 4quirkybuild work? How would they be incorporated into the initial post?

Posted: Sun 04 Oct 2015, 01:33
by musher0
Hello, all.

Here is a short interim report on the woof-CE build of "Puduan-6.0":
total 319M # Note: For the entire directory.
_______________ # The size of the original iso is only 73 Mb.

-rw-r--r-- 1 159M oct 3 20:49 puduan-6.0.0+devx.iso
# the new iso with devx

drwxr-xr-x 2 4,0K oct 3 20:45 puduan-6.0.0.iso_extracted

-rw-r--r-- 1 86M oct 3 19:51 devx_puduan_6.0.0.sfs
# devx bigger than the iso, actually.
-rw-r--r-- 1 56 oct 3 19:51 devx_puduan_6.0.0.sfs.md5.txt

-rw-r--r-- 1 51 oct 3 19:26 puduan-6.0.0.iso.md5.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 73M oct 3 19:26 puduan-6.0.0-non.iso # the old iso
Pburn reporting that the original iso was data only (i.e. non-bootable), I unpacked it
to a dir, added the devx to it and used peasydisc to re-create an iso. I also used
peasydisc to burn the new iso to a DVD+RW..

The iso booted fine up to the X. I tested both xorgwizard options (modesetting and
radeon) one after the other, but still couldn't access the X desktop with the xwin jwm

I hope the other testers have better luck.

Have a great week-end!

musher0 out.

Posted: Sun 04 Oct 2015, 04:05
by gcmartin
Just started reading Pro GIT by Chacon & Straub . If I learned ANYTHING from its early reading it is "Throw everything I ever knew about the old CVS and SVM out, and start over for GIT". The old CVS/SVM contribute almost NOTHING, except a knowledge of how they work. GIT accomplishes the very same objective in a much improved manner for the way elements should be maintained.

GIT, I can see is an advancement and TOTALLY unique in both concept and operation. It is unparalleled in comparison to the old.

One creditable brief on GIT is found here.

Hope this info is helpful to anyone.