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Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2019, 05:54
by jamesbond
There is. But it's rather complicated (as in, it involves CLI operations and many steps).

1. Boot without a savefile.
2. Open the old savefile/savedir using Rox.
3. Launch a terminal from that for windows
4. In that terminal, type "ROOT=$(pwd) removepkg $(ls var/log/packages)"
5. Close terminal, close rox, and reboot, using the old savefile this time.
6. Then open a new terminal, and type " yes".
7. When asked answer "yes".

Posted: Mon 18 Feb 2019, 02:46
by h2sammo3

Code: Select all

# cd /mnt/sdb3
# ls
Downloads  fd64save.ext4  home  lost+found  tce10.0  tce9.0
# "ROOT=$(pwd) removepkg $(ls var/log/packages)"
ls: cannot access 'var/log/packages': No such file or directory
sh: ROOT=/mnt/sdb3 removepkg : No such file or directory
i tried but have some issues.

Posted: Mon 18 Feb 2019, 15:41
by jamesbond
You did step 2 and step 4 wrong.

This is how to do it:
2.a Open Rox folder and locate /mnt/sdb3
2.b Inside that rox you will see fd64save.ext4. Click it. It will open a new folder.
2.c Launch a terminal from within that folder (right-click, then from the menu choose "window" -> "terminal here".

Then proceed with the rest of the steps.

On step 4 and step 6, do not type the quotes. Just type the commands within the quotes.

Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2019, 02:12
by h2sammo3
thank you, this worked.

btw, updating rox-filer fails something wrong with the link i think - cannot download

two ISO burner/writer apps for USB not working in FD800beta

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2019, 08:18
by WB7ODYFred
Hello Fellow Fatdog64 800Beta users,
I meant to hit reply, but hit new post instead. This should be filed under Fatdog64 800 beta testing notes.

My goal was to download a .ISO file and write/burn it to a USB Flash Drive. I attempted to use two tools Unetbootin and (now ) to accomplish this task. What tool do you suggest using for writing a single .ISO file to a USB Flash Drive and make the usb flash drive bootable? Can application image Linux x64 etcher be supported under FatDog64 800RC?

EDIT: To answer my own question use
Fatdog64 Control Panel --> Utilities --> Fatdog64 UEFI installer application to write file FatDog64-800.iso file to a usb flash drive /dev/sdb Download 64 bit version.

Code: Select all

chmod +x  ./unetbootin-linux
then start the application by running ./unetbootin-linux
EDIT: Use Gslapt application to install p7zip
p7zip-7za was already installed. This cleared up p7zip full package not installed error.

Or try out tool etcher Download Linux 64 bit application "etcher" in AppImage format ...

Both tools, error out from missing software libraries?? May I ask someone else to also test and verify, please.

# cd balena-etcher-electron-1.5.0-linux-x64
# pwd
# ls
# ls -lah
total 112M
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Feb 24 22:46 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 spot spot 4.0K Feb 24 22:46 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 112M Feb 21 16:22 balena-etcher-electron-1.5.0-x86_64.AppImage
# ./balena-etcher-electron-1.5.0-x86_64.AppImage
which: no desktop-file-validate in (./bin/:./sbin/:./games/:../bin/:../sbin/:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/opt/qt5/bin)
desktop-file-validate is missing. Skipping ./bin//balena-etcher-electron.wrapper.
/tmp/.mount_MA8Ddh/usr/bin/balena-etcher-electron: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
for etcher version 1.4-9 the error is following:
cannot find files pkexec or kdesudo

Re: two ISO burner/writer apps for USB not working in FD800beta

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2019, 08:28
by WB7ODYFred
Forum post moved over here to WB7ODYFred's entry

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2019, 14:06
by jamesbond
@h2sammo: btw, updating rox-filer fails something wrong with the link i think - cannot download

Did you update via gslapt? or from where? Can you please post the exact message?

@Fred: My goal was to download a .ISO file and write/burn it to a USB Flash Drive

If you're already booting Fatdog then why don't just "dd" it and then use the "" command. You don't need to use any 3rd party software.

Or you can use "Fatdog Installer" (both the BIOS or UEFI version depending on your your needs); both of them will work on USB flash drive too. If you use Windows you can use LICK, which is included in the ISO.

Method of installation is the 4th entry in the FAQ: ... drive.html (this FAQ is also available in your copy of the ISO)

Of course, if you want to use unetbooting, or, or anything else; you can, too. But please bear in mind that we don't test them and they may or may not work, because they may depend on some stuff that we don't have or don't include by default.


For example, looking at this:
# ./balena-etcher-electron-1.5.0-x86_64.AppImage
which: no desktop-file-validate in (./bin/:./sbin/:./games/:../bin/:../sbin/:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/opt/qt5/bin)
desktop-file-validate is missing. Skipping ./bin//balena-etcher-electron.wrapper.
/tmp/.mount_MA8Ddh/usr/bin/balena-etcher-electron: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
It means that the depends on GTK+3 libraries; which is available in the repo but not installed by default in the ISO. So you have to install it first.

As for etcher 1.4.9 - I don't even know what "pkexec" is; "kdesudo" we definitely don't have it because it is part of KDE and we don't have run KDE desktop.
(Seriously speaking I consider etcher 1.4.9 is brain-damaged. Why? Because this pkexec or kdesudo is an application to ask for privilege escalation to run certain tasks as "root". But in Fatdog it *already* runs as root, so why do you even need that tools ...).


By the way, I just tested with unetbooting version 661 (seems to be the latest when I downloaded it), and after installing "p7zip" package to get the "full" version, I could install the ISO to a USB flash drive and it works. Unetbooting's UI is a bit ugly however, the icons don't show up, but functionally speaking, it works (as in - it boots).

Posted: Tue 26 Feb 2019, 07:22
by h2sammo3
error message: Failed to download rox-filer-jun7: HTTP response code said error

from gslapt

Posted: Tue 26 Feb 2019, 08:43
by jamesbond
I cannot reproduce the error. All rox-filer-jun7 upgrades and downgrades correctly, no error. You might have tried to download when we were updating the repo. As a rule, if you encounter this error, please wait for a while (say 5-10 minutes) and then try again.

Anyway, we are way over alpha and beta stage, in fact, we're very close to release. A lot of bugs where fixed from alpha beta release, so if you want to test I'd recommend you to test with 800RC or just wait for final release.

I will stop responding to this thread because it brings this to the top, obscuring the fact that we already have 800 RC released two weeks ago.

Posted: Tue 26 Feb 2019, 15:18
by stemsee

Package request for DNSUTILS and UNBOUND

Posted: Sat 04 May 2019, 08:56
by stefan21
Dear all,

I would like to ask wether/how it is possible to install dnsutils and unbound on fatdog64-800. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction. Perhaps there are installable packages from another distro already around.

thx in advance for any help/hint.


Posted: Mon 06 May 2019, 08:07
by Keef

Did my suggestion on your original thread not help? Might just be a problem with the PATH.

Posted: Mon 06 May 2019, 09:25
by jamesbond
@Keef: thanks for helping.

1. I just built "unbound" package for FD-800. It's in the repo.
2. "dnsutils" is part of BIND DNS server, which we don't have at the moment. Depending on what you're looking for, most of the functionalities however can be fulfilled with "ldns" package, also available in the repo
3. This is a close, obsolete thread. Please post in the most current thread here:

FatDog64-802 > Lubuntu 18.10 at Z8350

Posted: Sun 04 Aug 2019, 13:58
by Illutorium
rcrsn51 wrote:@Illutorium: This looks like the missing firmware file here.

Copy it to /lib/firmware.
Now are be works around but it's a "/lib/formware/rtlwifi".

But I could be think then I was be half-resolve of Accelerate Decode of Clips:

"media.gmp.decoder.enabled" and "media.hardware-video-decoding.force-enabled"
Also OBS of FatDog64-802 are be Absolutely better than Lubuntu 18.10 - 23FPS vs. "8FPS of Lubuntu" at 720p@30FPS