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Posted: Sat 21 Feb 2009, 22:58
by Ray MK
Hi again

Just for the record - I got a welcome woof-woof with Xorg at startup
as well.


Posted: Sat 21 Feb 2009, 23:54
by WhoDo
trapster wrote:You're taking out the option for me to change the number of desktops?
Nope. Just decreasing the default number from 2 to 1 :wink:

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 00:06
by panzerpuppy
Good idea. One desktop is enough for 99% of the users out there.
Most users who need more desktop space simply use a high-resolution monitor or multiple monitors.

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 03:20
by capoverde
Right, but this way they won't ever know about this possibility -- IMHO, the 99% of the users who don't read instruction manuals (and Puppy is for them!), seeing the two small screens in the taskbar, will discover what they are and take their choice. Vote for keeping the two screens as default (my setting is 4).

*BTW, Aragon recompiled mhWaveEdit with sGmixer as default mixer utility, but in 4.20 Beta it's still set as xmixer. Not yet the recompiled version?

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 03:34
by ttuuxxx
Hey WhoDo they are starting to gather outside your front door :wink: Look they have pitchforks and shovels, its the angry mob from the Simpson's. LOL
Can't say I didn't warn you. lol lol lol
Ps just wondering when beta2 will be ready?


Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 03:41
by WhoDo
ttuuxxx wrote:Hey WhoDo they are starting to gather outside your front door :wink: Look they have pitchforks and shovels, its the angry mob from the Simpson's. LOL
Can't say I didn't warn you. lol lol lol
Can't please all the people all the time, eh? Sorright... I've got broad shoulders! Marge, I need your shoulders here NOW! :wink: Maybe one of the complainants will write a HowTo for the wiki to explain about multiple desktops and their uses.

For the average refugee with a wheel mouse, lost windows are just an accidental scroll wheel notch away! :P
ttuuxxx wrote:Ps just wondering when beta2 will be ready?
Uploading to our mirrors as I'm typing this. Half way done. Patience my hungry ones! :lol:

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 03:50
by WhoDo
capoverde wrote:*BTW, Aragon recompiled mhWaveEdit with sGmixer as default mixer utility, but in 4.20 Beta it's still set as xmixer. Not yet the recompiled version?
Not in Beta2 at all! I may bring it back for the Release Candidate, but that's a long shot. I still have to make room for Remaster Express and the current build size is 99.85Mb! Not much room to play with there, although I'm working on making more room by standardising icon themes etc. :roll: It will be in the official repo however.

Beta2 will be all about bug fixing and finding more space for the niceties of life. RC1 will be hot on its heels with the final feature set and some last minute changes. There will probably not be an RC2. I'm thinking we'll go straight from RC1 to Final. That means the development cycle will have been 4 x Alphas, 2 x Betas, 1 x Release Candidate and then a single Final Release. Sound fair? :idea:

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 04:00
by ttuuxxx
Well that sounds good but, Its not always that easy, Plus do you want all this fun were having come to crashing halt?
I still think the final name for it should be '4.2 Barry K' just out of respect for what he's given us, kind of a final send off.

Re: Puppy 4.2Beta Seamonkey Bugs & Fixes

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 04:16
by disturbed
WhoDo wrote:I have just uploaded the first Beta version for Puppy 4.2 Deepthought with Seamonkey and Claws mail. There are still a few issues with this one although it's pretty solid:

Known issues:

1. There are still only two desktop icon thems - Deepthought and Stardust - until we can get someone to sync the icon names properly. I haven't had time.
2. grub-gfxboot is installed but not configured. Catdude and I are still working together to get it configured properly - almost there
3. Blinky starts up but disappears after any jwmconfig change
4. I still haven't set /usr/share/doc/home.html as the default home page for Seamonkey. It's there and contains the link to the puppy web portal but you'll need to add it manually to test.

I have rolled back from the most recent ROX filer in the dotpets-4 repository because it caused us problems with RoxRightClicks. New applications include Pwidgets (1.0), load-sfs (420), and a host of other updates too numerous to mention here. Xarchive is still in because I still didn't have time to alter all of the dependent scripts. When that happens Xarchive will be out.

Coolpup has continued to submit a host of back-end updates and has been joined by aragon and ttuuxxx in that effort. All deserve special mention for their support of the project.

1. (user=puppy pwd=linux)

If the mirrors don't show the Beta yet it's probably because the admins haven't had time to move the files to the download area ... try again later.

This release is 102Mb, including CUPS, so there is still much to be done to prune it back to a more managable size. As before, if you don't see this boot screen on first boot then you've got the wrong download! :P

STOP PRESS: ttuuxxx has managed to save nearly 3Mb in CUPS, so the next release should fall well below our 100Mb notional limit. Great work, Jeff! Can RC1 be too far away? :wink:



Why do you all care so much about making it less than 100MB? Is that a Puppy rule, code, or something?

Re: Puppy 4.2Beta Seamonkey Bugs & Fixes

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 05:16
by WhoDo
disturbed wrote:Why do you all care so much about making it less than 100MB? Is that a Puppy rule, code, or something?
... or something! :P

50Mb - 125Mb is our niche. If fits with the broadest possible range of target machines and users. We look to provide something for users of Pentium - PIII machines with as little as 64Mb and an average 128-256Mb RAM. Disk size also figures. 1Gb-2Gb for USB and hdd, 680Mb for CD, etc. Puppy unpacks to around that size in a Full install. Frugal is more ... well ... frugal! :wink:

The sub-50Mb niche belongs to DSL and Slitaz.

The 125Mb-250Mb niche belongs to a host of LiveCD builds; TinyMe, Knoppix, DragonFly, etc ... the list is almost endless.

In our niche, Puppy rules! 8) (Or Rulz if ur a GenX or Y gamer)! :roll:

There are puplets (Puppy derivatives) that well and truly exceed that notional limit, but that's where it's at for the standard Puppy. We remain true to our followers. We support low end hardware with high end functionality. We are Puppy; resistance is futile! :twisted:

(Credit to Lobster for the catch cry)

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 05:44
by disturbed

What is the size of a full install? (By the way, I booted live puppy 4.2 and kinda like it. Its kind of a lot, different from 4.1.2. idk. Only played with it for about 15 minutes) Over the last week I have been using puppy a LOT. And i got the sound on my eee pc working to! I just have a few more challenges. Like Bluetooth, Webcam (4.2 beta didn't recognize my eee pc 901's webcam), and a couple other things. I have been looking for solutions. I hooked this thing up to a monitor and it was so weird going from 8.9 inch screen size to 20 inch screen. I could see more than 5 gmail's in one screen. lol) Good work. So far this is my favorite distro and plan on sticking with it. I like Fedora because of the wobble and cube features. If I could get those in puppy that would be awesome.

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 05:57
by trio

Yeah, I am also wondering about 4.2 beta 2....this one keeps asking more and more bigger pup_save file!

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 06:02
by ttuuxxx
trio wrote:Whodo

Yeah, I am also wondering about 4.2 beta 2....this one keeps asking more and more bigger pup_save file!
If your using ext3 partition make a 15gig pup_save thats what I use, works great.

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 06:03
by WhoDo
disturbed wrote:What is the size of a full install?
Starts out around 650Mb AFAIK. Most of us use a Frugal install anyway - copy 3 files to your partition and boot! Upgrades? Copy three files over your old 3 files and boot! Instant upgrade! Backups? Copy your pup_save.2fs file to any othe partition, disk, machine, etc. Instant Backup!
disturbed wrote:I like Fedora because of the wobble and cube features. If I could get those in puppy that would be awesome.
There are a couple of Puppy derivatives supporting the wobble and cube brigade - wNOP, WoW's unnamed puplet, etc. Find what you need by surfing

Hope that helps.

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 06:26
by Billwho?
ttuuxxx wrote:Hey WhoDo they are starting to gather outside your front door :wink: Look they have pitchforks and shovels, its the angry mob from the Simpson's. LOL
Can't say I didn't warn you. lol lol lol
Add me to the mob. That's me you can see behind Greenkeeper Willie's right shoulder :twisted:
WhoDo wrote:For the average refugee with a wheel mouse, lost windows are just an accidental scroll wheel notch away! :P
That would be how I first learned about multiple desktops. Now I always use at least two usually four. Heck I have even installed Dexpot in window$ so I can have multiple desktops when I am doing maintenance tasks, downloading virus/window$ updates etc for the less enlightened members of my family.
ttuuxxx wrote:I still think the final name for it should be '4.2 Barry K' just out of respect for what he's given us, kind of a final send off.
Ummm, what say we keep the final "send off" until after Barry snuggles up under a dirt blanket. I do agree with it as a big THANK YOU from the whole Puppy community though. :)

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 06:40
by trio
ttuuxxx wrote:
If your using ext3 partition make a 15gig pup_save thats what I use, works great.
15 G (with capital), don't have that kind of luxury :lol:

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 13:55
by disturbed
ttuuxxx wrote:I still think the final name for it should be '4.2 Barry K' just out of respect for what he's given us, kind of a final send off.
Ummm, what say we keep the final "send off" until after Barry snuggles up under a dirt blanket. I do agree with it as a big THANK YOU from the whole Puppy community though. :)[/quote]

Sorry, but what is this whole thing with Barry. Is the Puppy's creator or something? Is it hate or something? Don't get me wrong, but it sounds like some people here don't like him. Did he do something?[/url][/code]

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 14:30
by ttuuxxx
disturbed wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote:I still think the final name for it should be '4.2 Barry K' just out of respect for what he's given us, kind of a final send off.
Ummm, what say we keep the final "send off" until after Barry snuggles up under a dirt blanket. I do agree with it as a big THANK YOU from the whole Puppy community though. :)
Sorry, but what is this whole thing with Barry. Is the Puppy's creator or something? Is it hate or something? Don't get me wrong, but it sounds like some people here don't like him. Did he do something?[/url][/code][/quote]

Naaa Barry was the genius behind puppy, he ran it for 5yrs, made it from scratch, tons of scripts, fixes, programs, were made from him, he made all the releases and compiled most of the repo, He has been the #1 top Dog for over 5yrs, but as 4.12 he has retired from puppy, giving the helm over to the people, he still in control, but he is no longer actively developing puppy, 4.2A1 was the first time in puppy's history to made by someone else other than Barry, That is why I think it should be '4.2 Barry K'. Just to acknowledge his accomplishment towards the community.

Posted: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 14:51
by Billwho?
And I agree with ttuuxxx. It was just that ttuuxxx's phrasing had an unfortunate meaning when combined with my strange sense of humour. :oops:

Sometimes I think I may need Lobster's medication as much as he does. :D (An inside joke as Lobster is always telling us just how twisted he is. Some times I think he is saner than the rest of us put together.)

Posted: Mon 23 Feb 2009, 06:35
by Lobster
Sometimes I think I may need Lobster's medication as much as he does.

I am beginning to suspect that the imaginary psychiatrist I keep in my cupboard to keep me on the edge of sanity, may be providing a placebo effect.
I may sack her.
However these are hard times, or so I am told by the ruling loons but then I don't believe in their take on 'reality'. Maybe I should keep her on for the time being . . .
There is however some value in her recommended medication called 'Attitude' and it comes under the 'Right' brand. Works wonders :D