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Posted: Sat 14 Mar 2020, 20:07
by williams2
DMESG's last entries say NFS open file maximum reached = a large number. It would seem I should be able to set this number larger somewhere
I remember needing to use ulimit to set the maximum number of open files so that LAMP-Apache would run.

I think the max-open-files number would apply to the root file system /
which should include all file systems mounted on the root fs
(root as in / not /root/)

For example: ... -in-linux/

Code: Select all

# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
# sysctl -w fs.file-max=500000
fs.file-max = 500000
# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max


Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2020, 18:15
by chiefengineer
for this session first....funny max-file size is so
small...on another machine here running 810 it is
almost 10X the size.

I am guessing it gets calculated based on RAM or something
during boot(?) of which this system has relatively little.

It ran 630 like a champ in its day.

"I remember needing to use ulimit to set the maximum number of open files so that LAMP-Apache would run. "

Thank-you for taking the time, williams2. Using ulimit to create a bigger round number seems to have worked--we are well past the normal fail/threshold. I expect you solved this for me and I will try to make the change permanent when it goes down again.


Request for Claws-Mail

Posted: Sun 05 Apr 2020, 13:43
by ac2011
Could someone please build a Claws-Mail package for 810, with plug-ins and any dependencies? I've tried but failed to get Claws-Mail to build because it depends on libetpan but I couldn't get the latter to build due to a makefile error of some sort. If anyone could build this as a package I'd be grateful.

claws-mail 3.17.5

Posted: Sun 05 Apr 2020, 20:38
by Keef
I've knocked this up:

Includes libetpan, and tested it on a clean install (no previous saves, or any additions). Only built plug-ins that had dependencies already installed.

The md5sum for the uploaded package is: 04672a6f47500e06ece966f47bdc5843

Hope it does the job. Not a user myself, so testing was brief.

Posted: Sun 05 Apr 2020, 21:13
by ac2011
Thank you - that was quick! Seems to be working fine.

If you have a moment, can you tell me in general terms what you did? I'd like to find out where I went wrong for future reference.

FD-810 jwm desktop wallpaper

Posted: Mon 06 Apr 2020, 03:01
by chrabak
using jwm, how to set a custom wallpaper for eash desktop?

in /root/.jwmrc i have ...

<Desktops count="6" width="6" height="1">
<Desktop name="One">
<Background type="image">/usr/share/backgrounds/Centaurus-HST-ESO-S1024.jpg</Background>
<Desktop name="Two">
<Background type="image">/usr/share/backgrounds/CoronaMt_Dai_1080.jpg</Background>
<Desktop name="Three">
<Background type="image">/usr/share/backgrounds/gabanyNGC4631withSatStream1063.jpg</Background>
<Desktop name="Four">
<Background type="image">/usr/share/backgrounds/helix-nebula.jpg</Background>
<Desktop name="Five">
<Background type="image">/usr/share/backgrounds/NGC134_70wendel1024.jpg</Background>
<Desktop name="Six">
<Background type="image">/usr/share/backgrounds/PinnaclesGalaxy_Goh_1080.jpg</Background>


and it runs fine. each desktop has my custom desktop "name", and i
think the custom wallpaper image is displaying - but only momentarily
until the rox-filer background image writes over it. (that is what i
discovered back in 2016 on a much slower computer).

i have played with all the colour settings in
using the rox-file gui "Options" (right-click->Options) to no effect.
"Options" does have a transparency setting - but that only affects the
background inside a filer window - not the pinboard background.

so. is there anyway to make the rox pinboard background completely
transparent so that the jwm wallpaper image shows thru?

[system configuration: acer vx-15 i7-7700 16gb and 512gb ssd.
i am running FD-64 810 in the full install mode following the
steps listed in ... ... stall.html
the only devition from that menu was to DO steps #16 and #17 eventho it
says you don't have to in FD721 or later. you do.
boot time is now under 5 seconds from a grub menu.
i don't think my jwm background issue is related to the full install as
i have been trying to do this since 2016 on TahrPup-6.0.5 ]

Posted: Mon 06 Apr 2020, 06:39
by step
Hi chrabak, perhaps this post by rufwoof can get you started Different wallpaper and icons on each desktop.

edit It does not answer your question on how to make the pinboard wallpaper transparent. I tried setting the backdrop property in PuppyPin to a transparent png or svg file but it renders a black wallpaper instead of showing the default fatdog picture under it.


Posted: Mon 06 Apr 2020, 11:56
by Keef

libetpan didn't cause me any problems compiling. I've gone over all my steps using a fresh install with just the devx loaded.
Originally I just did make install, but this time I made a FatDog package.
Here are my steps, (from inside the unpacked sources of course):

Code: Select all

mkdir BUILD --prefix=/usr
make install DESTDIR=/
makepkg -c n -l n ../libetpan-140120.git-x86_64.txz
Now Claws-Mail looks for libetpan using pkconfig, but it ends up in usr/lib/pkconfig, which it can't find. Several ways around this, but after installing it I did it the lazy way:
cp /usr/lib/pkconfig/libetpan.pc /usr/share/pkconfig

In the claws source:

Code: Select all

mkdir BUILD 
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install DESTDIR=/
It is worth running 'strip'
claws-mail 16MB > 3803K
plugins 20MB > 14MB

Optional - copy and the symlinks to BUILD/usr/lib. They are the only bits needed from the installed package to run claws-mail.

Code: Select all

makepkg -c n -l n ../claws-mail-

Posted: Mon 06 Apr 2020, 12:27
by Sage
Great fan of Claws (but not in Puppies). It has evolved (deliberate pun) from Sylpheed which has been in Puppies in the past. Whenever I load a new distro I usually remove Thunderbird (which is paired with FF) because it's bloated and has some idiosyncrasies. Some years ago, the favoured email client was Eudora in 'doze; a fellow correspondent produced an .pet of which I still have a copy. It is/was excellent despite some known rough edges needing further development. Unfortunately, Eudora itself was gifted to Mozilla and allegedly incorporated into FF's Thunderbird. Frankly I can't see the evidence,except Thunderbird became even more bloated. IMHO Claws is well suited to Linuses. Maybe ask for it to be offered routinely in FD/PPMs complete with deps.?

Posted: Mon 06 Apr 2020, 13:37
by ac2011
Many thanks, Keef. Not sure where I went wrong with libetpan but this will help me when compiling future packages.

diff background for each desktop

Posted: Thu 09 Apr 2020, 22:33
by chrabak
thank you step. i never saw that one.

Posted: Sun 12 Apr 2020, 17:30
by ac2011
I would like to say thanks to the FatDog team for this OS. I think it's the most polished and comprehensive Puppy variant since Jemimah's Fluppy (meaning no disrespect to those that have arrived in between then and now). It's an excellent piece of work.

Networking issue

Posted: Thu 16 Apr 2020, 10:07
by ac2011
I'm having occasional issues with FatDog dropping the internet connection to my router, specifically a wired connection on eth0.

I haven't yet worked out why but I think, judging by the behaviour of other laptops and other Puppy-based OSs, it might be related to another issue that caused me some trouble: the preference for IPv6 over IPv4 within FatDog. There doesn't seem to a quick degradation to IPv4 if an IPv6 connection is unavailable for some reason. I'm using a router with the latest firmware and have done a factory restore of that, which helped with the IPv6 issues but hasn't solved the random disconnection issue.

This disconnection happens even on a clean boot with no save file, perhaps once an hour.

It doesn't happen with the same laptop (three-year-old HP Elitebook) running Bionic, nor with a different laptop running Bionic, but it does happen with that other laptop running FatDog. The other laptop is older and doesn't seem to handle IPv6 well (e.g. wget -4 works but wget -6 times out).

Doing "Restart Connection" works but is a little annoying if I have to do it once an hour or so.

Any suggestions?

Fake CSR Bluetooth Adaptor support

Posted: Thu 16 Apr 2020, 19:55
by jake29
Hi folks. I've bought what appears to be a fake (uncertified) Bluetooth 5.0 adaptor and while it is detected in Fatdog64-810, it's not fully functional.

Code: Select all

# lsusb
Bus 003 Device 004: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)

Code: Select all

# hciconfig scan
hci0:	Type: Primary  Bus: USB
	BD Address: 00:1A:7D:DA:71:11  ACL MTU: 679:9  SCO MTU: 48:16
	RX bytes:574 acl:0 sco:0 events:30 errors:0
	TX bytes:368 acl:0 sco:0 commands:30 errors:0

Code: Select all

# rfkill list
1: hci0: Bluetooth
	Soft blocked: no
	Hard blocked: no

Code: Select all

# bluetoothctl
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# scan on
No default controller available
I believe the following thread provides the solution:

What seems to be required is a recompiled version of the kernel module 'btusb.ko'. For reference, I am running kernel version 5.4.7.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone can assist. I have tried compiling this module myself but have failed.

Posted: Thu 16 Apr 2020, 20:27
by rcrsn51
Your "hciconfig scan" command returns DOWN. Try

Code: Select all

hciconfig hci0 up

Posted: Thu 16 Apr 2020, 21:40
by jake29
rcrsn51 wrote:Your "hciconfig scan" command returns DOWN. Try

Code: Select all

hciconfig hci0 up
Unfortunately, I already tried that.

Code: Select all

# hciconfig hci0 up
Can't init device hci0: Operation not supported (95)
EDIT: I should have checked the Fatdog64 FAQ. I managed to get the modified module compiled and adaptor is now working.

Posted: Fri 17 Apr 2020, 14:56
by jamesbond
@jake29: glad you get it working.

@ac2011 - thanks for the compliment.

For the network dropouts - I'm encountering it too on my Atheros wifi. Usually cases like this is because of kernel problem, or firmware problem. In some other cases it could be because of power management (the network card "sleeps"). Yet in another case it could because of hardware encrypted offloading (the router needs to renew the encryption bu your card doesn't support it so connection get broken). Many possible cases, but the most common on is kernel driver bugs.

If the issue is power management, opening a terminal window open and runing a "ping" to your router box should help.

Otherwise, try to use another kernel. The default one for Fatdog 810 is 4.19.92 but we have 5.4.7 in the repo. Those two were the latest we built.

Posted: Fri 17 Apr 2020, 15:03
by jamesbond
Sage wrote:IMHO Claws is well suited to Linuses. Maybe ask for it to be offered routinely in FD/PPMs complete with deps.?
Claws is a fork of Sylpheed. We have sylpheed in the repo; and I personally use it as well. It's small and fast and does everything I need. I would suggest to give Sylpheed a try for people who needs to use Claw.

I checked the Claws email to see it's features, but other than a few extra toolbar icons and re-arranged settings dialog, everything else looks identical. Can you or someone else identify A "killer" or "must-have" feature in Claws that doesn't exist in Sylpheed? Now difference in GUI does not count if the underlying functionalities are available in both.

If we're going to build claws, other than libetpan, what else do you think we'll need to link in?

Posted: Fri 17 Apr 2020, 15:08
by Sage
Can you or someone else identify A "killer" or "must-have" feature in Claws that doesn't exist in Sylpheed?
Not really. I used to use Eudora, then Sylpheed. Changed to Claws when it forked. Symantics really, just like it! Anything but Thunderbird...

Posted: Fri 17 Apr 2020, 15:34
by rcrsn51
jake29 wrote: I have tried compiling this module myself but have failed.

EDIT: I should have checked the Fatdog64 FAQ. I managed to get the modified module compiled and adaptor is now working.
Did you do this using instructions from the Ubuntu link above?