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Re: loses sound setting on reboot

Posted: Sun 21 Jun 2020, 02:11
by josejp2424
gychang wrote:Am using dpupbuste64, works well on my PC after a frugal install to my HD. I have a USB earphone-mic which I prefer. I have installed pavucontrol and set as shown but after a reboot, the settings are not retained.

[root@dpupbuster64 ~] $ inxi -SMA
Host: dpupbuster64
Kernel: 4.19.23 x86_64 bits: 64
Desktop: JWM 2.3.7
Distro: Puppy 8.0.0
Type: Laptop System: TOSHIBA
product: Satellite E55-A
v: PSKPJU-01K023 serial: 2E017190P
Mobo: TOSHIBA model: ZRMAA v: 1.00
serial: * BIOS: TOSHIBA v: 1.50
date: 12/02/2013
Device-1: Intel Haswell-ULT HD Audio driver: snd_hda_intel
Device-2: Intel 8 Series HD Audio
driver: snd_hda_intel
Device-3: N/A type: USB
driver: snd-usb-audio,uvcvideo
Device-4: N/A type: USB
driver: hid-generic,snd-usb-audio,usbhid
Sound Server: ALSA v: k4.19.23
[root@dpupbuster64 ~] $

Is there a fix for this?
you should try editing.


Code: Select all

load-module module-device-restore

Code: Select all

#load-module module-device-restore


Posted: Sun 21 Jun 2020, 02:13
by josejp2424
Mike Walsh wrote:Spoke too soon, it seems.

For some reason, the k4.19.23 kernel just gives me nowt but hassle on this Pavilion tower. Busterpup64 reverted, after another re-boot, to the same never-ending round of aggravation I've been getting in Bionicpup64 with this kernel; constant messing around with the various network wizards, re-booting the router again & again, pissing around with the firewall, and never, ever actually getting a connection.....aughh!

Don't need it.

So Busterpup64 is now running Xenialpup64's default k4.9.58 kernel. After re-booting, the network connected instantly, sweet as a nut. That makes Xenialpup64, jrb's Quirky April64 7.0.1 and now Busterpup64 all running the same kernel. I'm going to revert Bionicpup64 back to it tomorrow. It supports all my hardware, and everything behaves itself, so.....why not?

It really IS a "no-brainer". Experimentation has proved, conclusively, that this kernel just "works" for me. Why put up wi' hassle when there's no need...?


Before I forget to say it, Busterpup64 is actually a very sweet Puppy. José's made a lovely job of this, and it's chock-full of very neat little touches. And thanks for the painstaking work getting Openshot 2.4.4 working, mate; it really is appreciated, let me tell you! :D

Mike. :wink:
in other pc i had bad experience with the kernel 4.19.23 .
and thanks for the tests run on dpupbuster

Re: libreOffice-6.3.3

Posted: Sun 21 Jun 2020, 02:15
by josejp2424
gychang wrote:
josejp2424 wrote:LibreOffice 6.3.3


Download LibreOffice-6.3.3

# 7fc618db3440438a9b3dacfeb6c4cc8e

locales libreoffice-= ar - ca - es - fr - hu - it - ja - ru - zh_CN
is there a 32bit? ... .0_nls.sfs


Posted: Sun 21 Jun 2020, 02:18
by josejp2424
Mike Walsh wrote:
jplt3 wrote:@rcrsn51

I resolve my problem :

i have a portable firefox profile :

Code: Select all

LAUNCHDIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LAUNCHDIR/:$LAUNCHDIR/extralibs${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH} "$LAUNCHDIR/firefox" "$@" -profile "$LAUNCHDIR/profile/myprofile.default"
i download a new version of firefox and the sound work well now .

I think that someting gone wrong after multiple updates of firefox himself !
@ jplt3/rcrsn51:-

From what I can see of it, using apulse and ALSA is the problem.....because Jose has specifically built this to use PulseAudio. It's all fully installed, AFAICT.

I'm hazarding a guess here, but wouldn't trying to use 'apulse' interfere with Pulse itself? Bill, what are your thoughts on this one?

Mike. :wink:
It's better pulseaudio. There's no need to pulse

v4l2loopback_dc in dpup

Posted: Mon 22 Jun 2020, 10:05
by gabtech
Hi joseph,

I'm trying to install droidcam in dpupbuster64 but it installs with errors as seen from attachment. I've tried to install v4l2loopback from ppm and from github but v4l2loopback reports errors.

[root@dpupbuster64 ~] $ depmod -a
[root@dpupbuster64 ~] $ modprobe v4l2loopback_dc
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'v4l2loopback_dc': Exec format error

[root@dpupbuster64 ~] $ dmesg | grep -i v4l2loopback
v4l2loopback_dc: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout
v4l2loopback_dc: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout
v4l2loopback_dc: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout
[root@dpupbuster64 ~] $

Both devx and kernel sources are installed.

Re: v4l2loopback_dc in dpup

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 06:37
by 01101001b
gabtech wrote:I've tried to install v4l2loopback from ppm and from github but v4l2loopback reports errors.
Hi gabtech!

DPupBuster64 already has the v4l2loopback_dc module. You just have to load it.

Go to Menu > Other > Boot Manager

There, go to "Modules" tab > "Add new module"

Scroll the modules list until you find "v4l2loopback_dc". Select it and click on "Add" button. Click on "OK" button and restart.


dpupbuster intel atom

Posted: Sun 05 Jul 2020, 18:58
by josejp2424
dpupbuste 32.
configured and kernel for intel atom processor.


Dpupbuster 32 ... 072020.iso

Mirror 2 ... 072020.iso


SeaMonkey Application Suite

Posted: Fri 10 Jul 2020, 17:30
by josejp2424

Re: dpupbuster intel atom

Posted: Sat 11 Jul 2020, 01:18
by 01101001b
josejp2424 wrote:dpupbuste 32.
configured and kernel for intel atom processor.
Excellent! I'll try it out quite soon!

Thank you so much Mr J! :D

Re: dpupbuster intel atom

Posted: Sat 11 Jul 2020, 07:28
by josejp2424
01101001b wrote:
josejp2424 wrote:dpupbuste 32.
configured and kernel for intel atom processor.
Excellent! I'll try it out quite soon!

Thank you so much Mr J! :D

OK 01101001b , :D :D :D