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Posted: Thu 09 Feb 2006, 01:12
by J_Rey
Where did all the torrents go?!?!? :?

EDIT: Rather, why did the tracker & tracker page get reset? BTW, I added some important torrents back.

Posted: Thu 09 Feb 2006, 05:54
by puppian
Thanks for notifying me about that J_Rey. No I didn't reset it. I have no idea what's wrong, probably something missing in the data. I restored a backup of the data file and it seems working again now ...

Posted: Sat 11 Feb 2006, 07:17
by puppian
I think I know what the problem is. There are two causes (as far as I know) for the disappearing of torrents, one of them is a know bug.

Edit: It seems that someone is attacking the tracker (the site has been down twice since I restored the data last time) using the information I mentioned here. I hope not, I can't believe we have such person in the puppy community... :( The info. is now deleted.
If you think you have broken the tracker inadverdently, please kindly send me a pm so that we know it's not an attack. If you are the attacker, please stop that.

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2006, 19:33
by puppian
Certain part of the tracker has been rewritten and the problem mentioned is basically solved now (thanks raffy for his help!) :D

And now only specially authorized users (Uploaders) have permission to upload torrents.

What criteria must I meet before I can join the Uploader team?
You must be able to provide releases that:
• you'll be able to seed, or make sure are well-seeded, for at least 24 hours.

If you think you can match the criteria do not hesitate to send me a pm.

P.S. Admin. of please log in the site for details.


Creating .torrent Files
I'll use the popular Azureus as an example here, but other programs surely have a similar process. So creating a .torrent file is actually easy, not much to it.

In Azureus:
1. File menu -> Create a Torrent.
2. Make sure "Use an external Tracker" is selected, and use the URL stated in the upload page as the Announce URL.
3. Leave "Add Multi-Tracker..." unchecked.
4. Select "Single File" if you're only doing it for one file.
5. Click next, then locate the file you want to share.
6. Click next. The default data shown should be fine.
Go ahead and check "Open torrent for seeding when done" and click Finish.
7. It will then create the .torrent file (in it's 'torrent' directory configured at setup).
8. Now just upload this torrent file to the site
9. Post the file name so people can download it.

That's it ^^ Remember to seed as long as possible so it helps everyone out.

Posted: Fri 24 Feb 2006, 19:03
by NathanF nologin
We desperately need more people to seed some of the torrents that are up right now. I just checked and most of them are inactive with 0 seeders. I'm downloading some of the files now and will eventually try and seed all of the ones on the page, but I have to leave for work shortly so won't be able to get them back up and running until later tonight.

I really like the whole concept and want to support it. I may even upgrade Opera in the next Grafpup release in order to facilitate getting more people involved. As I see it one of the biggest stumbling blocks is the lack of a built in client in Puppy, and the fact that most of the ones that are available require Java, Python, or even KDE. Ctorrent is available but not very user freindly.


Posted: Fri 24 Feb 2006, 20:17
by J_Rey
I don't know what's going on! Puppian needs to communicate with the rest of us better.... :x

Yesterday, the tracker was taken offline saying it will no longer be active because of bandwidth concerns and leaving us with links to LinuxTracker but not our P2P wiki page, and now its back up and the LinuxTracker links are still there?!?! I'm having second thoughts on its usefulness since it hasn't shown to be reliable. I'm about to start trying the TLMP guy's patience if we keep going back and forth.... *sigh* </grumble>

Jay/Puppian, please discuss changes further with the rest of the Puppy Linux community to avoid this happening again. Thanks for all the help though!

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2006, 06:02
by puppian
The tracker has been taken off when I saw Barry's post about server overload. The cause of overload was still unknown at that time :)
(Please note that the data is not 'lost', I just took it offline. NO data has been lost since the implementation of raffy's scripts, so it is stable).
Then, a day after Puppy 108 had been released, I think the traffic is probably over, and put the other torrents back (but not the two Puppy108 iso torrents that use our own announce url, as I'm still worried).

I leave Linuxtracker's link there as I think the latest ISO would be generating most of the traffic, which is better redirected ;)

Now that we know the hits are generated by the server status script (which has been removed already) and we are safe now :D
But in the long run I would probably tweak our tracker to allow external torrents (and may or may not show their statistics, e.g, no. of seeders/peers, etc) to balance the load (just to be safe ;) ). I'm a bit busy though, so please be patient. And sorry for the confusion caused.
Yesterday, the tracker was taken offline saying it will no longer be active because of bandwidth concerns
I didn't say "it will no longer be active", I did say it's temporarily offline, as it's generating much traffic (and not bandwidth).
leaving us with links to LinuxTracker but not our P2P wiki page
I just thought that direct links to the torrent files would be more convenient to our new users :)

PS. Glad that you like the idea, Nathan :D
Btw Opera is VERY cool IMO 8) It's super fast (faster than firefox and mozilla), smaller in size and even has a built-in IRC client!

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2006, 08:49
by puppian
See how many tabs can be opened in Opera :D


I give up

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2006, 21:01
by J_Rey
Well, 1.0.8r1 has been released and now the upload page is not available so I'm going to forget about using our tracker for important files until further notice. :evil: If things change let me know.

Posted: Wed 01 Mar 2006, 19:09
by puppian
The upload page is back :D

Some settings of our torrent site have been changed: External torrents (of certain trackers) are now allowed. I've set up two backup trackers (announce urls) which are hosted by free webhosts for use.

The multi-tracker feature of bittorrent clients (e.g, Azureus) is very useful. A few announce urls can be specified when creating a torrent, and when one fails, the next one on the list will be used (so the order of urls is important too, and the order in our upload page should be used when creating torrents).

Our torrent site (the one at won't get the external stats from the different trackers (to ease server load), but the stats can be found here: (alpha testing)
(if you had received another url from me, please update your bookmark)
The stats site has its content sychronized with /puppybt, but with extra stats. It's now hosted by free host too. If you can host it for us, please contact me (dedicated server prefered) :)

The above setup is still in testing stage. Btw if you know any fast tracker that doesn't require uploading/registration we can also add its annouce url to the list :D

Edit: Scrape for our tracker is enabled to show some nice stats for the stats site (anyway it's just a few torrents :) )

Posted: Sat 04 Mar 2006, 17:43
by puppian
A note on Azureus: If you are using Azureus please disable scraping (go to Tools --> Options --> Tracker --> Client and uncheck the box 'Enable Scraping').

You don't need scraping to download files. It's only needed to auto-start torrents for seeding, and disabling that greatly reduces server load of ALL trackers that you're downloading files from ;)
Thanks :D

Btw coral cache seems not doing very well. I just notice that the content is cached for 12 hours (see their faq) ... obviously too long for a page that shows torrent stats :(
So you may want to use this URL instead (without for latest stats:

Posted: Mon 24 Apr 2006, 19:05
by puppian
Announce URL(s) you can use:

For these two you need to upload your torrent to their sites for it to work.

If you are not uploading your torrent to the above sites, try these:
This one is for our exclusive use. If you are using it, please kindly send me (or J_Rey or GuestToo) a pm so that your torrent can be activated (i.e, have the torrent uploaded to the corresponding server; don't skip this step, otherwise your torrent won't work; this is to prevent unauthorized use of the announce url/tracker, which can create a lot of unwanted traffic)
This is a public one that anyone can use. It's the announce url of a popular torrent site called thepiratebay. No uploading of torrent is needed. But since it's public, it's very busy too, which means the tracker has frequent downtimes or is very slow.

You can choose to have more than one annoucne url when creating the torrent with bittorrent clients like Azureus.

To check the status and announce url of the torrents hosted here please see this page (example).

PS. I have one more backup announce url that you can use in case the ones listed above are too slow. Just send me a pm if you want to use it.


If you need a lightweight bittorrent client, try Transmission:

pupy torrent

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2007, 17:03
by diogenes
Is this still an ongoing project? Very few seeds...i will attempt to download and seed as many of them i can, assuming i get any peers...

seeding Puppy Linux via Torrents

Posted: Sat 24 Mar 2007, 03:14
by noprob
Puppy-3.01 Seamonkey



Pleased be advised my upload is slow until noon (before noon= 3-6KB/after=10+KB) untill midnight everyday EST

Nice work!

Thx. for using Puppy Linux!

P.S.I use open trackers also other than Linuxtracker and TuxDistro,less hassle and still gets out to the people/end users.
- - -
and please help seed as I'm near useless with this dsl connection and seeding more than just puppy.

Posted: Tue 03 Jul 2007, 18:20
by klu9
For those of you interested in getting Puppy by aMule, eDonkey etc here is the ed2k hash:
  • puppy-2.16.1-seamonkey-fulldrivers.iso
  • 53C906B2211C9AB8A8C0C4CD6D0ED6D9
I'm also sharing a few puplets, but I doubt anyone else is, so it'll be really slow.




torrent for 2.17 GZIP version?

Posted: Mon 23 Jul 2007, 16:56
by klu9
I created a DownloadPuppy217 page on the wiki, and have put up a torrent. But only for the lzma version as I can't find one for the gzip version.

Is there a torrent for the 2.17 gzip version? If not, is anyone going to make one? Then we can add it to LinuxTracker & the download page.

Torrent for 2.17.1

Posted: Sun 05 Aug 2007, 18:03
by klu9

torrent for NOP 217 up1

Posted: Tue 07 Aug 2007, 17:29
by klu9
Hi all, I've created a torrent for Gray's Puppy NOP 217up1 (uses Xfce & Opera) at

Please try sharing/downloading NOP using BitTorrent.


Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007, 00:23
by klu9
I was using createtorrent, which kept attaching extraneous, incorrect port numbers to the tracker URL, but noprob submitted a working torrent.

Puppy NOP 2.17up1 torrent:

NOP 3.01 rev1 torrent

Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2007, 00:54
by klu9
NOP 3.01 rev1 now available by BitTorrent from LinuxTracker, everyone please seed!