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Posted: Mon 18 Jan 2010, 06:12
by disciple
Yes, definitely nothing to do with Rox.

More details

Posted: Tue 19 Jan 2010, 01:45
by mistfire
Okay, i found that there is a double click options in Rox-filer (thanks to tttuxxx). But i wish that the puppy developers enabled it by default. And optionally disabled by the users. Oh by the way, how large does the source code of rox-filer have?

Posted: Tue 19 Jan 2010, 19:14
by disciple
The rox source is only about 1.8MB IIRC.

Posted: Tue 19 Jan 2010, 20:44
by mikeb
Hmmm...multiple and endless clicking is a windows finger likes linux better.


Posted: Wed 20 Jan 2010, 05:46
by disciple
Yeah, but the gtk file open and save dialogues require double-clicks, so using single-clicks in rox is inconsistent and confusing as a default setting.

Posted: Wed 20 Jan 2010, 06:21
by Pizzasgood
Sounds like a GTK problem to me. GTK is also open source.

Also: Two wrongs don't make a right. :wink:

Posted: Wed 20 Jan 2010, 07:01
by disciple
Sorry, I didn't actually mean that "Yeah".
I much prefer Rox with double-click... without it is simply too annoying to select several items at once... or for that matter just to select one item to see how big it is.

It is true that two wrongs don't make a right, but single vs double-click is about user preference not right or wrong.

Posted: Wed 20 Jan 2010, 08:04
by mikeb
GTK with a problem...I am shocked :shock:


ps no click should be the norm...all this technology should know what you want...

pps scratch and the autoclick that won't go away with touch pads drives me insane...

Posted: Wed 20 Jan 2010, 08:09
by disciple
pps scratch and the autoclick that won't go away with touch pads drives me insane...
Yes, I'll second that.

Posted: Wed 20 Jan 2010, 14:55
by abushcrafter
I like the default single click setting as I spears my hand form being restrained :wink:. It did take time to get use to it but it was so worth it. I don't have problems though of not double clicking when I should. For example: when I am on windows.

Posted: Thu 21 Jan 2010, 02:05
by Pizzasgood
When I want to select stuff I just press the ctrl key, or do the lasso with the middle button (aka scroll wheel) to select/deselect things. (Clicking with the middle button, OTOH, is equivalent to left clicking the file and then closing the window.)

I am aware that it's preference. I was making a joke. :roll:

Posted: Fri 22 Jan 2010, 09:59
by aarf
The next thing that annoys me about ROX. also to do with file names. an we are nowhere near the end of the annoyance list yet.
In my storage armada I have variously formated partitions these being FAT, ext3, ext2 and reiserfs. each partition type chosen for various reasons at various past times. so now I want to backup data from one partition type to another, and this is where the next annoyance comes about. FAT, being write-able from windows, supports file names written in non-English characters. I have these non-English file names littered through my various systems from past backups and distant past usage. do i need to go on? some of the linux file systems or rox itself will not transfer the non-English file names correctly and so i end up with large numbers of errors in the file transfer dialog window which i the have to wade through to weed out the problems. gradually i am removing the problem files through time and persistence but for those whose primary language is not supported this makes ROX virtually useless

Posted: Fri 22 Jan 2010, 13:16
by disciple
I've never had any problems actually dealing with foreign characters using Rox, although a tooltip does say that they are not valid UTF filenames and I should rename them. I wonder if your FAT partitions are mounted differently.
What I do have problems with is renaming a file on a fat partition and changing the case of letters, or even moving a file to the location of one that was just deleted and had the same name but in a different case. Usually in either of these cases the case of each letter ends up the same as in the original file.
But then for all I know this could be fixed in newer versions of Rox.

Posted: Fri 22 Jan 2010, 19:48
by mikeb
I thiought that was more to do with puppy not using unicode and then some characters do not transfer well from windows to linux such as $ (Moving $AVG meant it was trying to copy the partition rather than the folder (since $AVE for linux meant "") but that was using cp. Another quirk is that the case often changes even going from ntfs to fat32.

More serious to me is whilst making a backup of a clients windows system using cp I wanted to look in a folder to see what needed copying and rox + rox pinboard crashed...fortunately the copy continued unharmed but once again involving rox and large file systems seems to fall in a heap...puppy 4.12 running from CD with plenty of ram. And having rox crash like this is not an isolated incident....fortunately the client did not see it. If it don't work for me they certainly ain't gonna want it.....


Posted: Sun 18 Apr 2010, 00:48
by Q5sys
aarf wrote:supports file names written in non-English characters. I have these non-English file names littered through my various systems from past backups and distant past usage. do i need to go on? some of the linux file systems or rox itself will not transfer the non-English file names correctly and so i end up with large numbers of errors in the file transfer dialog window which i the have to wade through to weed out the problems. gradually i am removing the problem files through time and persistence but for those whose primary language is not supported this makes ROX virtually useless
Ive experienced the same with foreign characters. I have a hell of a time with french accents.
If that along with a proper 'back' button and the lack of a 'cut' 'paste' could be addressed, id like rox.
Sometimes I accidently hit the home button and of course cant hit back and go to where I was... no i have to re-navigate back to whatever folder I was in with a dozen or so clicks.
Also the lack of a cut/paste feature baffles me. Yea I know you can rename things to another directory... but you can only do that 1 file at at time, if you're trying to cut multiple things... it gets tedious.

And come to think of it... where is the force feature for overwriting things? I know you can quiet most processes... why cant you quiet that one? If I can over-ride the dialog question for deleting things, why cant I over-ride the dialog question for overwriting them?

Posted: Mon 19 Apr 2010, 15:45
by DemostiX
Developers and sys admins care about permissions. Most nobody else (anybody?) needs to have permissions, type, permissions, owner, and group dominate the list display.

Posted: Sun 25 Apr 2010, 21:22
by Pizzasgood
Also the lack of a cut/paste feature baffles me. Yea I know you can rename things to another directory... but you can only do that 1 file at at time, if you're trying to cut multiple things... it gets tedious.
There's no need to rename things to move them. Just select a bunch of stuff and drag them to where you want them (with the left button). By default ROX will pop up a menu asking if you want to copy, move, or link them.

Personally, I don't like ROX asking me. So I set the default action for left-drag to be "Copy", and I set the default option for middle-drag to be the menu.

(ROX does not support right-drag, only left and middle (where "middle" refers to the scroll wheel on most mice)).

Posted: Sun 25 Apr 2010, 22:31
by Bligh
Rox was strange at first, now I really like it. For moving or copying files I usually have two windows open. When I wanted to move all of my data files from numerous sources to a larger usb data drive I used 431 live and rox. really quick and the drive icons were helpful. I have learned to use rox as it is. ymmv.
I have a folder with two sm bookmark files on 431 desktops.

Posted: Sun 25 Apr 2010, 22:42
by rjbrewer
Bligh wrote:Rox was strange at first, now I really like it. For moving or copying files I usually have two windows open. When I wanted to move all of my data files from numerous sources to a larger usb data drive I used 431 live and rox. really quick and the drive icons were helpful. I have learned to use rox as it is. ymmv.
I have a folder with two sm bookmark files on 431 desktops.
Yes; the 2 window method is handy.
When I try a new puppy version on new partition, I copy the .mozilla
file from the first window to same place in second. Bookmarks, mail,
etc., is all ready to go on new pup.

Posted: Mon 26 Apr 2010, 04:41
by Bligh
Does that work? I have always set up the mail client in the new os then copied the old files over.