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Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 15:22
by msumner
Sorry rarsa but nothing in linux is obvious to me unless I've done it before, preferably a few times! :lol: Don't forget I just came from windows........ Anyway, I tried to execute it by clicking on the suspend file which is still in the root directory, before shutting the lid. When I click on it, a box flashes around it and that is all. This didn't look too promising to me but I tried closing the lid and of course, it would not come back. I assume that it should go into suspend when I click on the suspend file like it did the first time, and then I close the lid after it has suspended? Cheers, Mike.

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 15:43
by rarsa
I didn't mean any offence with the "obvious part" I was really apologizing for thinking that something is obvious when it is really not.

Yes, shut the lid after it has completed suspending.

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 17:27
by msumner
Rarsa, no offence taken! :D I really do appreciate the time you are taking on this.

Forgive me but I still can't execute the script. I am trying to execute by clicking on the suspend file which is still in the root directory. Am I doing the right thing? :?

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 17:36
by rarsa
I thought you had said a couple of posts ago that it was working for you after I uploaded the correct script.
I downloaded again and tried it. This time, when I clicked on it, the screen went black so it seemed to go into suspend. Hitting the on/off button brought it back, so far so good
but in your most recent post you say that it doesn't do anything.

I'm confused.

Posted: Wed 17 Jan 2007, 18:40
by msumner
Yes, that is correct. I downloaded it, unzipped it and clicked on the suspend file. It suspended. It came back when I hit the on button. Now if I click on the suspend file nothing happens. :(

5 mins later....... OK, I have deleted the files and downloaded again, unzipped and now it works everytime. :? I am confused also. At least I was doing it right, it just was not working. I deleted the original files before downloading last time so I know I wasn't clicking on the wrong version.

Anyway, thanks a bunch rarsa, and I see your suspend file is getting downloaded by quite a few. It is obviously in demand. Maybe we should ask everyone who gets it to work to say which laptop they have it on.

How about incorporating it into the next puppy version? Would it be possible to set up a short cut key?
Thanks again, Mike :D
EDIT....... actually, thats probably not necessary, I just moved the suspend file onto the desktop and click on it.

Posted: Thu 18 Jan 2007, 13:50
by rarsa
msumner wrote:I see your suspend file is getting downloaded by quite a few. It is obviously in demand.
You are giving me too much credit. Script was provided by user debernardis, I just suggested a very small change to bring up the network when it unsuspends. See the original thread.

I think that the script will need a few iterations of people trying it in different laptops to be sure that it always works, then barry would have to include it.

Posted: Thu 18 Jan 2007, 20:08
by msumner
Hi rarsa, i don't know if anyone else is having the same problem as me, but the suspend script does not work after a shutdown and reboot. The only way to make it work is to download it again and unpack and execute it. Then it works until shutdown but does not work when I reboot. Yes....... wierd, I know. I have now tried this 3 or 4 times, just to be sure. cheers, mike

Posted: Sat 20 Jan 2007, 17:03
by msumner
I have been trying to figure why the suspend script only works for me for one boot session. I have been running on a flash drive so I tried burning a new multisession live cd to see if I get the same problem. I downloaded the suspend script again, and now it works on the cd every time, even after rebooting. :D

Anyone know why this should be?
Cheers, Mike

Posted: Tue 29 May 2007, 19:26
by gdemonta
hey Rarsa,
thanks for the script. It works perfectly on my ibm X31. I'm now going to check on the long term how it is.

Posted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 08:39
by Chouca

At last I am very close to get Suspend to Ram working properly (2.15CE)...!!!

The key to success has been this script AND passing acpi=force to the kernel in menu.lst.

My problem is that I can suspend once, wake it up again - works perfect, but then if I try to suspend again I get into a mode where a brutal power off is the only thing that helps.

Any ideas on how to get the Suspend to ram always working???


Posted: Tue 05 Jun 2007, 10:30
by gdemonta
As for me, after using it, I noticed my screen goes grey but doesn't switch off, even if I close the lid!! It keeps on being grey, so the battery becomes empty quite rapidly... If someone knows how to fix it, don't hesitate!
Because except this, everything works!
Thanks a lot in advance,

Posted: Thu 30 Aug 2007, 13:23
by Chouca
My (cheating) solution to this problem was to switch to Elive 1.0 - almost as fast as Puppy on an old computer - and very easy to get Suspend/Resume (and lots of other stuff like codecs, flash, etc) working flawlessly. It is also a very stable distribution! Recommended!



Eee PC 901 Puppy 4.1 on a SD cad:Suspend and Wakeup

Posted: Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:18
by mawebb88
Tried the suspend.script from suspend.tar.gz. Works faultlessly as far as I can tell after 3 tests an an Eee PC 901 running Puppy 4.1 on a SD card. I did not try the "acpi=force to the kernel in menu.lst" trick mentioned earlier in this thread as I am not using GRUB but Syslinux bootloader. It apears not to be require in my case (maybe is use for some other reason as a I think I see an acpi message when I shutdown).

I have put a link to the suspend script on the desktop. Click this and get the same effect as using the Eee PC's native OS (Xandros based) when closing the lid. After clicking the suspend link I can close the lid and the machine cools down nicely. To wake it up I just open the lid and press momentarily the power on button.

Many thanks to rarsa


Posted: Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:25
by rarsa
Thanks should go to debernardis. He created the script, I just added minor things and packaged it.

I'm glad that it still works.

suspend.script ?

Posted: Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:50
by Petr
Hi all,
I had a suspend script (puppy 3) working on my Vaio, but this toshiba suspends and wakes up straight away. I read somewhere that it is a problem with the usb driver, but nobody else seems to have this problem with puppy.

When one searches for "suspend script" or "suspend to mem" there are plenty of references, but perhaps a definitive script for 4.1 could be put somewhere? Even if it is wrong, at least we will all know what you're talking about!

Thanks in advance,


Hitting the on/off button brought it back

Posted: Thu 12 Jul 2018, 00:25
by hamoudoudou
Hitting the on/off button brought it back, so far so good......
password ???? :evil:
Process used in the 2018 time.. success.. See jopervasco here