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Posted: Thu 23 Apr 2020, 01:03
by ras
musher0 wrote:Look who's hiding numbers now?
First U.S. coronavirus death occurred 20 days earlier than previously thought in California

Luke 6:41 (New Living Translation)
“Why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own?
The Associated Press · Posted: Apr 22, 2020 8:56 AM ET | Last Updated: 4 hours ago
Officials in Santa Clara said they received confirmation Tuesday

Posted: Thu 23 Apr 2020, 02:48
by musher0
ras wrote:
musher0 wrote:Look who's hiding numbers now?
First U.S. coronavirus death occurred 20 days earlier than previously thought in California

Luke 6:41 (New Living Translation)
“Why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own?
The Associated Press · Posted: Apr 22, 2020 8:56 AM ET | Last Updated: 4 hours ago
Officials in Santa Clara said they received confirmation Tuesday
Hi ras.

If it's any help, it is 22:39 EDT, Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020, as I am writing this line.
I wrote the previous post today in the early afternoon. I use htpdate as my time utility.

So this is Wednesday. Yesterday was indeed Tuesday. I don't see the problem.
You live in a parallel universe, with a different time frame? :)

Also, "Luke" is not a time zone! ;) "Luke 6:41" means "Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6,
verse 41", not "Luke's time zone, 6h41 a.m"! ;)

In any case, I'm just a repeater. You don't like those news, you give a mouthful to
The Associated Press and / or to the CBC.

You think US propaganda is seeing the speck in China's Health Authorities reports,
but not the log in their own reactions to this COVID-19 crisis, you give a mouthful to
Trump and Pompeo.

Not to me!


Posted: Thu 23 Apr 2020, 03:11
by tallboy
bigpup wrote:It has been well reported that many people will get a mild infection of Coronavirus, never go to a doctor, never go to a hospital, and just get over it.

I think I am one of them.
Why do I think this?
I had what everyone says, are common results, from the Cronavirus infection.

Really? I am sorry to say, bigpup, that you are a problem. Behaviour like yours, will spread the virus. Why don't you get a blood test to confirm that your blood contain antibodies, making you immune, that would be a responsible thing to do. If you have been infected, and have been ill from it, all the people you were in contact with, from 14 days before you felt symptoms, till after you got well again, should be warned, and told to be tested. Because you may have infected all of them. Plus their friends, girlfriends/boyfriends, wives/husbands, parents, grandparents, and everyone else that they in turn may have been in contact with. How many? Who knows, could be hundreds...

Despite reports that many infected get a mild illness, that facts show that the virus is more infectious than an influensa, and more deadly. Some say that more people die from the flu each year, that is not true. There are tens of thousands of dead people from corona in a few weeks, and the flu season has not started...

A lot of you don't trust any authorities, China, WHO, WTO, UN, or others. Ignorance doesn't make you immune from this virus. The WHO represent health officials from 194 member countries. I am confident WHO can do well without USA as a member, but I doubt that USA will do well without input from WHO member states.

Posted: Thu 23 Apr 2020, 05:17
by musher0

bigpup is an American. He does not have access to free medical care or services like we
have in Canada or in Norway. He'd have to pay God knows how much to get a blood test
or any form of treatment if he's seriously ill. (Which I hope he's not, BTW.)

tallboy wrote:
A lot of you don't trust any authorities, China, WHO, WTO, UN, or others. Ignorance
doesn't make you immune from this virus. The WHO represents health officials from 194
member countries. I am confident WHO can do well without USA as a member, but I doubt
that USA will do well without input from WHO member states.
I'll plus that.

Posted: Thu 23 Apr 2020, 08:31
by bigpup
Really? I am sorry to say, bigpup, that you are a problem. Behaviour like yours, will spread the virus. Why don't you get a blood test to confirm that your blood contain antibodies,
Not where I live.
The antibody test is not available, yet.
It is not the same, as New York, where I live.

You seem to think everyone gets it now, when people have some good guidance on what to do.
I am talking about early February, when there was not a lot of guidance on what to do.

I did do, as much as was known to do, at the time.

Posted: Thu 23 Apr 2020, 09:01
by bigpup
Despite reports that many infected get a mild illness, that facts show that the virus is more infectious than an influensa
How do you know a bad cold is not influensa?
You do not, unless you get checked for influensa.

As long as what appears to be a bad cold, is not that bad.
All you are already doing, is what a doctor is going to tell you, to do!
In fact I know what works for me better than the doctor.
Over the years of getting colds. You get educated, on what medications, work for you.

Posted: Thu 23 Apr 2020, 09:45
by musher0
Hi bigpup.

For the differences between a flu and a cold: ... sheet.html

For the differences between the flu and COVID-19, type in Startpage:
differences between symptoms of flu and COVID-19
and you'll get lots of articles.

Take-away (my understanding only, I'm not a doctor):

In addition to the regular symptoms of a flu, like stuffy nose and headache:
  • -- loss of taste or smell for a while (without runny nose);
    -- dry cough (with the flu, you cough too, but you spit out some "fluids" after 2-3
    attempts; not so with COVID-19);
    -- fever;
    -- difficulty breathing, as if someone is sitting on your chest;
    -- blueish lips (means lack of oxygen in your blood).
    Don't wait to call a doctor or the hospital if you get these latter two symptoms, because
    after that it worsens fast, according to people who lived through it.
Source: various readings from the above list, news sources, and ... oronavirus
(first third of the page, give or take)

The John Hopkins site has a self-checker, if you wish to try it: ... ecker.html
(I haven't.)


Posted: Fri 24 Apr 2020, 01:21
by bigpup
Why are you telling me all of this info I already know?
Well, maybe others do not.
For the differences between a flu and a cold: ... sheet.html
Seem about the same to me.
A lot of the flu stuff is may be, can be, basically more worse.


As I said, I think I had it over two months ago. I am over it.
No longer a danger to anyone!
Only thing I should do now, is get a anti body test to see if I really have anti bodies.
Just now getting tests in my part of the country.
But seems to be a little issue with what test are you really offering to give.
Waiting for firm guidance by State DHEC. (Department of Health and Environmental Control)

Posted: Fri 24 Apr 2020, 05:13
by ras
musher0 wrote:
ras wrote:
musher0 wrote:Look who's hiding numbers now?
First U.S. coronavirus death occurred 20 days earlier than previously thought in California

Luke 6:41 (New Living Translation) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Associated Press · Posted: Apr 22, 2020 8:56 AM ET | Last Updated: 4 hours ago
Officials in Santa Clara said they received confirmation Tuesday
Hi ras.

If it's any help, it is 22:39 EDT, Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020, as I am writing this line.
I wrote the previous post today in the early afternoon. I use htpdate as my time utility.

So this is Wednesday. Yesterday was indeed Tuesday. I don't see the problem.
You live in a parallel universe, with a different time frame? :)

Also, "Luke" is not a time zone! ;) "Luke 6:41" means "Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6,
verse 41", not "Luke's time zone, 6h41 a.m"! ;)

In any case, I'm just a repeater. You don't like those news, you give a mouthful to
The Associated Press and / or to the CBC.

You think US propaganda is seeing the speck in China's Health Authorities reports,
but not the log in their own reactions to this COVID-19 crisis, you give a mouthful to
Trump and Pompeo.

Not to me!


The Santa Clara officials were informed of the test results on Tuesday the 21st and the story ran on Wednesday the 23rd.

you seem to be reading a lot "into" the article that was not reported by the AP.

Posted: Fri 24 Apr 2020, 12:10
by musher0
Hey, bigpup,

You asked this question:
bigpup wrote:
Despite reports that many infected get a mild illness, that facts show that the virus is more infectious than an influensa
How do you know a bad cold is not influensa?(...)
if you don't want an answer to a question, don't ask the question.
I thought your question was genuine, so I put in over two hours
researching and writing the answer. Next time, I'll know better.


Posted: Fri 24 Apr 2020, 12:37
by musher0
ras wrote:
musher0 wrote:
ras wrote: and
Hi ras.

If it's any help, it is 22:39 EDT, Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020, as I am writing this line.
I wrote the previous post today in the early afternoon. I use htpdate as my time utility.

So this is Wednesday. Yesterday was indeed Tuesday. I don't see the problem.
You live in a parallel universe, with a different time frame? :)

Also, "Luke" is not a time zone! ;) "Luke 6:41" means "Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6,
verse 41", not "Luke's time zone, 6h41 a.m"! ;)

In any case, I'm just a repeater. You don't like those news, you give a mouthful to
The Associated Press and / or to the CBC.

You think US propaganda is seeing the speck in China's Health Authorities reports,
but not the log in their own reactions to this COVID-19 crisis, you give a mouthful to
Trump and Pompeo.

Not to me!

The Santa Clara officials were informed of the test results on Tuesday the 21st and the story ran on Wednesday the 23rd.

you seem to be reading a lot "into" the article that was not reported by the AP.
Hi ras.

Open and type:
1st U.S. coronavirus death occurred weeks earlier than thought in California Associated Press
and see by yourself what comes up.

CBC didn't invent that news.

If you absolutely need an American source, here's one: ... ry/2223219

BTW, please double-check on your calendar:
April 23rd was yesterday (Thursday), not two days ago (last Wednesday).

And yes I'm reading a lot into that news, because it says the accuser is as guilty
as the accused, IMO.

Maybe China was negligent in reporting COVID-19 data -- but according to this news,
the US themselves weren't doing such a good job of keeping track of what was going
on on the COVID-19 front in their own country.


Posted: Fri 24 Apr 2020, 13:26
by wiak
bigpup wrote:I am not going to specifically say, what medication I am talking about
Of course there have been several articles/reports like the one below on the possibility that some high bp meds, for example, may worsen or lessen the effects of COVID-19 (whether good or bad effect remains undecided apparently...). ... 00331.html

I rather suspect/fear though, that anyone in their mid-sixties or above with cardiovascular issues is going to suffer greatly if they catch Covid-19, and will likely take weeks to recover (and hopefully pull through in that battle). There are always flu/cold type viruses hanging around, though, so I expect many people who get one of these will imagine they have Covid-19 and imagine they are now immune... I hope they are correct, but I suspect most are wrong and Covid-19 is yet to come to their house door. That's why us older members of society must keep as locked down as possible for now.


Posted: Fri 24 Apr 2020, 19:27
by bigpup
musher0 wrote:Hey, bigpup,

You asked this question:
bigpup wrote:
Despite reports that many infected get a mild illness, that facts show that the virus is more infectious than an influensa
How do you know a bad cold is not influensa?(...)
if you don't want an answer to a question, don't ask the question.
I thought your question was genuine, so I put in over two hours
researching and writing the answer. Next time, I'll know better.

Sorry you miss understood.
It was more of a statement and not a question.

Posted: Sat 25 Apr 2020, 00:20
by ozsouth
wiak wrote: .. that anyone in their mid-sixties or above with cardiovascular issues is going to suffer greatly if they catch Covid-19 ... That's why us older members of society must keep as locked down as possible for now.
Tick, tick - so I'm staying locked down. Only my son round the corner visits & he works from home with no visitors now. We have oldies supermarket shopping 3 days a week 7-8am. Get less than 20 in a store that can hold hundreds. Still hoping my ancient BCG vax offers some protection though.

Posted: Sat 25 Apr 2020, 20:47
by tallboy
bigpup, musher0 reminded me of the fact that you do not have a national health service like we do, so my remarks were perhaps a bit unfair. Sorry!

Trump has been in the media regarding the disinfectant statement.
One small fact that made me react to the presentation by senior official Bill Bryan from Department of Homeland Security, where a disinfectant's ability to kill the virus was mentioned. He said that they had started research on the virus in february (I think he even said early in february).

Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2020, 03:43
by bigpup
No I understand where you are coming from.
Around 5 million tests completed for a population of 350 million.
New York and that area of the country has testing priority.
Where I live, you can only get tested if you actually show signs you have it.
So far, no antibody tests, around here, that are OK by the state health.

I hope it was real news that reported on what Trump said.
He ask a question about disinfectants.
Never said anything about you should do this or that.
He asked a what if or would it be possible?
Brain storming ideas!

Who knows! :idea:
Every drug you take has possible negative side affect.
Cure cancer with radiation that can kill you.
Take this medication for arthritis. But, understand it could shutdown your liver :!: :shock:

I too was wondering about the time it took them to come up with those test results, about the sunlight, heat, humidity, etc.....
Welcome to the world of detailed research lab work.

The study, carried out at the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center in Maryland.
I bet they tested the Coronavirus, at precise, one small adjustment at a time, for sunlight, humidity, temperature, etc......
He said they were giving half life results.
Those tests take a lot of time.
Full life, half life of that, half life of that, half life of that, and on until completely killed.
Repeat for each specific testing setting. For each specific item tested.
They are doing very small precise changes to test.
He even said they were still testing.

Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2020, 03:47
by ras
Maybe China was negligent in reporting COVID-19 data -- but according to this news, the US themselves weren't doing such a good job of keeping track of what was going on on the COVID-19 front in their own country.
And maybe all involved learn as they go..... ... SKCN2270RX

Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2020, 08:56
by musher0
Try posting your message again without highlighting the URL.
This forum is based on old software and may be "allergic" to some URL forms.
It happened to me a few times that an odd URL caused the entire post to be hidden.

As to what you're saying, I agree. All countries are learning as they're fighting this bugger.
Declared positive to COVID-19 for a 2nd time
Simon Dessureault | Le Journal de Montréal | Published on April 25, 2020 at 10:33 PM

Réjean Bell, photographed on the balcony of his home in Lavaltrie, will have to pass a
third test for COVID-19 next May.
Photo special collaboration, Simon Dessureault

A septuagenarian from Lanaudière who thought he was cured of COVID-19 after a
negative test result when he was discharged from the hospital had a second positive
test a few days later.

"I can't believe it, I thought it was settled, yet I feel good," said Réjean Bell, who was
reached at his apartment at the Eva seniors' residence in Lavaltrie on Saturday morning.

On March 24, the 72-year-old man tested positive for COVID-19 after a few days of
flu-like symptoms. Four days later, he was transported to the Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital
in Terrebonne when he had a fever of 39.1°C.

"I said to myself, this is what happens when you die. I was so weak. And when you're
weak like that, you wish you were dying for real! "he says.

Lung surgery
When he was released on April 7, his test was negative. The man who worked in the
construction industry thought he was cured.

Then Mr. Bell, who was soon to undergo surgery for lung cancer, had to be tested again at
his residence on April 23 because that's the procedure for surgery during a pandemic.
The test was again positive.

"And my doctor told me that I wouldn't test positive twice! The people in charge of the
residence were also very surprised, but now I can't do anything, I have to wait," laments
the man who is looking forward to his surgery.

Mr. Bell will therefore undergo a third test for COVID-19 next May.

Christian Jacob, president of the Association of Microbiologists of Quebec, says there are
several reasons that could explain this situation. "It is possible that the infection may have
completely extinguished and the virus may have remained latently hidden. This happens
with the herpes virus, for example. There are mechanisms that allow viruses to latently
hide in cells. »

At the time of writing, the Journal had no call back from CISSS Lanaudière.

Translated with (free version; with minor editing by me)

I don't find reassuring the possibility of a 2nd infection, or the lack of symptoms in people
who've caught it (in prison or elsewhere) as your Reuters article mentions.

Especially that a lot of people right now seem to be in a hurry to get out of confinement.
Combine those three elements, and this pup is scared.


Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2020, 11:01
by wiak
musher0 wrote:
"It is possible that the infection may have
completely extinguished and the virus may have remained latently hidden. This happens
with the herpes virus, for example. There are mechanisms that allow viruses to latently
hide in cells.

I don't find reassuring the possibility of a 2nd infection, or the lack of symptoms in people
who've caught it (in prison or elsewhere) as your Reuters article mentions.

Especially that a lot of people right now seem to be in a hurry to get out of confinement.
Combine those three elements, and this pup is scared.
I also don't feel reassuring the possibility that covid-19 could hide in cells likes herpes. I'm sure most of us know how cold-sores caused by the herpes simplex virus can flare up at moments our immune systems are challenged. If that proved to be the case with Covid-19 then it would act like a time bomb, which we may well not survive in older age; that would certainly result in a decrease of average life expectancy, and no cure has ever been found for herpes simplex as far as I'm aware. Anyway, I hope that proves not to be the case; people are idiotic to rush out of confinement - they will end up in longer confinement as a result, and people will die that wouldn't have. Too many people imagine this virus will only be like a common cold for them - well, there is no guarantee of that even for those who are young. Too many probably imagine they already had it because they had flu-like symtoms for a while, when all they had was a heavy dose of the common cold. The previous place I lived was on the Outer Hebrides in Scotland, where cases are very low, and now I live in New Zealand, another far away and isolated island where cases are very low - that advantage of isolation (artificially created or geographical) should be a lesson for all, but the whole of the UK is also an island, which could have closed its borders much earlier than it chose to and it could well end up with more deaths than any other country in Europe because of its early negligence.


Posted: Tue 28 Apr 2020, 20:58
by tallboy
I am not familiar with the effects covid-19 have inside a body. It has been mentioned that one of the reasons there are many deaths in some countries, is that the secondary infections in the body of a covid-19 victim, are difficult to treat because of resistance to common antibiotics. In some southern european countries, and also in some south american countries, you can freely buy antibiotics over the counter in a pharmacy, and that is not very smart.