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Posted: Sun 27 Oct 2019, 01:16
by rockedge
working with some developers I needed to test the Edge browser if it can stream live video from ZoneMinder. So after 8+ months of not using anything MicroSoft , I booted Windows 10.

Turns out the Edge browser still can not handle live mpeg streams and Windows 10 was shutdown again until tax time,

Posted: Thu 31 Oct 2019, 10:24
by miriam
Great to revisit Studio. I installed Puppy Studio on a few machines. It was impressive. I still have it on one of my machines. (I get given old dead computers which I resurrect and install Puppy Linux on.) Always wanted to buy Studio, but could never really spare the money -- always more pressing demands on my funds, living below the poverty line.

I notice the website is still there with the products. I am soooo tempted. Maybe next month as a Xmas present to myself. This November I can't be distracted by delving into a delicious new thing; I just HAVE to finish my latest novel. (Anybody read SF stories? All mine are free at Yep, that's why I live below the poverty line. :) )

Memories.... [cue dreamy music]...

I have an enormous collection of different kinds of Linux and have Puppies going back many years.

My first computer I built with soldering iron and discrete chips way back in the time of the dinosaurs. It had 2K of RAM (at the time I thought, how will I ever use all that?!) and saved data on cassette tape. It didn't have separate display circuitry, but used a trick of the old Z80 CPU intended to refresh dynamic RAM by rippling through addresses, but instead used this to send RAM data via a character generator ROM to a TV.

Since then I've had many computers. My favorite was the Amiga (I still have an Amiga emulator on my Linux desktop machine for when I need it).

I had to use Microsoft Windows for work, but read about Linux in its early days and was completely won over.

Over the years I tried lots of different distros -- Red Hat, Debian, Mandrake, and more, until somebody gave me a CD with an early version of Puppy on it at a computer club. For about a year I had 2 main desktop computers -- one with Microsoft Windows and the other with Puppy Linux. The Windows machine gradually got used less and less and the Puppy one more and more.

What do I use my Puppy Linux machine for? Writing novels, short stories, plays, and articles (mostly using Geany and some tiny helper applications I created), doing artwork (mostly using Gimp), building 3D virtual worlds (using Blender3D), and a little bit of audio work (mostly using Audacity).

l0wt3ch, are you still developing Studio? Best wishes for the future.

Posted: Mon 04 Nov 2019, 04:37
by geo_c
Right now I have 4 computers all with dual frugal installs on separate linux partitions, one copy of upupBionic and one copy of Studio 1337. I flip back and forth depending on what type of work I'm doing.

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2019, 19:36
by l0wt3ch
miriam wrote:l0wt3ch, are you still developing Studio? Best wishes for the future.
I'm still here! Thanks :) You also.

Posted: Tue 21 Jan 2020, 16:22
by rockedge
I really like this of the best tools for music out there

Posted: Tue 21 Jan 2020, 23:36
by wiak
miriam wrote:(Anybody read SF stories? All mine are free at Yep, that's why I live below the poverty line. :) )
In a place I once worked, tens of years ago, another worker there asked me to read a book he had written. I read it, but to me it felt boring and badly written. However, the man was a very nice happy soul and I just politely thanked him for letting me read it and congratulated him on his efforts.

Anyway, I just read your story "nations", without being asked, and with no need to report back, but I'm doing so because I enjoyed it. It's well-written and thought-provoking. It comes to my mind that Murga forum member backi should read it and think about the message it contains, though his country, Germany, has certainly been far more welcoming to immigrants than Australia...


Posted: Wed 22 Jan 2020, 06:28
by miriam
Wow! Thanks wiak. I really appreciate the feedback. :D

It is incredibly rare that anybody comments about my stories. I'd started to think it may be because my writing sucks. So I'm very grateful for the unsolicited positive comment. Thank you.

If there is any topic you'd like a story written on, please let me know and I'll try to write one specially for you. :)

Best wishes.