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Posted: Thu 14 Jun 2018, 20:20
by bigpup
You going to post this back on the Neofetch Github web page?
Here you go!
Neofetch all Puppyfied :lol: :lol: :lol:

Really, they would probably like to see the config options you used.
Good example for customizing!!!

Posted: Fri 15 Jun 2018, 03:22
by rg66
Mike, the startup script in my-apps is not needed. You can simply add

Code: Select all

Exec=urxvt -e sh -c 'neofetch ; read p'
to the .desktop file.

Posted: Fri 15 Jun 2018, 08:35
by Sylvander
Mike Walsh wrote:,,,here's a .pet that will give you the latest version of YAD which was compiled in Slacko 570....
That fixed it. :D

Thank you for that.

Posted: Fri 15 Jun 2018, 11:18
by Mike Walsh
@ Sylvander:-

Good, good. I thought that should do it. Enjoy.

@ rg66:-

Thanks for that, RG. I'd been wondering myself last night whether I really needed the additional script.....and you're right; I don't. But if I put that directly into the desktop entry (which I know works), it then bypasses the YAD GUI.....which was one of the main points of doing the "GUI" version.

So I've added it into the YAD script; instead of calling the script in /my-applications/bin, it now executes it directly:-

Code: Select all

#Start GUI for Neofetch sysinfo tool: © Mike Walsh Apr 2018 - with thanks to Smokey01
yad --center --window-icon=/usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/SysInfo2.png --title="Neofetch System Information Tool" --form --width=450 --text="          NEOFETCH SYSTEM INFORMATION TOOL
     Would you like to retrieve your system information?
                        (Close window to quit)" \
--image="/usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/SysInfo2.png" \
--field="GET SYSTEM INFO":fbtn "urxvt -e sh -c 'neofetch ; read p'" \
--no-buttons --close-on-unfocus

Gui version now re-worked and re-uploaded.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Fri 15 Jun 2018, 17:42
by keniv
Can I ask if this should work in older pups such as lucid 5287. I've installed the pet and seem to have the same version of yad as in your slacko pet.

Code: Select all

# yad --version
0.40.0 (GTK+ 2.20.0)
On clicking the menu entry yad runs and seems to continue to run but nothing appears on the screen.



Posted: Fri 15 Jun 2018, 20:07
by keniv
Sorry, my bad. Latest pet is now working on lucid 5287. Thanks for this.



Posted: Fri 15 Jun 2018, 20:46
by Mike Walsh
Hi, Ken.

Glad to hear it is working after all. It should do; it's working in my own copy of Lucid, so there ought to be no problems with it. What did you do differently between the first time and subsequent runs, d'you think?

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 16 Jun 2018, 12:42
by keniv
Hi Mike,
Gui version now re-worked and re-uploaded.
I downloaded and installed your re-worked version. I'm not now sure whether the version of yad originally in lucid was 0.40 or whether it was added from your pet. As I was messing around trying to find out why it wouldn't work I can't remember whether I ran

Code: Select all

yad --version
or your pet first. My excuse for this is usually called a senior moment. I run lucid on an old laptop (800MHz, 320MB). Your pet runs fast even with these meegre specs. With the first pet it seemed to run yad for some time but nothing appeared on the screen. I ran it from the menu entry. Hope this helps.

