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Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2020, 20:49
by -TDRR-
I'm a bit confused by this, I downloaded the 64bit version, but this doesn't really work nice with 32bit programs and I don't need the 64bit support anyways.

So now I'm gonna get the 32bit version, but the size difference is pretty large (64bit RC1 UEFI is 386MB, but 32bit-NoPAE is 408MB). More or less what I want to know is if it includes the same interface and mostly the same programs as the dpupbuster64-8.0.0-uefi-RC-1-07092019.iso one did, so I can know if the slow download is gonna be worth the wait.

I really enjoy how pretty the interface in DPupBuster is + the change from ROX-filer to PCManFM., and would love to pair it with Wine-Portable to get a fairly small (Which wouldn't be very good with 32-bit compat libs) but clean and easy to use puplet, even for "Windows refugees".

TL;DR: Is the 32 bit version essentially the same as dpupbuster64-8.0.0-uefi-RC-1-07092019.iso but in 64 bit and with a couple new additions (considering the amount of time and filesize increase between them)?

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2020, 21:57
by 01101001b
-TDRR- wrote:I'm a bit confused by this, I downloaded the 64bit version, but this doesn't really work nice with 32bit programs
Hi! Question: Did you load this module (32bit_compatibilty_dpupbuster64.sfs)?

Posted: Sat 18 Apr 2020, 01:07
by linux28
Conky cannot be transparent and has black borders

Still Testing: - dpupbuster64-8.0.0-uefi-RC-1 issued 7th Sep

Posted: Sat 23 May 2020, 18:43
by ETP
Two further short test videos have been added at the bottom of the test album.
Any or all of the videos in the album may be downloaded.

Re: libreOffice-6.3.3

Posted: Wed 27 May 2020, 02:28
by gychang
josejp2424 wrote:LibreOffice 6.3.3


Download LibreOffice-6.3.3

# 7fc618db3440438a9b3dacfeb6c4cc8e

locales libreoffice-= ar - ca - es - fr - hu - it - ja - ru - zh_CN
is there a 32bit?

Posted: Wed 27 May 2020, 03:34
by recobayu
From debian-backports repo, You can got LibreOffice version (64 and 32 bit)

Posted: Thu 28 May 2020, 14:49
by gychang
recobayu wrote:From debian-backports repo, You can got LibreOffice version (64 and 32 bit)
not listed, do I have to add it?, how? read the "Add new repo" but still confused...


Posted: Fri 29 May 2020, 01:35
by recobayu
Hi Gychang,
please download this libreoffice sfs file from here: ... 32_8.0.sfs
I can run it from dpupbuster 32bit.

To make that, I do like this:
1. I use busterdog 32 bit from fred
2. I add buster-backports to /etc/apt/sources.list
3. I follow from here: ... -directory

Code: Select all

apt clean
apt --download-only install libreoffice -t buster-backports
cp /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb .
4. I add some .deb files that can run it smoothly on puppy linux like: libreoffice-gtk3
5. I extract all .deb files and make sfs

Code: Select all

for i in *.deb;do dpkg-deb -x $i libreoffice-6.4.4-buster-32;done
dir2sfs libreoffice-6.4.4-buster-32
Thank you.

palemoon and youtube troubles on 32bit

Posted: Fri 29 May 2020, 23:16
by gychang
DpupBuster 32bit PPM does not contain my favorite browser palemoon. I was able to install version 28.0.0 however. It runs well except youtube wants me to update the browser and forces me to either chromium or firefox. Is there a PM browser that works with youtube in 32bit?


Posted: Sat 30 May 2020, 01:41
by Semme
Can't you just dump (or overwrite) the existing Pale Moon folder and extract the new build in its place?

Export or backup your bkmrks in case you want to start with a fresh profile folder - my personal preference.

change color on PPM update screen?

Posted: Tue 02 Jun 2020, 02:34
by gychang
on my main PC, installed 64bit and working well. One minor problem is on my setup when I want to update the PPM, I have yellow background and foreground color is white. How can I change the background or foreground color?

Posted: Tue 02 Jun 2020, 05:06
by nilsonmorales
gychang hello
try editing /usr/local/petget/ line 98 or near

Code: Select all

 RXVT="rxvt -bg yellow -title \"$(gettext 'Databases Update')\"  -e "


Code: Select all

 RXVT="rxvt -bg yellow -fg black -title \"$(gettext 'Databases Update')\"  -e "

Posted: Tue 02 Jun 2020, 15:12
by gychang
nilsonmorales wrote:gychang hello
try editing /usr/local/petget/ line 98 or near

Code: Select all

 RXVT="rxvt -bg yellow -title "$(gettext 'Databases Update')"  -e "


Code: Select all

 RXVT="rxvt -bg yellow -fg black -title "$(gettext 'Databases Update')"  -e "
thanks!, works great.

Posted: Wed 10 Jun 2020, 01:31
by Mike Walsh
Well, I really don't quite know what to make of this, José. I'm giving the 32-bit version a whirl, thinking that if it's anything like radky's DPup Stretch, it'll be a good'un.

(No, I don't want yet another 64-bit Puppy. I've got several of those already, thank you.)

What's niggling me is that this is the only Pup I've ever found where you've got to turn the firewall OFF to get a connection of any kind at all. No matter how I set the firewall up, NO connection till I turn it OFF.

That's not very secure, is it? Is this a known 'bug'? I haven't had time to read the thread all the way through yet, so I haven't yet found out.....or otherwise.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 10 Jun 2020, 01:42
by Mike Walsh
jplt3 wrote:@rcrsn51

I resolve my problem :

i have a portable firefox profile :

Code: Select all

LAUNCHDIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LAUNCHDIR/:$LAUNCHDIR/extralibs${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH} "$LAUNCHDIR/firefox" "$@" -profile "$LAUNCHDIR/profile/myprofile.default"
i download a new version of firefox and the sound work well now .

I think that someting gone wrong after multiple updates of firefox himself !
@ jplt3/rcrsn51:-

From what I can see of it, using apulse and ALSA is the problem.....because Jose has specifically built this to use PulseAudio. It's all fully installed, AFAICT.

I'm hazarding a guess here, but wouldn't trying to use 'apulse' interfere with Pulse itself? Bill, what are your thoughts on this one?

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 10 Jun 2020, 12:39
by Mike Walsh
Mike Walsh wrote:Well, I really don't quite know what to make of this, José. I'm giving the 32-bit version a whirl, thinking that if it's anything like radky's DPup Stretch, it'll be a good'un.

(No, I don't want yet another 64-bit Puppy. I've got several of those already, thank you.)

What's niggling me is that this is the only Pup I've ever found where you've got to turn the firewall OFF to get a connection of any kind at all. No matter how I set the firewall up, NO connection till I turn it OFF.

That's not very secure, is it? Is this a known 'bug'? I haven't had time to read the thread all the way through yet, so I haven't yet found out.....or otherwise.

Mike. :wink:
Hate to say it, but having tried DPup Buster 64, I can't get an internet connection at all.....either with firewall "ON", or "OFF".

That's killed it for me, I'm sorry to say. Every other member of the kennels just works. This one seems to be nothing but hassle.....which is a shame, because it looks nice, and most of the other stuff works fine; everything except the internet, that is.....and for me, an OS that won't connect to the 'net isn't much use.

EDIT:- I wonder if the Network Wizard 'patches' rerwin developed for Bionicpup would work here? Can't hurt to try, I guess.

Mike. :?

Posted: Wed 10 Jun 2020, 14:13
by Mike Walsh
Hm! Seems to have done the trick.

Not sure which of them is responsible, but I've deleted the save, re-booted, set DPup up again, disconnected from the network, installed all 3 of Richard's latest updates from here:- ... 876#952876

.....followed by re-booting again (to make sure they're in the save for session start-up), and set networking up again with SNS. It takes a bit longer now, 'cos Richard's introduced a longer delay along with a few other things, says there's a connection, and there IS one this time.

This is without setting the firewall up. That's the next task, to see if the firewall has the same deleterious effect it had with previous attempts.....

Watch this space. Posting from Fred's 'portable-Quantum' now.

Mike. :wink;

Posted: Thu 11 Jun 2020, 11:00
by Mike Walsh
Yup; it still 'sticks'. Or seems to, at any rate....

Firewall set up to my normal preferences now, and my internet connection is still behaving itself. I thought this ought to work; Bionic64 & Buster64 are both using the same kernel, and the glibc is near as dammit the same - Bionic64 ~ 2.27, Buster64 ~ 2.28. It certainly fixed the issue in Bionic64, and it's done the same here, too.

Nice one.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2020, 01:31
by Mike Walsh
Spoke too soon, it seems.

For some reason, the k4.19.23 kernel just gives me nowt but hassle on this Pavilion tower. Busterpup64 reverted, after another re-boot, to the same never-ending round of aggravation I've been getting in Bionicpup64 with this kernel; constant messing around with the various network wizards, re-booting the router again & again, pissing around with the firewall, and never, ever actually getting a connection.....aughh!

Don't need it.

So Busterpup64 is now running Xenialpup64's default k4.9.58 kernel. After re-booting, the network connected instantly, sweet as a nut. That makes Xenialpup64, jrb's Quirky April64 7.0.1 and now Busterpup64 all running the same kernel. I'm going to revert Bionicpup64 back to it tomorrow. It supports all my hardware, and everything behaves itself, so.....why not?

It really IS a "no-brainer". Experimentation has proved, conclusively, that this kernel just "works" for me. Why put up wi' hassle when there's no need...?


Before I forget to say it, Busterpup64 is actually a very sweet Puppy. José's made a lovely job of this, and it's chock-full of very neat little touches. And thanks for the painstaking work getting Openshot 2.4.4 working, mate; it really is appreciated, let me tell you! :D

Mike. :wink:

loses sound setting on reboot

Posted: Tue 16 Jun 2020, 02:24
by gychang
Am using dpupbuste64, works well on my PC after a frugal install to my HD. I have a USB earphone-mic which I prefer. I have installed pavucontrol and set as shown but after a reboot, the settings are not retained.

[root@dpupbuster64 ~] $ inxi -SMA
Host: dpupbuster64
Kernel: 4.19.23 x86_64 bits: 64
Desktop: JWM 2.3.7
Distro: Puppy 8.0.0
Type: Laptop System: TOSHIBA
product: Satellite E55-A
v: PSKPJU-01K023 serial: 2E017190P
Mobo: TOSHIBA model: ZRMAA v: 1.00
serial: * BIOS: TOSHIBA v: 1.50
date: 12/02/2013
Device-1: Intel Haswell-ULT HD Audio driver: snd_hda_intel
Device-2: Intel 8 Series HD Audio
driver: snd_hda_intel
Device-3: N/A type: USB
driver: snd-usb-audio,uvcvideo
Device-4: N/A type: USB
driver: hid-generic,snd-usb-audio,usbhid
Sound Server: ALSA v: k4.19.23
[root@dpupbuster64 ~] $

Is there a fix for this?