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Can't make pupradio work

Posted: Thu 03 Dec 2015, 22:52
by Rodney Byne
Has anyone installed then tried to make pupradio, say 0.19
work properly with slacko 6.3?

Terminal says it can't find end of file EOF & " marks.
When any station name is pressed.
what does this mean in plain English?

It seems this nice prog is incompatible with 6.3.
sorry I'm not a compiler but would like
to get it working.

Re: Can't make pupradio work

Posted: Thu 03 Dec 2015, 23:05
by unicorn316386
Rodney Byne wrote:Has anyone installed then tried to make pupradio, say 0.19
work properly with slacko 6.3?

Terminal says it can't find end of file EOF & " marks.
When any station name is pressed.
what does this mean in plain English?

It seems this nice prog is incompatible with 6.3.
sorry I'm not a compiler but would like
to get it working.
Yes, I've added to Slacko 6.3.0 and it works. Not all stations are up to date but "7: VPR Classical" works here.

Pasting an external stream like into the URL then pressing "Play Now!" works here too. :)

Gnumeric getting bugs ?

Posted: Fri 04 Dec 2015, 03:28
by Pelo
"I downloaded slacko 6.3. and used gnumeric. Unfortunately gnumeric crashes every time I go to a cell - click copy - click on to another cell in order to paste the value from that cell before. Since gnumeric does it every time I guess it is a bug. A have used Precise, Tahrpup and Quirky and did not have this particular problem. These puppy’s have there own problems. So the question . What causes it and how can it be fixed ?
Thanks for your help."
I am interested in the answer to the question, too. i posted elsewhere, but my remark was not answered...
Don't forget what for we run a computer, dear roots.
Once the gas cooker is deliverered, it has to cook... Verify applications too, because connecting is useless if we can only connect.
TIW ,when i Work with gnumeric (often) i use old puppies with old version (on my old computer with azertyuiop keyboard, sans soucis).

Posted: Sat 05 Dec 2015, 11:53
by leonid
Hello! How is this program? Where do I download the program?

Posted: Sun 06 Dec 2015, 04:14
by James C
leonid wrote:Hello! How is this program? Where do I download the program?
It's just Conky from the PPM with a custom config.

Posted: Sun 06 Dec 2015, 10:03
by leonid
OK. How to install?

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2015, 19:25
by darkcity
From the Puppy Menu select 'Puppy Package Manage' (PPM)

Search for conky, install conky

Configure by editing text file:

This is similar to what you posted:

via: ... ky_config/

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2015, 20:00
by nubc
Why isn't this thread in the Bug section?
I am experiencing a serious bug in Firefox ESR 38.4.0. Because of cumulative slowdown, I must reboot this Core2 Duo Dell with 4 GB ram every 6 to 8 hours. On top of that, Firefox restores the browser with basic page controls inaccessible, for which there is no obvious solution. Not only are the three basic page controls in the upper right hand corner inaccessible, Show Desktop doesn't work, and Leave from the Menu button is non-functioning. So not only am I required to reboot three times a day, I must also loose all my browser placements and history every time it's necessary to reboot. As far as Firefox goes, it doesn't get much worse than that.

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2015, 22:46
by Terry H
nubc wrote:Why isn't this thread in the Bug section?
I am experiencing a serious bug in Firefox ESR 38.4.0. Because of cumulative slowdown, I must reboot this Core2 Duo Dell with 4 GB ram every 6 to 8 hours. On top of that, Firefox restores the browser with basic navigation controls inaccessible, for which there is no obvious solution. Not only are the three basic page controls in the upper right hand corner inaccessible, Show Desktop doesn't work, and Leave from the Menu button is non-functioning. So not only am I required to reboot three times a day, I must also loose all my browser placements and history every time it's necessary to reboot. As far as Firefox goes, it doesn't get much worse than that.
I have a Dell D630 laptop with core 2 duo and don't have these issues. Are the missing controls hidden underneath a panel?

This is the bug report thread for slacko 6.3 and slacko64 6.3:

Posted: Tue 08 Dec 2015, 00:21
by nubc
The title bar that contains the 3 page controls on the far right side is jammed, above the screen, frozen in this position, which also applies to all windows. Nothing in the task bar right click menu can budge the frozen page. Only thing to do is crash x to command prompt with Cntl+Alt+Backspace, restart x with "xwin jwm", open Firefox but decline to Restore.

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 22:15
by slavvo67
This version is built from woof-CE testing branch commit 4c1f96e and is fully reproducible. See this thread for more on building slacko.
Has anyone tried this? This hasn't worked for me and I continue to fail miserably with Woof-CE.

Posted: Sun 03 Jan 2016, 20:34
by bigpup

Any chance of a Nvidia 173.14 driver pet for the kernel in Slacko 6.3?
The Slacko repo has it for other Linux kernels, but not for the one in Slacko 6.3.

I know it is an old driver, but nothing newer will work on my hardware. This old Dell will not die :shock: :lol:


Posted: Mon 04 Jan 2016, 07:16
by 01micko

Ping me in a few days. I'll see if I can build it then. I'm immersed in getting pupdial and pgprs more reliable at the moment.

Posted: Tue 12 Jan 2016, 00:20
by bigpup
Is there any help files for how to use the stuff in menu->Desktop->Desktop settings?


You can get stuff really messed up and it is not that clear on what you did or how to fix it.

Seems to be full of traps and misunderstandings on what exactly you are doing and to what.

Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2016, 13:33
by redandwhitestripes
I installed this today. In all honesty I rather wish I hadn't.

- No quickpet or equivalent I can see.

- I struggled to get dillo working as I could find no link in the PPM, I had to find it through a google search. I also had problems getting MOC to install from the PPM.

- Menus seem to be broken. Palemoon has no icon and it opens with a url of =" (can anyone help?) which I cannot change, though this may not be a slacko error to be fair, it's happened before to me in opera.

- Menus don't seem to tie up with executable files. MOC works from the menu but not terminal, palemoon works without the above error with a full path command.

- I don't see a lot of new features or improvement over tahr pup but again perhaps I'm being unfair, I've only used it for a few hours.

This is just down to me and my taste though. I'm sure it will be delightful to other users. Thank you, and I'll stick with it for a few days, I may well change my mind :-)

PPM Slacko Abiword

Posted: Sun 07 Feb 2016, 16:42
by hamoudoudou
Looking for abiword and gnumeric, exaile
Missing in quickpet list. repository not found from PPM
Libre Office is really too big.
found goffice Wary that fits OK.
Moved back to slacko 5.3.3 ! (as Adrive). Kept only ifrmware and modules from 6.3.0

Re: PPM Slacko Abiword

Posted: Tue 09 Feb 2016, 07:02
by redandwhitestripes
hamoudoudou wrote:Looking for abiword and gnumeric
Missing in quickpet list. repository not found from PPM
Libre Office is really too big.
found goffice Wary that fits OK.
There's a quickpet list? :shock:

Posted: Sun 14 Feb 2016, 12:23
by redandwhitestripes
When I insert a USB drive, clicking on the icon brings up pmount and I have to mount or unmount via pmount before I can view the drive contents in rox. In all other puppies, I can just click the icon to view the contents. Can anyone explain why this was necessary? Is there a way to revert to the usual behaviour?

Go back to the others Puppies...

Posted: Mon 15 Feb 2016, 01:15
by hamoudoudou
Go back to the others Puppies... :!: personally, tonight, i go back to Slacko 5.3.3. No trouble, no nervous breakdown, i Open usb contents by a click.
"It's probably safe to say that all the current pups have been developed on somewhat newer hardware than previous builds, Lucid for example. So I understand exactly as I've experienced the same.. A cumulative system overload. Yeah, it gets to the point I've gotta reboot back into Lucid if I want any type of acceptable performance." Not a bad idea, semme !
Quickpet : none (it's sfs one)
Tahrpup offers a lot of choice, Slacko only provides a kernel, and background... It's a pity :(

Slacko provides the browser Firefox !

Posted: Mon 15 Feb 2016, 14:21
by Pelo
Slacko provides the browser Firefox ! The french version (Slaxen) does not, giving the choice to newbies to make their choice !