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Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2018, 14:59
by mikeslr
Hi pp4mnklinux,

I may be wrong --a not infrequent condition-- but my understanding is that FbBox is Openbox with FbPanel. If so, hot-keys would be under the control of openbox. See this post: ... 018#769018. This might be a good place to start finding out about how to customize them,

By the way, to view the contents of the link you provided in your last post requires a log in. Either you didn't configure it properly --I don't have to login to access Mike Walsh's google-drive for the applications he publishes-- or google has become even more intrusive. It's probably impossible to entirely prevent google from becoming "The Great Know All". But I choose to slow its conquest down by maintaining a free account at Mediafire.

THANKS A LOT @mikeslr

Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2018, 18:58
by pp4mnklinux

Re: THANKS A LOT @mikeslr

Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2018, 20:42
by Terry H
pp4mnklinux wrote:THANKY ... gxbTEzRE53

Does this link work?
Not for me, requires login.

Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2018, 22:09
by mikeslr
It did for me using Google-chrome as web-browser. Terry, what web-browser were you using?

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2018, 00:33
by Terry H
mikeslr wrote:It did for me using Google-chrome as web-browser. Terry, what web-browser were you using?
Previously used palemoon. I'm using different puppy now (upupbb 18.05), just re-tried with slimjet. It's OK now, I can see image. I also re-tried with palemoon in this puppy and it's OK also. So must have been rendering issue from earlier puppy.


Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2018, 00:24
by Terry H
I'm currently using FbBox with Stretcgh 7.5 rc 3 on Dell Latitude 3350 Laptop. The keybinding for the Delete Key (Key Code 107, Hex 6b) was set to execute PupScan. I changed the keybinding in /root/.config/openbox/rc.xml to use the Prt Scr Key (Key Code 111, Hex 6f) to execute PupScan. The keycodes were determined using xev.

I am unable to find how to set the Delete Key, to Delete. Any assistance greatly appreciated. When I check the Delete Key using xev, it now currently shows Print.

Edit: to check this occurrence out, I did a clean boot using pfix=ram. The Delete and PrtScr keys function correctly. So the current functioning appears to be a corruption that has occurred in my system over time.

FbBox working fine with xenial 64 xxl

Posted: Mon 04 Feb 2019, 06:41
by pp4mnklinux
Fantastic presentation... but only one need:

There is an info icon at the task bar, where appears info about HOTKEYS.

How can I modify them? ( I want to use an specific key to start my default browser ..instead winkey+B)

Where is the file I must modify?


Re: FbBox working fine with xenial 64 xxl

Posted: Wed 06 Feb 2019, 04:38
by radky
pp4mnklinux wrote:There is an info icon at the task bar, where appears info about HOTKEYS.

How can I modify them? ( I want to use an specific key to start my default browser ..instead winkey+B)

Where is the file I must modify?
Hi pp4mnklinux,

The hotkey text file is here:



The hotkey functions are set here:



The keybindings to run applications start on line 348 of /root/.config/openbox/rc.xml

Currently, the hotkey (W-b) for launching the defaultbrowser is set on line 411 as follows:

Code: Select all

  <keybind key="W-b"><action name="Execute"><command>defaultbrowser</command></action></keybind>
Be careful you do not choose a key combination that is already used for another hotkey (current keybindings start on line 195 of /root/.config/openbox/rc.xml).

After modifying the hotkey, you can select the "Reload openbox" option from the desktop Right-click menu, or simply restart X.

Good luck! :)

@radky THANKS A LOT for your answer

Posted: Mon 05 Aug 2019, 23:10
by pp4mnklinux
Thanks a lot for your help.

Now I can configure actions as I need.

HAVE A NICE DAY, my friend !!

Runs under BionicPup64

Posted: Tue 08 Oct 2019, 23:48
by mikeslr
The original post identifying on which Puppies FbBox-5.0 64-bit could function predates the publication of BionicPup64. This post is merely to advice that it appears to function well under that Puppy. See ... 08#1039008