Page 8 of 12

Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 15:00
by mikeb
Without showing proof about MS building in deliberate tools, you are not doing your credibility any favours.
well i was compiling several windows programs when I came across this...the information was from various sources and it seems well known about amongst program developers.

In this case it was for 2000 as was a few years back and any dev who wanted to could hack the headers to build 2000 friendly programs using the non 2000 friendly SDKs.... this technique will be being applied and the example mentioned earlier is a current one...indeed it mentions that the builder was able to make changes to the SDK in just the same way.
(I have to make special arrangement in VS2012 to build for XP),
if they were truly different how could he do this and get a working build?
Ask him...he will give a similar answer to that which I found
Note that using VS 2010 will make an XP friendly build and VS 2012 will not unless you fiddle... same sources...same resultant software..same target system.

You must have come across 'this is not a win32 executable' before....the message you get when a kernel function call is not present. If that function call was essential to the software then XP would be out of the question but its simply that the later SDK are designed to prevent building XP software in order to promote/sell new systems...after all it is their business and their software so they can do what they like...better than threatening hardware retailers like they used to.

The parallel is 'environmental' justifications for scrapping perfectly good cars that are used in many countries.

here is an example of the stuff I had to plough through... ... pplication
I have not the time or the inclination to make this stuff up.
Yes Vista and Win 7 used a different core,
yes the different NT core... same kernel... apart from the dummy functions there may be the odd addition. MS have no reason to deviate from using the NT system they paid does the job nicely and they can simply add to it.
A good test would be to run dependency walker on an exe and compare the functions shown in the kernel for XP and 7.
Between 2000 and XP the only changes were 2 functions that did not actually do anything a system would need...hence the term 'dummy'

Analysing an exe in this way would save doing a net search and would be interesting to see what has been added.

As for antivirus...well you know i am the bunny who has never used it and not had a sniff in over 10 years...either I am very lucky or got something right. 7 seems a lot more inherently secure when i tried it...and IE/outlook is sort of removable least it was well hidden when I tried it.
All that seems left is someone grabbing the web trinkets that hide nasties cos they cannot help themselves, but protecting those users is always going to ultimately fail...same as even the safest cars will still end up with casualties if an idiot drives recklessly.... More fool them and just try and keep out of their way.


Posted: Mon 01 Jun 2015, 03:10
by cthisbear
" if you don't mind the 4-17GB install size "


Complete Win 7 lite install pagefile



Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 05:48
by cthisbear
How do I create an UEFI bootable USB? ... ?t=2416777


How To Make UEFI Bootable USB Flash Drive to Install Windows 8 ... windows-8/

Other good guides on the bottom >> Related posts.


Posted: Tue 30 Jun 2015, 16:06
by bark_bark_bark
Do you run Windows 10? Do you have a stylish Tin Foil Hat? Do you have the idea Cortana is really an agent of the NSA trying to seduce you?

Well you can get rid of her with the instructions here: ... 0-taskbar/

And if you think she will get revenge and unspeakable things to you, call your nearest mental institution.

Posted: Sat 04 Jul 2015, 01:19
by cthisbear

Posted: Sat 04 Jul 2015, 09:09
by mikeb
Thanks for the 7 links...they don't seem to mind running in permanent trial mode either... which means updates if desired work ok.

Its how i did my testing...might use it one day ..its rather nice.


Posted: Mon 24 Aug 2015, 11:43
by cthisbear
Windows Updates to Hide to Avoid Telemetry or Windows 10 Upgrade ... grade.html

Thanks to Majorgeeks...a great download Trusted website.

" If you have already installed Windows and did a few updates, then

head over to Control Panel > Programs and Features >

View Installed Updates

then go from the top to the bottom through the list to ensure none
of them is installed, if you do find one installed, then uninstall it,
reboot, then check for updates and once it appears right click on it
and hide it. "


Posted: Wed 02 Sep 2015, 01:28
by d4p ... ws-10.html
"Microsoft is pushing KB3075249 and KB3080149 updates for Windows 7/8/8.1 users which can spy on you"

Posted: Thu 10 Sep 2015, 06:07
by cthisbear
Imaging software from old PC to New PC. ... ?t=2447602

Whirlpool Forum post...might be handy for some.
Untested by me...costs around $39.95 .

There is a Demo version next to the price. Registration need.


"Is there any software out there where I can take a image from my old PC and copy to a new PC without it crashing cause of dirver issues. And still have all my programs etc."


" I've successfully used Paragon Drive Copy Professional 15 to clone an old system to a new PC with completely different hardware. " etc....

Paragon Drive Copy Professional 15

usage scenarios for Paragon Drive Copy Professional ... arios.html


Posted: Sat 14 Nov 2015, 23:12
by cthisbear
Win 10 password recovery.

jmatt from Whirlpool Forums provides the latest answers.

Free PC Audit

Lazesoft Recover My Password Home Edition


Portable recALL...which I briefly tested. ... ?t=2470669


Posted: Sat 30 Jan 2016, 22:03
by cthisbear
I have just had the pleasure of inheriting a HP 110 Desktop.
Windows 8.

Entering the bios to disable Secure booting....nightmare.
So many processes after hitting F10 and Esc keys. ... -p/4066618

I re-installed it and gave it a test run as I have another new Toshiba
laptop to setup for a client, so I had to give it a whirl.

Unbelievably slow.
What were these muppets at HP and Microsoft thinking?
Vista looked good after this mess.
And people buy this sludge.


Probably been posted here but this guide was good for disabling
Secure booting.

He also has an Acer one...which may help me with the HP???

How To Disable UEFI Secure Boot In Windows 8 & 8.1 ... windows-8/


Acer laptops.

How To Disable Secure Boot In Windows 8.1 In Acer Laptops


Windows XP Service Pack 4 Unofficial 3.1a

Posted: Tue 09 Feb 2016, 00:10
by cthisbear
Windows XP Service Pack 4 Unofficial 3.1a

[url] ... icial.html[/url]

" If you download the WindowsXP-USP4-v3.1a-x86-ENU.exe you can also scan Windows Update for POSReady updates, because the POSReady trick has been included.

Windows XP SP4 security enhancements: Windows XP SP4 includes registry updates to enhance security. These security enhancements address issues not fixed by Microsoft updates. "

Developer >> harkaz


Posted: Thu 03 Mar 2016, 23:51
by cthisbear
How To Disable Windows Update In Windows 10





Microsoft site.

How to temporarily prevent a Windows or driver update from
reinstalling in Windows 10.

" To temporarily prevent the driver or update from being reinstalled
until a new driver or updated fix is available, a troubleshooter is
available that provides a user interface for hiding and showing Windows Updates and drivers for Windows 10.

You can obtain and run the "Show or hide updates" troubleshooter
by downloading it from the Microsoft Download Center.





Windows XP Service Pack 4 Unofficial 3.1b

Posted: Sat 23 Apr 2016, 10:15
by cthisbear
Windows XP Service Pack 4 Unofficial 3.1b



" Editor's Note: [b:8tr7rs1x]IMPORTANT NOTICE:[/b:8tr7rs1x]

All SP4 users running SP4 v3.1a or earlier must delete this registry key to receive the latest WU updates:


No further action is needed. SP4 v3.1b is intended only for new installations and removes just this key.
The file in Google Drive contains a reg file
that will automate the task. Double-click on the reg file,
click Yes on the popup message, and you're done!
Just make sure you have administrative privileges! "



First page of 39 pages.

Untested by me.
However it appears to be well researched.
As with up.


Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2016, 00:21
by cthisbear
[b:9amj5y1v]How to Take Full Ownership of Files & Folders in Windows 8 / 10[/b:9amj5y1v]

I used this because I am trying to migrate a MYOB install to a
Toshiba Windows 8.1 laptop for a client.

I couldn't take ownership or be the administrator to delete
files and folders.
Between win 8.1 and MYOB...5 star s....y pieces of garbage
I was always booting Puppy LightHouse to delete stuff.

As always the rule is...USE at Your Own Risk and read
the instructions.

Ultimate Windows Tweaker 3 for Windows 8


[b:9amj5y1v]Download[/b:9amj5y1v]: 1 Ultimate Windows Tweaker 3 for Windows 8


Read here:

Robert • 3 years ago
The above is missing some steps.
After trial and error I wrote down what I did so I have a record
in the event I need to do this again.

Here it is:

-1- In Windows Explorer, right click on the folder you need to access, select Properties.
-2- Security Tab, select Advanced.
-3- Under Owner line, select Change.
-4- Select Advanced Tab.
-5- Select Find Now.
-6- Under Search Results, a list of several users will populate the next window. You need to know the right one to select. In my case there were about 30 or so possible accounts to select from. Three of those made sense. It was either Administrator..., Administrators..., or my (or possibly a 4th, "Everyone"). I found the one that worked. The trick is to know who you need to select so that you assign permission correctly. It's very cryptic because Microsoft populates the list with so many accounts that are on your computer. That's just the way Windows 8.1 is. Select OK.

-7- Under the Owner line (The Balloon from Step #3 above will reappear) select: Replace owner on subcontainers and objects. Select OK. *Be sure to do this step to save yourself time.

-8- Have at it copying files from the password protected hard drive to your new hard drive.

There were a couple stubborn files. In which case I did the above steps. Instead of step 7 I selected Apply. Next I had to select on Permissions (without exiting completely, go back to the balloon that appears from step #1 above. Then in the Balloon from step #2 above you will see the Permissions tab. Click "Continue" below Permissions (For some files you may have to go back a screen and then go back into the Security, Advanced, actions in step 2 above. If you go to far back to the point you have to right click properties, you will have to repeate steps 1-7 again.) Although I saw I was the new owner, I was not in a "Principal" in the list of of users. I had to select on the Add tab. Click on Principal: Select a principal. Do the same action as step 4-6 above. I had to be sure to select Full Control on the next window when it becomes available. Select OK on all subsequent tabs. It's a little cryptic so have patience.
The process will not likely be clear in the original posting so please be sure to follow my steps above and I wish you success.


[b:9amj5y1v]Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10[/b:9amj5y1v] released[/b]


[b:9amj5y1v]Download[/b:9amj5y1v]: Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10





Read here:

Robert • 3 years ago

The above is missing some steps.

After trial and error I wrote down what I did so I have a record

in the event I need to do this again.

Here it is:

-1- In Windows Explorer, right click on the folder you need to access, select Properties.

-2- Security Tab, select Advanced.

-3- Under Owner line, select Change.

-4- Select Advanced Tab.

-5- Select Find Now.

-6- Under Search Results, a list of several users will populate the next window. You need to know the right one to select. In my case there were about 30 or so possible accounts to select from. Three of those made sense. It was either Administrator..., Administrators..., or my (or possibly a 4th, "Everyone"). I found the one that worked. The trick is to know who you need to select so that you assign permission correctly. It's very cryptic because Microsoft populates the list with so many accounts that are on your computer. That's just the way Windows 8.1 is. Select OK.

-7- Under the Owner line (The Balloon from Step #3 above will reappear) select: Replace owner on subcontainers and objects. Select OK. *Be sure to do this step to save yourself time.

-8- Have at it copying files from the password protected hard drive to your new hard drive.

There were a couple stubborn files. In which case I did the above steps. Instead of step 7 I selected Apply. Next I had to select on Permissions (without exiting completely, go back to the balloon that appears from step #1 above. Then in the Balloon from step #2 above you will see the Permissions tab. Click "Continue" below Permissions (For some files you may have to go back a screen and then go back into the Security, Advanced, actions in step 2 above. If you go to far back to the point you have to right click properties, you will have to repeate steps 1-7 again.) Although I saw I was the new owner, I was not in a "Principal" in the list of of users. I had to select on the Add tab. Click on Principal: Select a principal. Do the same action as step 4-6 above. I had to be sure to select Full Control on the next window when it becomes available. Select OK on all subsequent tabs. It's a little cryptic so have patience.

The process will not likely be clear in the original posting so please be sure to follow my steps above and I wish you success.


[b]Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10[/b] released[/b]


[b]Download[/b]: Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10



Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 07:47
by april
No offence meant Chris but why would you want to post all this windows rubbish on a puppy forum !.

I can understand if you stick to the post subject how a live disk can be very useful to go into windows directories and explore even without a password and fix stuff more easily in some cases or copy whole directories for later perusal .

Its all the other stuff I'm talking about.

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 10:36
by Burn_IT
To help those that have to face it one way or another???

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 22:42
by april
Burn_IT wrote:To help those that have to face it one way or another???
Perish the thought
Its a last resort on a securely isolated machine to do something until I can work out how to do it in Linux. Rarely used these days I am pleased to say.

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 23:19
by Burn_IT
Unfortunately some Puppy users also have to make a living in the real world supporting computer users!

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2016, 03:54
by cthisbear
[b]Windows 10 Is Stealing Your Bandwidth[/b][/url]
Sadly, Windows 10 Is Stealing Your Bandwidth 'By Default'

Disable It Immediately.r/>
