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Posted: Sat 30 Sep 2017, 19:51
by Mike Walsh

Mm. I had thought of that.....after the fact. But if you click on the rim at the half-past one position, it'll still unmount. There's something else in /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps that makes that happen, a kind of 'transparent overlay', linked to pMount. I've been trying to figure that one out for a long time....

Right; here ya go. A re-worked .pet, with modified icons, now showing the unmount 'x':- ...

Like this:-


Any better?

Like you, I, too, am finding the wallpapers are already filled in somewhat. But I've simply used Mooi's PhotoScape under WINE to block out the bits I don't want with an opaque black rectangle.....and then I do what I want with 'em. I figured I might as well join in the fun, so.....what d'you think? I know it's not very good.....


("Rubbish..!", I hear y'all say....)

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 30 Sep 2017, 20:04
by bigpup
I will try that in a minute.

I was wondering why your pet package was so big.

I looked at the size of the icons.
I resized them to 48X48 and re-petted (is that a word :lol: ).

I got a pet package of 46K

Icons seem to work OK that size.

Now I will have to update my pet package to add the new icons.

Posted: Sat 30 Sep 2017, 20:13
by Mike Walsh
Oh, aye; I'll grant you, you can make 'em a hell of a lot smaller.....but you lose all detail that way. I make them the size I do for a the detail is sharp. Rox auto-resizes them anyway.....but then of course, I'm largely making them for myself. I'm not worrying about package size.....but I know you like to adhere to Puppy 'principles', and keep everything as small as possible.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 30 Sep 2017, 20:18
by bigpup
I posted about the time you did.

This in no way is finding fault with your fine work!!!!
Just that 48 size icons are suppose to be 48X48.
That is kind of Puppy standard.

Right; here ya go. A re-worked .pet, with modified icons, now showing the unmount 'x':-
Yes, Very good!!
That did it.

If you do not mind I re-petted to 48X48 icon size.

Looks very detailed to me!
This picture does not really show it that well.
Had to resize to get it to show in forum.

Posted: Sat 30 Sep 2017, 20:21
by rufwoof
bigpup wrote:rufwoof,

Where are you getting those backgrounds?
Most of what I am finding are already somewhat filled in.
I would like to just have the background, I guess template, and fill it in from scratch.
That is what you seem to be doing.

Also, I wonder if there is a way to make all the windows look like what you show for Htop or have a Star Trek style edging :idea:
I like xorg, jwm, pcmanfm as pcmanfm acts as both the file manager and desktop icon manager (launched in .jwmrc using <StartupCommand>pcmanfm --desktop</StartupCommand> along with several other StartupCommand tags).

I've found various images such as ... 1_1280.png

And others - some that were filled in and where I used mtpaint polygon cut to cut out the central image part to leave just the boundary, into which I pasted those other images.
(clickable thumbnail to fullsize image)
Resized/Scaled to match my 1280x800 resolution, leaving a bottom empty space region to allow for the space jwm tray uses up.

Used a transparent icon that I created in mtpaint and set icon size to a small size in pcmanfm (Edit, Preferences, Display) and set the icon font colour (right click pcmanfm desktop and set the Desktop Preferences, Appearance, Label Text Colour to #00FFFF (blue glow type colour).

Htop is displayed in a xterm window where in .jwmrc I have xterm set to show no border


and I launch xterm using

xterm +sb -geometry 84x24+110+210 -fg rgb:02/FA/FA -fa "xft:Dejavu Sans Mono:style=Bold:pixelsize=18"

which sets its size (84x24 characters wide/deep) and top left XY corner position (110+210) and foreground text colour and font style/size.

For gkrellm I just played around with one of the themes, modifying the colours to better fit with the desired theme

In jwmrc you can define window decoration colours, clock style



for instance I like a choice of windows buttons that I define in in .jwmrc as


I don't use a JWM menu, I just use pcmanfm's panel to open 'applications' (/usr/share/applications) where I add .desktop files if one isn't already available for a program, and drag/copy-drop those to ~/Desktop for the ones that I want to show on the desktop, editing them as desired (transparent icon).

Again in .jwmrc I have the clock set to showdesktop on left click and launch a manually coded menu on right click

<Clock format="%a %d %b %l:%M"><Button mask="3">root:3</Button><Button mask="1">showdesktop</Button></Clock>

where root:3 is coded in .jwmrc as

Code: Select all

   <RootMenu onroot="3">
        <Program icon="/usr/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/actions/edit-select-all.png" label="Edit .jwmrc">leafpad /home/user/.jwmrc;jwm -restart</Program>
        <Exit label="Exit jwm" confirm="false" icon="/usr/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/actions/application-exit.png"/>
        <Program icon="/usr/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/actions/process-stop.png" label="Shutdown">systemctl poweroff</Program>
        <Program icon="/usr/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/actions/view-refresh.png" label="Reboot">systemctl reboot</Program>


        <Program icon="/usr/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/actions/folder-new.png" label="Apps">pcmanfm /usr/share/applications</Program>

The rest was basically just resizing things (icon text etc.) and positioning to the desired effect.

Most pup's support different themes etc, I prefer to drop all of that gui based configuration to just have everything in .jwmrc and manually edit that myself using Joe's guide

Posted: Sat 30 Sep 2017, 20:32
by bigpup
Mike Walsh,

I think we posted about the same time.
Read my above post.

This is your work and I am only trying to help.
Ideas are just that. :idea:

Those icons are your work and you deserve full credit.!!!!!!!

Really like the home icon!!

Now when newbies ask what home is, you can say click on the drive icon that says home!

A black or dark background, really makes them standout.

Show us your puppies

Posted: Sat 30 Sep 2017, 20:59
by Billtoo
I've got space wallpaper and Mike's drive icons for a trace of
Star Trek, thanks Mike :)

Posted: Sat 30 Sep 2017, 21:46
by Mike Walsh

Glad you like 'em! I just wished belham2 hadn't decided on quite such an awkward shaped subject.....which is why I decided to go with the 'button' effect instead of an outline.


Ah, don't take any notice of my maunderings, mate. I just get 'grumpy' sometimes; dunno why, life's too short. Personally, I take the view that as far as my 'work' goes, folk can do what they want with it; partly 'cos that's the whole principle behind Linux, and partly 'cos I just like doing 'stuff' for myself.....and as I've said on many occasions before now, if it all goes according to plan, them I'm more than happy to share. (You can't really copyright something like this, that was knocked together on the spur of the moment...! :lol: )

And this sort of thing is stuff I do enjoy doing. I really got into design during my last years in college....all of 40 years ago now. (Gawd, where does the time go?)

They seem as if they're being well received, anyway..... :D

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 30 Sep 2017, 23:37
by rufwoof
Mike Walsh wrote:@bigpup:-

Mm. I had thought of that.....after the fact. But if you click on the rim at the half-past one position, it'll still unmount. There's something else in /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps that makes that happen, a kind of 'transparent overlay', linked to pMount. I've been trying to figure that one out for a long time....
Used to be two images that were overlayed (using pngoverlay binary or, image of a drive icon, image of a frame with a x in the top right corner overlaid on top of that drive icon. Not sure now, might be just different sets of icons ... drive, drive with x or whatever in the corner.

When clicked drive_all code which is attached to each drive icon when mounted detects where abouts the icon was clicked and if the top right corner performs a unmount action ...etc.

From the header comments of drive_all
#/sbin/pup_event_frontend_d creates a desktop icon and copy of this script for each drive, ex:
# for drive sda: cp -a /usr/local/bin/drive_all /root/.pup_event/drive_sda/AppRun
#this script is launched by pup_event_frontend_d when the icon is first created. also,
#this script is launched when user clicks on deskop icon (former is configurable,
# see /usr/sbin/eventmanager.
#passed param is category of drive: card, floppy, optical, usbdrv, drive.
EDIT : Quick search revealed this ... ... 201#928201

Posted: Sat 30 Sep 2017, 23:40
by rufwoof
Mike Walsh wrote:...But if you click on the rim at the half-past one position, it'll still unmount. There's something else in /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps that makes that happen, a kind of 'transparent overlay', linked to pMount. I've been trying to figure that one out for a long time....
Used to be two images that were overlayed (using pngoverlay binary or, image of a drive icon, image of a frame with a x in the top right corner overlaid on top of that drive icon. Not sure now, might be just different sets of icons ... drive, drive with x or whatever in the corner.

When clicked drive_all code which is attached to each drive icon when mounted detects where abouts the icon was clicked and if the top right corner performs a unmount action ...etc.

From the header comments of drive_all
#/sbin/pup_event_frontend_d creates a desktop icon and copy of this script for each drive, ex:
# for drive sda: cp -a /usr/local/bin/drive_all /root/.pup_event/drive_sda/AppRun
#this script is launched by pup_event_frontend_d when the icon is first created. also,
#this script is launched when user clicks on deskop icon (former is configurable,
# see /usr/sbin/eventmanager.
#passed param is category of drive: card, floppy, optical, usbdrv, drive.
Around lines 140 ... 160 in that drive_all script has the coordinates of click checking code.

EDIT : Quick search revealed this ... ... 201#928201

Posted: Sun 01 Oct 2017, 00:00
by rufwoof
Personally I don't use desktop drive icons as for security reasons I run as user not as root and user can't mount drives. Either they can be mounted at startup i.e. in /etc/fstab ... or better still left unmounted and anytime you want to mount one then login as root (or sudo) and mount them after having supplied the root password.

That prevents a session breakout, such as a flaw in your browser that potentially dumps a hacker out to command level from doing stuff such as mounting and viewing the content of drives, or worst still overwriting the partition tables or deleting content.

You do however need to be running a true multi-user system for that (Ctrl-Alt-Fn switch to another console and login, or real difference between user and root where user can perhaps su into root or sudo ... after supplying the root password).

More appropriate nowadays as viruses have tended towards proliferating rapidly (looking for other systems/disks as soon (same session) as they've broken into one, potentially to install ransomware).

Posted: Sun 01 Oct 2017, 03:42
by bigpup
I am trying to make up a Star Trek icon theme pack.

Not as easy as I was thinking to find icons to use.
install is a Borg Cube. 8)
Chat is a Borg Alcove. :)
Lock is Red Alert :shock:

Here it is in early testing.
Looks better in real life.
Had to resize image to fit in forum.

Posted: Sun 01 Oct 2017, 10:06
by souleau
Someone out there has already gone 'beyond', and created a LCARS inspired desktop that is just about perfect.

Using no less than 10 instances of conky.

Posted: Sun 01 Oct 2017, 20:07
by rufwoof
Attached is a adjusted 1280x800 image with more squared corners on the left screen edge so that a terminal session better fits within that region


Posted: Wed 15 Nov 2017, 13:07
by watchdog
My backup of running puppies:

My puppy wallpaper 16 nov 2017

Posted: Sun 19 Nov 2017, 18:09
by pp4mnklinux

Posted: Sun 19 Nov 2017, 19:41
by musher0
Hi pp4mnklinux.

I find your Noviembre.jpg wallpaper original.

What is the launcher with pale border that you are using?
(Excerpt of picture attached)

I am looking for a launcher.

Thanks in advance.


Posted: Tue 21 Nov 2017, 10:44
by 8Geee
Note in my personal version the firewall has been removed/quit in the tray.


Hi musher0

Posted: Fri 24 Nov 2017, 16:02
by pp4mnklinux
wbar 2.3.4 download from



REMEMBER than you can choose the image for the wbar from...

INICIO, BARRA WARLOCK, CONFIGURACION, PREFERENCIAS, IMAGEN E BARRA and choosing the OSXBARBACK.PNG file (that you can find at the folder usr/share/pixmaps/wbar


I hope it helps you

(you can download wbar 2.2.2 -in case 2.3.4 doesn't work from ... 2tFRExxV2c

Posted: Fri 24 Nov 2017, 16:31
by musher0
Thanks, pp4mnklinux.