Using AppImages in Puppy...

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#61 Post by backi »

Me ,using just 32bit Os Puppies, can not find much appImages .

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#62 Post by slavvo67 »

Hi Backi:

It's a shame that 32bit seems to be getting phased out. Many individuals create so it's finding that hidden diamond among the rough. You may want to consider contributing by creating your own appimages of programs you have working under the 32bit platform. Appimage's website has create instructions there.

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ImageMagick.AppImage -- Does it work?

#63 Post by mikeslr »

Hi Mike Walsh,

Stumbled upon ImageMagick.AppImage, discussed here with download link: ... 024#980024. From your previous posts about graphics, I thought it might interest you.


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#64 Post by slavvo67 »

There haven't been many Appimages that I've been interested in; though quite a few work ootb.

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Re: ImageMagick.AppImage -- Does it work?

#65 Post by Mike Walsh »

mikeslr wrote:Hi Mike Walsh,

Stumbled upon ImageMagick.AppImage, discussed here with download link: ... 024#980024. From your previous posts about graphics, I thought it might interest you.

Thanks, Mike; we'll add it to the list!

I've tried ImageMagick before, but, like you, I do not feel 'comfortable' in the terminal. Must be a hang-over from my years & years of Windoze usage; I still prefer my GUIs.

I just couldn't get my head around the multitude of possible parameters that can be added to each command; after a wee while, it felt like my head was about to explode..!

But it's all 'grist for t'mill'.....and another we can add to the list of these AppImages that work for Puppy. So.....good catch!

Mike. :wink:
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Another AppImage "Repo" -- Old 32-bits ?

#66 Post by mikeslr »

Stumbled on this site. Don't know if its been mentioned yet. Looks like old 32-bit applications. Figured I'd better post it before staggering elsewhere:


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#67 Post by Mike Walsh »

Evening, all.

Following an update to the Telegram Instant Messenger this evening, it now crashes every time you attempt to launch the AppImage in Puppy.....with a 'segmentation' fault.

Reason? It no longer runs with ALSA, and now expects to find the full, standard PulseAudio package installed. So, unless you have an extremely pressing need for Telegram (which is, apparently, horribly insecure anyway), I think we can write this particular one off as 'untenable', since installing the full PulseAudio is a right royal PITA in Pup.

And it's not as though there aren't other options out there. Pidgin, Viber, Wire, Discord, Wickr, Slack, Retroshare (a new one, this), Tox, Ring.....there's been an explosion of IM apps this last year or two, though most are now 64-bit only, and have to be installed through package managers and PPAs, etc. Anyroad, I just thought I'd let you guys know.

Mike. :wink:

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A Motherload

#68 Post by mikeslr »

Just a note that in his conscientious search of the web for things which may be of interest to the Puppy Community, labbe5 may have struck a motherload: ... 405#988405.


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#69 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hiya, Mike.

Thanks for the link to that.

I'm quite surprised at this. Last time I looked at this page (around 5 months ago) there were maybe 65-70 entries on it. A lot of these seem to be 'developer tools'.....but at least it shows devs are starting to take the format seriously.

I see there's even a 'converter' app for turning .deb packages into AppImages.....

Nice one!

Mike. :wink:

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#70 Post by don570 »

GIMP 2.10 appimage found here...

I have solution for gmic plugins if you have trouble with these. ... 962#990962

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#71 Post by Mike Walsh »

don570 wrote:GIMP 2.10 appimage found here...

I have solution for gmic plugins if you have trouble with these. ... 962#990962
Cheers, Don. Thanks for that; keep 'em coming.....

Mike. :wink:

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#72 Post by Mike Walsh »

Afternoon, all.

Following a nose around on OMG!Ubuntu earlier on (I really am spending too much time on that site, but it's a good source of news, apps & inspiration! :lol:), I've found another candidate for the collection. ... t-snap-app

I've had an Evernote a/c for some time, using the webapp mainly for notes and just general 'jottings'. I've been wanting to get the Tusk Evernote desktop client working in Puppy for a while, but it only used to be available as an Ubuntu PPA.

Seems the developer behind Tusk has really been 'beavering away' recently. It's now available from his Github a/c in a whole raft of different formats, including the new Ubuntu 'Snaps'.....and, more importantly for us, both 32- and 64-bit AppImages.


I'm in Slacko 570 again today. I thought I'd give this a go, bearing in mind that the Slackos are often that wee bit more awkward to get things running in (for various reasons). So; I d/l'ed the 32-bit AppImage; made it executable (Rt-clk->Properties; tick all three 'execute' checkboxes, and 'Refresh', then 'OK'), and went for it....

It fired straight up, as good as gold. Nice one!

As expected (following modern practice), the client is pretty much identical to the webapp.....just on the desktop, instead. But it does mean you can use it without needing to have the browser open. It's got a few nice additions, including the ability to change themes (I prefer the 'Dark' theme myself).

I've put this into my remote data partition, sym-linked it into 570's /mnt/home (thus keeping it outside of 'Puppyspace' altogether), and run up a MenuEntry to start it from Menu->Personal. Works nicely. I shall probably end up 'installing' it throughout the kennels, since you can more or less guarantee it'll work with the 'buntu-based Pups, too.....and by 'running' a single instance, it should keep the personal settings from Pup to Pup.

I've included the MenuEntry below, if anybody wishes to avail themselves of it. It's written for the 32-bit AppImage, but if you run the 64-bit one, after putting (or sym-linking) the appropriate AppImage into your Pup's /mnt/home, install the MenuEntry, and go into /usr/share/applications and find the Tusk.desktop entry.

Open 'er up with Geany, and just change the 'Exec' line from

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

It should now run.



(EDIT:- I put together the NixNote package for Puppy a while back. NixNote is the other main Evernote 'client' available out there. While NixNote would quite happily run, it had one glaring flaw; it refused point-blank to sign-in, much less 'sync' with my account. Which rendered it effectively useless.

Tusk doesn't have this problem. As the webapp signs-in & syncs without issue, so does Tusk. I know which one I shall be using, AND recommending.)

Mike. :wink:
Menu Entry for Tusk Evernote desktop client...
(11.13 KiB) Downloaded 247 times

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#73 Post by Mike Walsh »

Couple more links here for y'all.

Labbe5 found the DigiKam KDE-based photo organiser as an AppImage a wee while back. Runs in pretty near all Pups, from 5-series upward. ... 480#996480


And one that I discovered earlier this evening...


I've already let rockedge know about this one (out of courtesy, really, bearing in mind the amount of time he's spent getting ZoneMinder to work in Puppy.)

Xeoma is a self-contained video surveillance 'client', which is available as both 32- & 64-bit AppImages. Within seconds of clicking on it, it's initializing itself, auto-detecting your cameras, and beginning to record footage!

It's described as 'childishly simple'.....and was (apparently) inspired by Lego.

Rockedge says he's quite impressed with it. That's a good sign of the master's approval! ... ea6#998297

Mike. :wink:

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AppImage Updater & List of AppImages

#74 Post by mikeslr »

labbe5 discovered an app to update AppImages you already have. Follow the links from here: ... 55#1000455

labbe5 also provided this link to a list of AppImages on


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#75 Post by Mike Walsh »

And some more that work with Puppy.....

From the link from labbe5 that Mike gave above, I've downloaded the 'deb2appimage' app. I'm going to give this a try; I would love to see if I could turn my BitMeterOS (bandwidth meter) .deb packages into AppImages. It's summat fairly simple to start with, and it's summat that I know (from long experience) just 'works'.

Watch this space....


Now, then; another weather AppImage has turned up. Unlike Temps, Nimbus-Weather is 64-bit only.....but it provides far more detailed info (including hourly, daily, and weekly forecasts). Powered by DarkSky, the accuracy of the info is astonishing.

I've made this one up into .pet and SFS packages; located in /opt, and started from an icon in the notification area (or 'systray', for those of you used to Windoze terminology).


And the app itself looks like this:-


Colour themes can be changed, and a few bits'n'bobs related to the DarkSky API, and.....that's about it for the settings. But the data itself can be manipulated in every conceivable way possible from within the app itself, all controlled via DarkSky's API.....and the weather graphics are animated. (Whoo-hoo...! :lol:)

Packages can be found here:- ... sp=sharing

...both .pet, and SFS. This is currently working well in Xenialpup64 7.5; I shall be trying it out in Tahr64 6.0.5 later today.


(Edit:- Nope, that's a no-go in Tahr64. It wants newer versions of and I tried sym-linking the newer versions from my Chrome package (courtesy of battleshooter), and also tried substituting with the versions from Xenial64. In both cases, it resulted in the following:-

Code: Select all

root# /mnt/sda1/Weather/nimbus-weather64
desktop-file-install is missing. Skipping /tmp/.mount_nimbustyg24u/AppRun.
[25788:0813/] nss_error=-5925, os_error=0
And nothing I can do will fix that, I'm afraid...)



For those of you that are radio buffs (and I'm talking 'proper' radio here, not pre-streamed internet radio), I've found a couple of AppImages that both appear to deal with either DAB radio or manually-tuned, PLL (phase-locked-loop). They both work fine; they fire up, and everything appears to be functional (as far as it goes), but, of course, they need a 'tuner'.

Smokey01 was talking in the Newsletter a couple of months back about being able to watch digital TV through VLC in Fatdog64. He mentioned a particular type of USB 'tuner stick', complete with miniature aerial and remote control. Amazon & eBay both appear to be inundated with these devices, most of which hail from China (where else?!), and all appear to be around the GBP £10 mark.

I think I'm going to invest in one of these; it won't break the bank, and it will allow me to try these AppImages out, since the sticks also allow access to DAB, FM, AM, etc., in addition to the TV tuner stuff. I shall report back with my findings.

So.....stay 'tuned'..! (*sorry; couldn't resist that... :lol:)

Mike. :wink:

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#76 Post by Mike Walsh »

Another AppImage discovery for you; a screenshot app that automatically uploads screenies to your image-hosting a/c, and retrieves the link to the clipboard, ready for immediate use. It does save having to visit the image host yourself, and add things manually.

It works the way HotShots is supposed to work; personally, I've never been able to make it behave itself.


Mike. :wink:

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#77 Post by Mike Walsh »

An update for y'all.

I previously mentioned on here that the Telegram Instant Messenger app was crashing, expecting to find PulseAudio instead of ALSA.....and, moreover, didn't have a very good 'rep' for security.

OMGUbuntu! tells me that with the new release (v.1.3.13), the Telegram devs have got their act together, and considerably 'beefed-up' the problematic (read 'weak') security aspects of the app. ... ight-theme

I consider it's once again a viable messenging app for use with Puppy; the hashing algorithms are now, apparently, up-to-date, and much stronger than before, employing a 512-bit public RSA 'key' to protect your personal data. It's also encrypted end-to-end.

As for the PulseAudio stuff, so long as you have Oscar's 'apulse' .pet (32-bit or 64-bit) installed, you should be 'good to go'.

The app comes with its own updater. You can find them here:-

Both 32- and 64-bit are available, and work OOTB.....which probably means they're statically-compiled.

Mike. :wink:

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Patchwork --and other Social Media Clients under Scuttlebutt

#78 Post by mikeslr »

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#79 Post by Mike Walsh »

Couple more 64-bit AppImages for y'all.

PlayMe is a YouTube music video client. It's very professionally-finished, and, it just 'works'. Can't say much more about it, except if you watch a lot of music vids off YouTube, then this should fit the bill.


It's available for download from Github, here:-


Retroshare is a messenging/file-sharing app, along the lines of the peer-to-per model. The difference here is that you don't just connect to a peer network willy-willy, you have to add friends who you wish to communicate with. I guess the idea is that this makes it a wee bit more secure, since you tend to choose your friends...

I can't try this out, since I don't know anybody who uses Retroshare. It is, apparently, based on the GNU Privacy Guard, which, along with 2048-bit encryption, should make it pretty secure... It's available for just every possible platform, and is highly recommended by some of the major privacy advocates on the 'net. It's completely de-centralized, not dependent on funding, and operates on the F2F principle (friend-to-friend).

All-in-all, it sounds like a pretty good way to anonymously share files, and the "degree of anonymity may be improved further by deactivating the DHT and IP/certificate exchange services, making the RetroShare network a real Darknet."



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#80 Post by Mike Walsh »

I have a feeling this thread's going to see a resurgence pretty soon. I've just discovered a thread Fredx181 started last November, where he released a script he'd put together that will let anyone turn .pet (or .deb, I would think) packages into either AppImage 'portables' or self-extracting scripts (which is how his 'redshift-lite-portable' packages work).

I've been rather busy this afternoon and evening..! I've turned several useful, existing .pets into AppImage portables; the beauty of these being, of course, that they will run from literally anywhere, since they unpack into and run from /tmp for the duration.

All today's conversions have been 32-bit, so far.....and include:-

a ) An AppImage of Oscar's VLC 2.1.6 'Rincewind'; no dependencies required. An older version, but a dead reliable, no-nonsense player. Perfect for the job. ... sp=sharing

b ) An AppImage of the QIV 2.3.1 slideshow app I put together last year, with a YAD-based GUI. Simple, and easy to use.

Generic - ... sp=sharing

Special older version for Lucid - ... sp=sharing


c ) Finally, AppImages of Smokey01's recently-released lightweight TeamViewer replacement, "BackSeatDriver v3.18". This is a brilliantly featherweight app, which, nevertheless, is capable of everything TeamViewer can do, and more, since it also integrates Puppy's VOIP 'softphone', PSIP, into the you can talk to the person at the other end while you're showing them how to do something on their machine. Perfect for helping other Puppians out!

There's two versions. One for 'newer' Pups (Tahrpup onwards, really):- ... sp=sharing

.....and one for 'older' Pups (mostly 5-series, etc.). This has been tested as working, so far, in pemasu's UPup 'Raring', 01Micko's Slackos 560 & 570, and BK's Precise 571:- ... sp=sharing


You could, of course, keep all of these on a separate flash-drive, and run them from there..... I shall be doing some 64-bit versions, too, before long. Watch this space.


Mike. :wink:
Last edited by Mike Walsh on Sat 30 Mar 2019, 14:39, edited 1 time in total.

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