I need to test this some time to see if I get any issues... Input are welcome
When I was working with image viewer ( pho ), I found that when a good file is opened
the error file is zero sized but exists. So I used that to give a warning message to the user.
I wonder what the error file is when a bad file is opened by ffmpeg
and the error is 'no file or folder found',
whereas if a good FLAC file is played the message will say 'playing... '
I was able to open the bad FLAC file with an old version of audacity that I am using and it played properly.
I'm not sure what would be the best solution (if any difference). I need to test this some time to see if I get any issues... Input are welcome
Hi Zigbert.
what worked in JL64-706 is the first. changing to Wavform produces noise.
using ffmpeg 3.4. Pmusic plays everything in JL64-704 but fails in 706 (pulse, alsa, gcc, glibc upgrade).
Not a problem with ffmpeg as ffplay properly plays test.flac. pmusic produces static noise with everything. aplay by itself also produces noise...only worse.
every other media player works on my box, including exaile (although it segfaults on playing streams from the net).
I have taken it one step further to avoid any conflict in the future...
... define the format to be a plain pcm little endian for both input and output
Great! This works out of the box. Better if I bypass the pinstall script altogether. Doesn't seem to integrate fully with pulse audio but does access it's aplay plugin.
of problems with pause/play in pMusic when run with the latest version of libasound2 (version 1.1.3-5) in recent upup/dpups (ArtfulPup and Dpup-Stretch).
Error message is:
aplay: xrun read/write error, state = RUNNING
LxPup = Puppy + LXDE
Main version used daily: LxPupSc; Assembler of UPups, ScPup & ScPup64, LxPup, LxPupSc & LxPupSc64
Have you ever run pmusic over SSH connection (no GUI)?
I have been testing with raspberry pi2 computer...
I found that pmusic works in SSH terminal when I want to play a single music file.
Version 5.7.0
First development release for 5.8.
I expect it to be stable enough for daily use as only few modules has been touched during coding.
- pMusic will NOT scan your local drives at first run
- Heavily improved Podcast management
--> Search og browse based on language or category
--> Search for podcast info-tags
--> DB generator checks each url if actual rss channel
--> DB now contains about 40000 channels
--> Faster expansion of podcasts in channel
--> Mark 'dead' podcasts with red icon
- Nad / Gtk theme update to reflect changes in Podcast managment
- Remove some terminal output
- Bugfixing
Zigbert, I have this installed on all three versions of Puppy linux. 7.5, BionicPup32, and 64bit that I run in VMs. It is extremely fast and seems to work with more radio stations than any other streamer I have tried. Would love to have this option in ubuntu MATE 19.10. Are you likely to create a snap, or deb of pMusic? Thank you for all the work on pMusic.
pMusic is architecture independent and will work for any X86/ARM (32/64-bit) system, as long as the dependencies is valid. pMusic is simply a collection of scripts, and not compiled code. That means all code are readable and executable after installation to /usr/local/pmusic/. The package is provided as a pet, which basically is a tar.xz. It will open in any archive program - at least if you rename it to pMusic-5.7.0.tar.xz
Sigmund, I'm not that familiar with installing scripts. I extracted the files from the pet file after renaming it. I placed them in the usr/local/pmusic/ dir and tried using the terminal to launch it with a simple pmusic command. Then I tried making a deb file using dh_make which asked for pmusic_5.7.0.orig.tar.xz. That didn't work so I tried the -f switch on the pmusic_5.7.0.tar.xz file. Can you spell it out for a dummy like me in a step by step approach?