Wifi-Connect 2017B beta (Deprecated)


#81 Post by stemsee »

Now supports eduroam
Last edited by stemsee on Tue 21 Nov 2017, 07:36, edited 1 time in total.

#82 Post by stemsee »

stemsee wrote:Scanner now supports eduroam

#83 Post by stemsee »

Scanner has random mac generator as default. This is pretty much final.
I do not envisage adding saved profile to scanner. It seems to be the live AP scan and connect app. Just the way I like it. Wifiprofi does saved profile connection,profiles saved by wifi-connect. So all bases covered; this is a really comprehensive network connection suite.

Scanner - live AP display and quick connection, no saving
Wifiprofi - connect saved profiles directly, if AP is found.
Wifi-connect - encypted saved profiles, ethernet 1 & 2, usb0 connections.
wifi-connect 2 (to be reconfigured to work with 2nd wifi interface only.)
Hotspot and routermaker (borrowed from rcrsn51) to share internet from one interface with another.

What more do you want?
Last edited by stemsee on Tue 21 Nov 2017, 07:36, edited 1 time in total.
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#84 Post by fredx181 »


I found why wifi-connect didn't work for me, it's in the wpa config file (/root/.wifi-connect/profiles/<ESSID>
By default wifi-connect will set it to "proto=WPA2"
But I have just "WPA" , so changing to this (removed "proto=..." line:

Code: Select all

pairwise=CCMP TKIP
Or changed proto= to WPA

Code: Select all

pairwise=CCMP TKIP
Both works for me to connect.

I think it's just fine in any case without the proto= line, then in wifi-connect from line 272:

Code: Select all

elif [[ ! -z "$password" ]]; then
echo "ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant
pairwise=CCMP TKIP
" > $HOME/.wifi-connect/profiles/"$netsel"
BTW, tested from your version 25 .pet.
Doesn't connect when leaving 'save' box unchecked (profile file is empty then in /root/.wifi-connect/profiles/).

Edit: Idea for not showing real password in /root/.wifi-connect/profiles/<ESSID>
Using wpa_passphrase for creating "psk=...." line, then in wifi-connect from line 272 (NOTE: psk=$password should be without quotes around $password in this case) :

Code: Select all

elif [[ ! -z "$password" ]]; then
password=$(echo $(wpa_passphrase $netsel $password | grep  "psk=" | grep -v "#psk=" | sed 's/psk=//'))
echo "ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant
pairwise=CCMP TKIP
" > $HOME/.wifi-connect/profiles/"$netsel"
Just suggestion, maybe better as the "encrypting" way with mksquashfs?


#85 Post by stemsee »

Thanks Fred

I removed proto line from all the scripts and seems to be working fine.

About wpa_passphrase, I like the idea, but will that work only for wpa/2 encrypted APs? Can it also work for eduroam, in which case the username and password are stored in the netname.conf file, and will need encrypting.

I will implement it anyway for wpa/2 networks whether using encrypted profiles or not. But if it can also work with eduroam to encrypt username and password then I will remove the encryption code with mksquashfs, which is cumbersome. If it can how to use it for username and password, or is it just the same.



#86 Post by stemsee »

For Scanner I added '--editable' for the gui.

This means that instead of double clicking an AP to join, now just single click and press enter.

Double click selects the box and activates right menu click for copy/paste/cut etc to help with getting the mac address of a network and copying into a browser page for example when configuring mac filter on a router.

Single right click gives option to add a row, which means you can manually add the ssid of an invisible network.
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#87 Post by fredx181 »

Reply about further wifi-connect testing on XenialDog here:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 626#907626


#88 Post by stemsee »

Thanks to Fredx181 for testing thoroughly, as a result some polish has come to wifi-connect suite (plenty of room for more polish of course).

Scanner has some reordered code, namely the tray icon and menu is now a function and is called at the start so starting ethernet or usb0 without connecting to wifi is easily accomplished.

Scanner now starts up immediately as the 'sleep 7' in the loop came before the first run, which was not ideal. By using a variable, which is defined after the first loop, for the number there is now no long delay at start up.

Scanner also has a second gui mode - Editable rows. add, remove, and edit text in rows and fields. Copying wifi AP mac address is easy for adding to router mac filter, for example. This gui mode is activated when calling Scanner from cli like so

Code: Select all

scanner ad
This mode allows adding a row and entering manually an essid for an AP that does not broadcast the essid name (invisible network). This mode will give more display time in seconds for editing tasks. Admin mode will gain new features in time.

Scanner cannot yet display APs with spaces in the name but wifi-connect 1 & 2, and wifiprofi do!

wifi-connect 1 & 2, and wifiprofi and Sccanner all have a uhoh function! Which checks to make sure the profile being used is not empty, removes it if is and restarts the script. These scripts also have my own inbuilt hook loops which were set at 30 or 60 seconds, these are now while true loops and wait for dhcpcd to get an ip. They will then let the script continue to start the tray icon and menu, but if the ip is then lost, >menu>re-connect is available.

wifi-connect 1 & 2 also have ethernet connect checkbox, which when selected and ok is pressed connects the ethernet and respawns the gui.

wifi-connect-2 only operates on 2nd wifi card and/or ethernet card.

eduroam function benefits from wpa_passphrase encryption on the password.

wifiprofi, starts with an interface selector, which makes possible to have two seperate wifi connections over two wifi cards.

No profile encrypttion remains, on latest release versions.

Fredx181 has added dhcpcd hook scripts which improve reliable performance on most systems. Maybe the hook script from frisbee is worth testing.

Network_tray seems to be cooperating nicely with all network activity, except for disconnecting, and how to set default network setup to wifi-connect or scanner?

Testing for a couple more days.


#89 Post by stemsee »

I got scanner to display AP with space in name, but I could only do so by showing the AP in the last column.

Scanner ad from cli lets you join a space named AP just select AP name that is showing and type in the rest! Not ideal but for the moment does the job. I will rewrite it at some point when my sed and awk and shopt skills improve!

#90 Post by stemsee »

So testing out these scripts is testing! I have put them through usage which no-one is likely to replicate! I found quite a few bugs; ever since I changed my mouse to the other focus model, i inadvertently type in the background script!

So I think major bugs are gone, and restored functionality is present. It connects me to the internet reliably! Which is my main concern.

I include 'scanneralt' script which displays APs with spaces in name (work in progress).

Give it a try!

#91 Post by stemsee »

Last edited by stemsee on Tue 21 Nov 2017, 07:34, edited 1 time in total.

#92 Post by stemsee »

Scanner is now handling spaced names as well.

#93 Post by gcmartin »

@StemSee, I have 5 64bit PUP distros I run regularly. They are Just-Lighthouse, Emsee, Slacko64, DLNAPUP and TahrPUP64 on my laptops/desktops. On one of my desktops, it has 2 LAN adapters on its motherboard and I use this on a regular basis. As such, it would be an advantage if when it boots, it gains its LAN personality over the LAN adapter which has the wire plugged in (this use to be a feature of FD5 series but was removed for no apparent reason). It does remain a automatic service in both Lighthouse and Just-Lighthouse which I use.

I am interested in some guidance:
  • Does any of the existing LAN subsystems need removal in preparation for Wifi-Connect so that it can fully accomplish what it is designed to do?

    In other words, if Wifi-connect installs will it replace the current LAN adapter that exist?

    Or should it just be installed without concern of conflicts?
Thanks in advance for your insight(s).

#94 Post by stemsee »

Install without concerns!
a LAN adapter is necessarily hardware, this is only software.
I will consider adding a function to save eth0/1 status, so that it can auto-connect to either or both ethernets as part of the defaultwifi that gets created in ~/Startup .... might be a good addition.

is your second ethernet adapter eth1? Or some other name?

#95 Post by stemsee »

Ethernet auto connect function added. I removed password confirm from gui, or rather reconfigured it to enter parameters fro ethernet/s auto start: it works like this: for no ethernet autostart enter '0', for card 1 (eth0) enter '1', for card 2 enter '2' for cards 1 and 2 enter '3'. These will be be saved with the default wifiprofile and will connect before wifi. I can see that a ethernet only auto-connect service might be desirable from time to time; this could be implemented by entering 4 in the ethernet auto start field.
(43.65 KiB) Downloaded 354 times

#96 Post by gcmartin »

Sorry for the delay

Code: Select all

bash-4.1$ ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue 
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
2: eth0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:1f:c6:28:c7:55 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:1f:c6:29:e2:bb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth1
Thanks. Will test tomorrow and report.

#97 Post by stemsee »

Do you have access to my machine? Then how can you test it? I haven't posted it yet!!

#98 Post by stemsee »

With default ethernet start function.
Last edited by stemsee on Tue 21 Nov 2017, 07:34, edited 1 time in total.

#99 Post by gcmartin »

Hello @StemSee
Do you have access to my machine? Then how can you test it? I haven't posted it yet!
I had assume (apparently wrongly) that you had already posted in your opening post.

My OSes that I run are 64bit OSes. I see a post, today, for "i386".

So, I'll have to wait for your other versions. Other members, though, could/should/would test the 32bit implementation presented in the preceding post.

#100 Post by stemsee »

Hi Gcmartin

the only binary included is dhcpcd, i386, you can just swap that out with your x64 dhcpcd, the rest is all srcipt! Having said that it works fine on fatdog64 702

But anyway I may have uploaded the wrong file yesterday.
This one is the correct one for sure.
Last edited by stemsee on Tue 21 Nov 2017, 07:35, edited 1 time in total.
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