What are your favorite pets?

Talk about and post software packages known to work or packaged for Puppy.
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What are your favorite pets?

#1 Post by playdayz »

Lucid Puppy 5.1 will have a "virtual repo" that lists pets that have been tested and configured and confirmed to work in LP5. This is the repo people will see when they first open Puppy Package Manager. The pets will then be available for one-click download. I think this should give the pets a wider audience.

If you would provide a link to your favorite pets that you think deserve more exposure in this way, I will do the testing. Or if you would like you could test in LP 5.0.1 or in the current development release luci-203.

All kinds of pets are appropriate. Thank you.

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#2 Post by Eyes-Only »


I don't have the link off the top of my head, nor do I have 5.0 installed ( I had a computer crash & I haven't gotten back to re-installing 5.0, etc. - YET ;) ), but I can tell you what the very first programme is that I install on each and every single Puppy I use, and have used to date ever since Mark introduced me to it, and that's the XFE File Manager! ( Well, and also the entire Fox Suite of apps but those aren't necessary for everyone nor for the FM to work - yet you DO need FOXlibs of course! )

Now I'm not saying/suggesting that this aught to be installed on the upcoming 5.1 - no! But pre-configured and available in the Luci Repo or whatever would be awesome for those who would like a dual-pane FM. And it does install from Synaptic/PPM - and run - without any problems. At least it did for me at any rate. :)

XFE: I never use a Linux distro without it! ;)


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#3 Post by Sylvander »

Same here. :D

1. Links here to Fox & Xfe in post number 24 of my PC-Guide thread that includes lots of Puppy Linux goodies [PET's plus].

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#4 Post by bigpup »


Stardust desktop environment


I do not know how much of this can be used but I like it all. I have installed it in Lucid Puppy 5.1 and so far it all works.
The best part is:
- Extended menus
- Easier theme management
- Desktop widgets
- Improved integration with Rox
- Powerful tray management
- New graphics
- Control panel
- DIPS - desktop integrated programs
- Use desktop corners as execution-area
- Extended use of hot-keys

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#5 Post by DaveS »

Pshutdown.... 'Must Have' on laptops? Run from a desktop icon...

Acpid (suspend dont work on my lappy but one touch shutdown a 'Must Have'
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yudit text editor

#6 Post by don570 »

I don't understand why more people don't use 'Yudit text editor'
I wrote about it http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 65&t=57866

It's free and it's perfect for writing in many languages.
The interface is old fashioned but so what. It just works!
It can even be used for languages like Chinese, Arabic,Hebrew,Russian...
Geany will open the resulting text files,displaying accurately if word wrapping is off
in Geany. But Geany will take left justified text and make it display as
right justified text. Not so good.

It's easy to compile yourself but I made a special pet package available at
http://www.esnips.com/web/lupu because the arial font needs to be installed inside.

Playdayz,...Why don't you download it and put it on a proper server?

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#7 Post by heckler »

DaveS wrote:Pshutdown.... 'Must Have' on laptops? Run from a desktop icon...

Acpid (suspend dont work on my lappy but one touch shutdown a 'Must Have'
Hey Dave S,

I downloaded and installed both Pshutdown and Acpid and when they each installed they both reported that there was no menu item associated with the programs. So my question is how do I use/access these programs?

I am fairly new at Linux and still learning. I am using LUPU 5.1 on an older Dell Inspiron 8100 and I am trying to get the screen to shut off after a period of time (right now it just blanks out but the screen is still lit)

I would really like to get the laptop to automatically suspend or hibernate after say 1 hour of non-use. Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

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#8 Post by DaveS »

heckler wrote:
DaveS wrote:Pshutdown.... 'Must Have' on laptops? Run from a desktop icon...

Acpid (suspend dont work on my lappy but one touch shutdown a 'Must Have'
Hey Dave S,

I downloaded and installed both Pshutdown and Acpid and when they each installed they both reported that there was no menu item associated with the programs. So my question is how do I use/access these programs?

I am fairly new at Linux and still learning. I am using LUPU 5.1 on an older Dell Inspiron 8100 and I am trying to get the screen to shut off after a period of time (right now it just blanks out but the screen is still lit)

I would really like to get the laptop to automatically suspend or hibernate after say 1 hour of non-use. Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance
Hey Dwight........ first, ACPID does not have a menu entry. If it works on your laptop, just press the power off button and Puppy should begin a controlled shut down. It does not work on all hardware though.
With Pshutdown, there are many ways to use it, so the .pet does not contain a menu entry. It installs the working script to /root/my applications/bin. One of the nicest ways is just to drag and drop this script to your desktop, assign an icon /usr/share/midi-icons/shutdown48.png is a good choice, then just clicking this with your mouse will actvate it.
I cant answer your other questions, but I remember reading somewhere that hibernate and suspend have to be compiled into the kernel (which they are not right now), but I may be wrong on that.
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#9 Post by acrocosm »

fluxbox and dmenu with dmenu shortcuts predefined to alt+space or ctrl+space and loaded with -i (anyway I can define those myself but yeah I'd live to have both on the repo)

latest pcmanfm would also be nice but not essential, rox is fine too

then since puppy is so sleek, pulse and jack would also be welcome

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