Asus 1201n wifi issue RTL8192S driver needed

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Asus 1201n wifi issue RTL8192S driver needed

#1 Post by mwestlund »

I just got a Asus 1201n. Puppy (4.3.0) loaded and seam to find everything OK, except the wifi. It appears the wifi needs RTL8192S driver. RTL8192S is not on the module list, but close! Does anyone know where I can get RTL8192S or some other solution. As always, Puppy rocks as well as you guys. Thanks. -Mark

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#2 Post by jemimah »

I will build this driver for Puppeee if you want to help me test it. Also, if you want to help with Puppeee, please send me lsmod output from your 1201n on regular Puppy so I can make sure Puppeee has all the modules you need.

At the moment Puppeee only has video drivers for for i915, but it shouldn't be an issue to add nvidia support. Its the blasted Poulsbo chip in the 11 and 12 inch HA models that proves to be a real problem. :(

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#3 Post by mwestlund »

That would be awesome! Please let me know how I can help. I started Windows and when I start reading the EULA, I just powered it down.... It was not Puppy. Thanks. -Mark

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#4 Post by jemimah »

The driver compiled without an issue.

If you open the terminal in Puppy, type 'lsmod' and post the results, I'll have time to verify everything you need is in my kernel before I release Puppeee 3.6 Beta tonight.

You won't have GLX yet, but you should have Xorg, and wireless (hopefully).

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#5 Post by mwestlund »

Thanks for working on this project. How can I get the ISO? -Mark

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#6 Post by jemimah »

Install instructions are here:
and here

I expect to upload the new version in a few hours.


Also it might be helpful if you could send me your /etc/X11/Xorg.conf from regular Puppy. If you zip it, you can post it here on the forum.

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#7 Post by mwestlund »

Thanks for the links. I see you have many projects listed. What is the file I need to download or will there be a new named project for the 1201n? Cheers. -Mark

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#8 Post by jemimah »

You want to install Puppeee Beta 3.6 (six files to download, in the first section at the top).

I will update the other puplets as time permits.

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#9 Post by mwestlund »

Thanks, I'll look for the Beta 3.6 files later today. How would you like me to send you the lsmod data to you? -Mark

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#10 Post by jemimah »

Post it here, pm me, email me. Whatever you prefer.

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#11 Post by jemimah »

Puppeee 3.6 has been posted. Please let me know how it goes.

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#12 Post by mwestlund »

How can I buy you a beer. The wifi is working. It will be a bot of time before I can post the lsmod data. Thanks for adding Chrome. Do you know if the Navidia Ion chip is being fully supports? One last thing, the mouse pad supports multiple fingers for things like stretch and vertical scrolling. Do you know of any drivers for this. It works great in Windows. Cheers. -Mark

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#13 Post by jemimah »

Sweet! I don't need an lsmod if everything is working. :)

You can adjust the touch pad settings by running Flsynclient on the Settings menu. Pinch is not supported but most other stuff should be. I'm not sure what kind of touchpad you have, so you'll have to tell me what works.

I haven't added the nvidia 3d accelerated drivers yet. I need time to research this.

Please test:
Eee-control (hammer icon near menu button)
Webcam (try Ucview on Multimedia menu)
Xorg, Xvesa

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#14 Post by mwestlund »

Here is what I got so far... I really apprciate your efforts. Puppy on the 1201n Eee is turning out to be amazing. -Mark

Sound: OK
Hotkeys: OK for brightness, sound, wifi, other not yet tested
Eee-control: When clicked, it flashes, but not sure what it did
Webcam: OK
Xorg, Xvesa: OK (I think)

After being on for several hours, temp warning at 70C, runs mostly near 68C.

Looking forward to none beta of Chrome so add-on can be installed.

What is the yellow in the CPU monitor?

Two finger V-scrolling would be great. Synaptic? mouse pad from a reading.

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#15 Post by jemimah »

You can adjust the temp warning upwards. It's calibrated for a cooler processor.

Hmmm, eee-control crashes. I read the 1201N has a weird super hybrid engine. Might have to wait for a newer kernel version. I will try to make eee-control more fault tolerant.

I think the CPU monitor is yellow because I tried a yellow theme a long time ago and it never changed back. I'll have to figure out why.

Try to turn on Two finger scrolling in Flsynclient and let me know if it works. My 1005HA doesn't support it with the current kernel, but my 1000H does. It might improve when I update the kernel to 2.6.33.

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#16 Post by mwestlund »

Thanks for the reply. The two finger scroll does not appear to work. In addition, when I plug in a USB mouse, it is not recognized. Most things appear to be working. I did lose the Volume widget on the task bar. I'm not sure what the Z^ key does. When I pressed it, the screen went blank and appeared to be in suspension, but I was not able to wake it back up. The screen res of 1366 x 768 is not an option in xorg. There is a difference in Hulu flash video between Win7 and Puppy. I'm thinking due to the Navidia chip is working on Win7. Overall, awesome. I'm looking forward to make Puppy the default OS on my Eee. I have it running nicely on my Eee 701. Again, many thanks. -Mark

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#17 Post by mwestlund »

Thanks for the reply. The two finger scroll does not appear to work. In addition, when I plug in a USB mouse, it is not recognized. Most things appear to be working. I did lose the Volume widget on the task bar. I'm not sure what the Z^ key does. When I pressed it, the screen went blank and appeared to be in suspension, but I was not able to wake it back up. The screen res of 1366 x 768 is not an option in xorg. There is a difference in Hulu flash video between Win7 and Puppy. I'm thinking due to the Navidia chip is working on Win7. Overall, awesome. I'm looking forward to make Puppy the default OS on my Eee. I have it running nicely on my Eee 701. Again, many thanks. -Mark

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#18 Post by mwestlund »

Sorry about the 2x post. I just discovered that the 1201n Eee has a wlan-card is [ realteak rtl8191se ]. Not the RTL8192S. RTL8192S drops wifi lots... When using the installer, is there way to make the SD card ext2 instead of vfat? I have an app that will not install on vfat since it need to set permissions. Your contribution to the Puppy community is amazing. As always, thanks. -Mark

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#19 Post by jemimah »

The driver I gave you is rtl8191se. I'm not terribly surprised about the dropping. That's the drawback with buying brand new hardware. It's likely going to take the linux kernel people a few months to develop a stable driver.

I think Gparted can reformat your SD card. (I always do it from the command line).

Can you check for me if you get native resolution in xorg in standard puppy 4.3.1? Also check if you can get native resolution in Xvesa.

As far as suspend goes, when you try to wake it up, how far does it get? Do the hard drive and wifi leds come on? Does the fan start? Does the backlight come on? Do you see a flashing cursor?

I'm hoping I can fix this stuff without having to buy a 1201N myself. :)

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#20 Post by mwestlund »

When I press Z^, everything goes dark and the power switch blinks. When I press the power switch again, the power light is constant but nothing else appears to be happening. The correct display is listed, but doesn't quite look right on the screen. Round objects appear to be a bit oval. External USB mouse is not recognized. Overall, things are looking up with the exception of the wifi and Ion stuff. I was also playing with the HDMI. Works great in Win7 but no detection in Puppy. As always, your efforts are awesome and greatly appreciated -Mark

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